...Jamieson K & Aday S 2003, Television News and the Cultivation of Fear of Crime, Journal of Communication Vol 53 no 1, pp 88-104. Topic The theme of this intriguing and thoroughly researched report examines the influence of media consumption on fear of crime, punitive attitudes and perceived police effectiveness. It widely observes the effect that wide reporting and viewing of violent crime has on public knowledge and questions whether the polling data is a reflection of violent crime in America or the television media accounts of it. Context Context refers to the set of surrounding circumstances for any text, piece of research, publication, event etc. Almost every piece of research will have multiple contexts (Study Guide Glossary COM15, 2013, p 94). This journal article portrays the growing insecurities and encroachment that mass media has on our everyday lives, especially its account of violent crime, and how such mediums can impact on the viewer’s account of such events. This journal article has been used and published in a variety of professional and scholarly journals dealing in a range of fields including media and communication, legal and justice studies and behavioural psychology. Structure The paper is in the format of a formal research paper. It is a format that is more objective and non-personal; it’s the methodical process that involves the collection and analysis of information. The paper endeavours to coax the reader into picking a side of an argument introduced...
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...Topics Is the nature of crime in our society accurately presented in the media? Is the majority of crime in our society violent in nature? Topic 1: Is the nature of crime in our society accurately presented in the media? Word Count: 774 Over the course of the 20th century and the transition into the 21st century, media has played a pinnacle point in society. It has developed from not only a means of information but also as a source of entertainment and consequently the line between information and entertainment can be distorted. This paper aims to conclude whether or not the nature of crime in society is accurately portrayed in media. As a result, this paper will include information that demonstrates the differences between crime in society and crime in media. Furthermore, the nature in which media crime framed will be examined. Finally, this paper will demonstrate how media crime distorts public perception in relation to how crime is in reality. It is through an examination of these points that a conclusion will be met, one that projects the crime in media as a false representation of crime in society. A criminal justice system plays a key role in the functioning of modern societies around world and despite this most people only have the portrayal of media sources to give context to the idea. According to Shrum, the only exposure to a criminal justice system that people perceive is through the media (Tapscott, 2011). Corroboratively, research conducted by the Australian...
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...CASE STUDY PAPER 1 Kid Killers: Delinquency Theories Arache Lotfalian UMUC CCJS 350 Professor Donovan 11/29/2012 CASE STUDY PAPER 2 In the middle class suburban town of Littleton, near Denver Colorado, a 17 year old murderous fantasy is beginning to take shape. Eric Harris and a friend known as “Vulcan” or “V” intend to commit an act so violent that it will secure their place in history. The following is an expert from Harris’s Journal, mastermind behind the Columbine Shooting: “Sometime in April next year, me and “V” will get revenge, kick natural selection up a few notches. If we’ve learned anything about the art of making pipe bombs, we’ll set hundreds of them around roads, bridges, buildings, and gas stations; anything that will cause damage and chaos. It will be like the L.A. riots, Oklahoma City bombings, WWII, Vietnam, Duke and Doom all mixed together. I want to leave a lasting impression on the world.” One year later on April the 20th 1999, Eric Harris and another Columbine student, Dylan Klebold, committed the worst High School massacre in American history. They killed twelve students and one teacher; injured twenty three others and then turned the guns on themselves (Avila, 2000). Immediately following the mass shootings, media, sociologists and criminologists set about the difficult task of discovering the motives of the killers and answering the question of whether or not problems within society allowed this to happen....
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...Psychological Analysis of Firearm Misuse and the Public Perspective of Firearm Violence Colin R. Moran Columbus State Community College, Ohio Abstract Every year, more and more people are subjected to the lifelong fear created by events of isolated firearm misuse. This paper will explore the psychological aspects of firearm misuse, question the means which the media uses to distribute information about the events, and apply published research from various reliable sources to conclude the problems created by the methods we approach this issue. This research will also discuss the many hardships that the experts face in predicting and preventing these events, while suggesting possible changes that might lead to improved accuracy and...
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... Abstract After reading this paper you will be able to explain the differences between Criminologists, Criminalists, and Forensic psychologists and the differences in their discipline of expertise. Additionally, this paper will briefly discuss blue collar crimes vs. white collar crimes, the way in which the FBI reports and measures these crimes in their Uniformed Crime Reporting (UCR) system. The author further elucidates blue collar crimes and how their culture is more populated by the media. This paper also includes the variations of Index I and Index II crimes and the manner in which they are reported either as violent or property crimes under the UCR system, as well as, the sentence that accompany such crimes. The author concludes this paper with a basic understanding of these three fields and the importance of their role within our criminal justice system that together create a unified force to battle crime. Introduction To get a better understanding of how our criminal justice system operates, society needs to know the involvement and the many specialists that are needed to keep our communities safe as well as, get the criminals off the streets to prevent them from committing future crime. One should look at it like baking a cake and each ingredient is an important part of the recipe. 1st ingredient is the investigation, 2nd ingredient is solving the crime, 3rd ingredient is corrections for these offenses. Finally 4th...
