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Serial Rapists Research Paper

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The world is not becoming a safe place for women of all ages. There are men out in the world looking for sex, and cannot get it. Then, they go looking for women who seem vulnerable. Men would take a woman easily and force a women’s clothes off even if she would not want to. This type of experience would change an outlook on women’s sex life. Women would not even talk about the experience because they would be terrified of the reactions of others. Also some men would kill a woman after the act of rapping a woman. Men that do such a horrible act is serial rapists.
Serial rapists are men who do a series of rapes and it’s a fraction of them who gets away, and who get caught. Serial rapists would try to attack a woman when no one around. If the area is known for bad things happen it would be good to stay around a group of friends, and not be alone. It would be lucky for a woman to be still alive after the act. Serial rapists they would get caught, but a small portion of them would go and …show more content…
Some women would try to to report what happened; then there would be some women that would not say a thing about it. The women who would not mentioned what happened would be so terrified to say something. Just wish the rapists who did the act to just die or be locked up. Then, there is women that would fight to get the rapists locked up for good. Women does not deserve for that to happen to them. It would change the outlook on their sexual life. Rapists would plead they case not guilty and sometimes get away with what they done. It would scare a woman even more. It’s still a rapist out there looking for the next victim. There type of men just looking out for women to hurt, and affect the way women look at life. Women really could not fight their way out of it, because some women did not have anything to use in their defense. After some woman gets rapped she will expect to be raped

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