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Dead Woman's Secret

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Afroza khatun.

Bad parents’ poisoned the parental relationship.
Parents are ideal for the children. Children follow their parent’s ideals and develop their own future. Children think that their parents are their best friend. They will always be good when they talk about them. But when children complain of bad information about their parent’s characters, they are very upset. Parents may want to hide bad part of their characters considering their children, but when children know it, they go out of parental control. Parents cannot interfere with their children. When children learn about their parent’s invalid relationship, their love, trust and respect are ruined. Children hate their parents and go away from them. They do not even stand beside them in times of death. …show more content…
The mother lived apart from her husband with her children. Though the children did not have a father, they loved their mother a lot. They spent every moment with their mother. When they were sitting beside their dead mother, they were reminded how their mother ruled them and loved them during their childhood. Their mom was a safe shelter, a cool shade of peace for them. (In paragraph 9 and 10). When the priest came to help them and stayed next to their dead mother, they said that they did not want to go away from their mother. They wanted to spend that night along with their mother just liked every day because they did not know about the misdeeds of their mother. They felt that the whole world was dark without their mother.(5th

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