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...MEDIA AND CRIME Introduction -With the growing urbanization (παγκοσμιοποίηση) it is necessary to rely on media to find out what has been happening in the world. As in the majority few people are vi ctims of serious crime, images of offending are formed in the majority of the people from the mass media! (MME) : newspapers, books, magazines, TV, radio, etc… Does Media have Legal Constraints? (Περιορισμοί)? Τhere is a difference between: • Broadcasting (μετάδωση): Section 6 of Broadcasting Acts requires impartiality (αντικειμενικότητα) in the reporting of news and political matters • But in the Press (εφημερίδα) there is no such a legal obligation! Written media can published more/less what it wants subject to the Law of Libel (δυσφήμιση) and some specific prohibitions. (example: Official Secret Act which prohibits press from publishing sensitive informations. Sources of the media’s information on crime • Police (The police still provide the bulk of the material in crime reporters. Because of their big influence manipulation (χειρισμός) of the media has now become a big part in policing!) • Home Office (Press Office) • The Legal Profession • The Prison Officer’s Association • Academics Selection of Crime News The journalist and editor play the central role as to how a story is formulated and presented in a newspaper! They select their stories in a subjective basis in accordance with the newspaper agenda! In his book “Law and Order News” Steve Ghibnall listed...
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...Trait Theory and Aggression Abstract This paper reviews how trait theories account for anger and aggression and it provides an opinion on whether or not the anger management programs provided at San Quentin prison can be effective in changing offender's behaviors. Keywords: Trait Theory. Trait theory states that our personality traits, and our genetics can predispose us to crime. The theory states that some individuals are born criminal and can be identified by primitive physical traits. There are several theories that were developed early on. In this paper we will briefly discuss early studies in the field of criminal anthropology led by Cesare Lambroso. The content of this paper will then focus on psychological trait theories, and biosocial trait theories of crime. Lastly, this paper will provide my opinion on the video that was presented to us in this week's assignment, "Inside San Quentin – Anger Management Behind Bars", and the effectiveness of anger management programs provided to inmates in an attempt to control their anger and aggression. There are several studies that were conducted by many renowned scientists in the field of personality traits and how they account for anger, aggression, and criminality. The earliest research into criminality and psychological, as well as physical traits was conducted by Cesare Lambroso. Born in 18th century, Lambroso was an Italian university professor and a criminologist. His early...
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...It is commonly accepted that our perception of any social phenomenon is directed to a large extent by the media, including newspapers, television programs and the internet (Williams, 2012). Chadee (2001) conducted research, attempting to reveal the effect that media has on people, and discovered that the primary source of information on crime had been both television and newspaper reports (Jones, 2009). This encourages the notion that media influences what people perceive to be criminal trends (Jones, 2009). It is observed that media coverage can arouse fear and insecurity by sensationalizing and exaggerating crime, in an attempt to achieve popularity and secure material gains (Marsh and Melville, 2011). In this respect, “the media does distort...
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...Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99 – 128 Does viewing violent media really cause criminal violence? A methodological review Joanne Savage* Department of Justice, Law and Society, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20016-8043, USA Received 9 September 2002; received in revised form 26 October 2003; accepted 30 October 2003 Abstract The topic of media violence has been the subject of heated debate in recent decades. There is a vast empirical literature on the effects of television on aggression but no published comprehensive review has ever focused on those studies that use criminal aggression as their outcome. The present paper represents an attempt to fill this void and provide a resource for those who do not wish to delve into four decades of original research in order to assess this line of investigation. Studies are evaluated based on contemporary standards of research in the field of criminology. Although the possibility that television and film violence has an impact on violent criminality remains, it is concluded here that, despite persistent published reviews that state the contrary, the body of published, empirical evidence on this topic does not establish that viewing violent portrayals causes crime. D 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Television violence; Media violence; Violent crime 1. Introduction A vast empirical literature on the impact of television exposure on aggression has accrued over the...
