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Italian Unification Research Paper

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The movement to unify Italy begins in the summer of 1858 when Cavour and Napoleon grow tired of Austrians in their territory. Italy at the time was split into many regions but the Northern region was controlled by Austria. Napoleon and Cavour begin to plan a war against Austria in order to unite their country. While this is happening, Louis Bonaparte however, is trying to also unite Italy but very secretly because he doesn't have the initiative like his uncle. These beginning events all lead up to the wars and actions that are able to unify Italy as one whole country. In the earlier stages of the unification, Italy was split into both North and South regions. The North region was more industrialized, while being both liberal and wealthy. …show more content…
He knows that because he backed out the war became more violent than it would have been already. He becomes ashamed because he almost feels like he let down the citizens. Even though they are a closer to being a united country they also lost lots of men within that war and people will question if it was worth it. Besides Italy, Napoleon knows that the French will not gain much from this battle and it was a lot of their men who died too, he knows France will be the ones who mainly question if the war was ever worth it to help Italy. In 1860 Cavour officially comes back to office and Napoleon gives him permission to do anything he has to do in order to gain more territory within Italy. Rome is still under control of the pope, so instead Cavour begins to gain control over central Italy as …show more content…
Garibaldi is an Italian Nationalist who hates both France and Austria even though Italy is allies with France. Even if Garibaldi is satisfied with what both Napoleon and Cavour have done he wants the country to move forward even further. He is the one who wants to try and unite things and create even more land and freedom for Italy away from the other countries who are taking up their land. In May 1860, Garibaldi calls in over 1,000 men who are called redshirts from Sicily and he slowly convinces them to revolt against everything that has been happening. Garibaldi has the power to create an army with over 40,000 men and to take over Sicily in that process. He then takes his united people from Sicily and takes over Naples. Garibaldi beats Napoleon and overthrows him in the process. After overthrowing Naples as well, Garibaldi reports back to the nation on whats happening in 1860. Garibaldi says, “I entered Naples with the whole of the southern army as yet a long way off in the direction of the Straits of Messina, the King of Naples having, on the previous day, quitted his palace to retire to Capua,”. Garibaldi makes it clear to society that he has almost made the King of Naples quit his position. Garibaldi concludes by saying, “Another circumstance very favourable to the national cause was the tacit consent of the Bourbon navy, which, had it been entirely hostile, could have greatly retarded our

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