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Social Differences In Health And Social Care

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When the National Health Service was first created in 1948, the main fundamental aim was to make healthcare free and equally accessible to all. This was not only seen as social justice but also a way to remove or significantly reduce the contrast in mortality rate between different social class groups in Britain. However after a review by the Working Group on Inequalities, the Black Report was published in 1980, suggesting that the mortality differentials in social class groups are just as significant as during the beginning years of the NHS. Action needed to be taken in order to identify the causes and how to reduce the mortality differential Morgan et al (1985).

“Health inequalities are the differences in health status or in the distribution of health determinants between different population …show more content…
The contrast in mortality rates would increase over the next 11 months of life. It was observed that the survival rates of infants with a social class one father would be two and a half times as great in comparison to fathers classes as social class five.
A look into the causes of death for adults aged between 15-64 contributing to the mortality differential shows that infectious diseases and accidents continue to exhibit steep social class gradients including stroke, lung cancer an heart disease Michael calnan et al. 92 causes of death were analyzed among men aged between 15-64 during the period 1970-72 over the range of social classes one to five. It showed that the mortality ratio was higher for social class 4 and five in comparison to social classes one and two for 68 conditions nick manning et

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