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...Media Representation of crime William and Dickinson (1971) found British newspapers devote 30% of their space to crime Media gives a distorted image of crime, criminals and policing compared to official statistics. The media: Over representation of violent and sexual crime Ditton and Duffy (1983) found 46% of media reports were about sexual or violent crime, compared to the actual 3% of crime records for this kind of crime. Marsh found violent crimes were 36 times more likely to be recorded in newspapers than property crime- America Media portray criminals and victims as older and more middle class Felson (1998) calls this the ‘age fallacy’ Media exaggerate police success Partly due to media covering violent crime a lot, which has a higher clean up rate than property crime Media exaggerate risk of vctimisation Especially to women, white people and higher status people Crime is reported as a series of separate events Without examining underlying causes or structure The media overplay extraordinary crime Felson- ‘dramatic fallacy’ and ‘ingenuity fallacy’; media portray crime as hard to commit and you need intelligence to commit crime There is evidence to show that media coverage of crime in the media is changing. Schlesinger and Tumber (1994) found that in the 1960s the focus had been on murders and petty crime, but by 1990 murder and petty crime were of less crime to the media. Change had occurred due to the abolition of the death penalty, and rising crime rates...
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...For such celebrities, the intrusions into their privacy are considered as fun, and it increases their publicity. Alan Duke stated that the hacker only wasted his energy by putting Rihanna on the list. She is known for uploading such pictures herself through her social media accounts. This is an aggressive attack, but then it is known to be true. Some female entertainers abuse their sexuality so as to escalate their fame. Some are even pictured half-naked on magazine covers. However, Jennifer dismisses the claims celebrities abandon their privacy in exchange for fame. She also adds that the affected individuals did not owe anyone an apology for it was not in any way their doing. The fact is, no one is allowed to publish the photos of another without their legal consent. Otherwise, it qualifies to be termed as a violation of one's privacy, according to the United States' Constitution (Zhang et.al...
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...The media has always had a love affair with gang’s violence. Going back to the 1980s, many large city media outlet would have some headline news story of gang violence that happened in the city recently. A LA Times reported one said of his newspapers coverage that we “generally painted a scary scene” of gang violence (Metcalf, 2012 pg. 336). In fact, many report used the term “gang-related” with out any official police reports that it was a gang that committed that crime. This is because “it generated interest” in the story and due to journalistic liabilities, because “any group of people who are involved with crime can technically be termed a ‘gang’ even if they have no street affiliation” (Jankowski, 1992 pg. 286). Today, many media will admit, that in the 1980s there was a lot of hype about gangs and other social issues like the crack epidemic. Hollywood and the entrainment industry has also found a great success hyping up street gran activity in producing movies and television shows. Going back to 1961 with West Site Story, to Boyz ‘N the Hood (1991), and recently Dexeptz (2012). Each of these movies grossed millions of dollars. In the past few years you seen a number of street gangs shows on television, like the History Channels, Gangland (2007-2010) and currently The Devils Ride and Amish Mafia on the Discovery Channel. Some of these shows are questionable in the reality and truthfulness, however that just supports the idea on the media still enjoys the hype of gangs...
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...Abstract: This dissertation examines the intersection of Donald Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric with racialized nationalism and the role of media in shaping public attitudes toward immigration in the United States. This research seeks to answer the following question: How does the immigration discourse articulated by Trump through racial and nationalist lenses become magnified in media representations, and what does this have to do with political polarization and public opinion? Based on the comprehensive review of prior literature, this research explores how Trump's rhetoric on immigration has perpetuated a racialized, exclusionary political discourse that shapes both public attitudes and partisan alignments. By means of selective exposure...
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...The Influence of Pornography on Human Behavior According to Yafee et al. in 1982, pornography is the delineation of the life of a prostitute through graphic representation of sexual conduct whose deliberate intentions is to arouse sexual desires and to facilitate its expression. Whereas, the subsections 159 (1) and 152 (2) of the constitution of Canada refers pornography as an ‘obscene’ matter, i.e. crime, horror, cruelty, violence, and exploitation (Fraser, 1985). Yafee’s definition states pornography as a depiction of sexual pleasures, but on the other hand, the Canadian constitutional definition of pornography reflects the idea of violence and sexual exploitation. The paper centralized on the theme that modern pornographic depiction is a...
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...Social Psychology and Multicultural Psychology Paper This paper will describe how social psychology can be defined and expanded; by the influence it has social on others. Describing the primary research strategies used in social psychology that can involve variables and hypotheses, along with separating social and multicultural psychology in to two distinct fields. Social psychology can be defined as the scientific attempt to explain how the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of other human beings (Fiske, 2010). These social influence can have an affects not only o our insignificant behavior but can also affects vital behavior, such as yielding to majority opinion over one’s own judgment, Fiske, Harris, & Cuddy, 2004)Our book gives us many example from the folding of paper to being in a cult. Any decisions a person makes can be based on the environment the y are in. The people you are around can have a great effect on who we because as a person and what your goals in life are. Most times when I watch the news I wonder why people choose to do crime and feel not remorse for what they do. Social psychology primarily analyzes what happens to people as individuals. When social scientists investigate the behavior of groups of people, they move toward the sociological end of social psychology; indeed, some social psychologists work in sociology departments. The primary research strategies used in these social...
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