...Christopher McCormick’s (2010), Constructing Danger: Emotions and the Mis/ Representations of Crime in the News, is a collection of news media excerpts that McCormick analyses in relation to archived police reports and statistics, victimization and self-report surveys, along with condensed versions of ‘professional’ lectures given at a conference about how the media reports crime. Before I elaborate on how McCormick structured his analyses throughout his book and its relevance to his critiques, I will begin by discussing his main arguments. From this, I am able expand on the pedagogical relevance of his work to my own feminist critiques regarding some problems I found in the organization of his book and his methodologies. I argue, that we also need to question where McCormick got his ‘facts’ to make comparisons and the implications that individual subjectivities have in the ‘knowledge(s)’ about crime and articulations of identity. McCormick argues that Constructing Danger is a pedagogical piece that encourages readers to think critically about the ways in which crime is represented in the news media. McCormick focuses on the use of emotion in the ideological and discursive production of crime in the news and the implications it has on how individuals, see, hear and read the news. McCormick suggests, that the news media is not free from ‘bias’, for the news represents crime in a way that simultaneously exorcises and triggers emotion, which in turn, effects the ways in which individuals...
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...Detecting Media Bias Do you believe everything you read? While we may like to believe all articles are fairminded and presented in a manner where all viewpoints are relevant, unbiased and unprejudiced, this may not always be the case (Paul & Elder, 2012). Inaccurate articles may also be the result of the elements of irrationality which may find their foundation in human egocentrism and sociocentrism. In cases of human egocentrism, people view everything in relation to themselves. In regards to human sociocentrism (or group egocentricity) situations are viewed with the perspective of one’s group (Paul & Elder, 2012). Both of these elements are huge roadblocks to reasonable thinking. Examples of the impact of these factors can be found...
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...the skills to not only address the social and criminal justice issues, but also the skills to lead groups and organizations in the 21st Century. Conflating the deliverables throughout this program, the course work selected reflects critical issues in modern law enforcement, community assessment through data analysis, and the application of technology in law enforcement. As law enforcement leaders look to reestablish trusts and improve the police-community relationship, an in-depth understanding of crime data and...
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...cases which received the largest followership in the history of America court cases, there were so many flaws, weaknesses and failures which were witnessed in the course of the case and even in the delivery of the judgment (Allen, 1996). Though OJ Simpson was found innocent of the crime that involved the death of his ex-wife, there is a lot of evidence which shows that the judgment of the case could have been otherwise. To begin with, the first flaw to this case was that the media was too much involved. Since OJ Simpson was a celebrity, this case attracted many media platforms and this made the case be talked everyone. The problem with the media is that most of the media platforms failed to capture and disperse information concerning the real issue in the case; rather they talked about other issues which were not of significant in the case. Most media platforms focused on the racial orientation of OJ Simpson. Since he was a black American, the media focused mainly on his race rather than the crime that had been committed in this case and for this reason, the judges seems to have changed their might on the outcome of the case. The judge’s decision seems to have been influenced by the way the media talked about racial orientation of the OJ Simpson. If the outcome of the case was otherwise, this could have sparked a lot of tension in US and there it may have pone of the reasons why the case outcome was in favor of Simpson. Another flaw that took place in the process of this...
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... Jordan. 2014. “The ‘Fear of Crime-Media Feedback’ Cycle” Internet Journal of Criminology © 2014 ISSN 2045 6743 (Online) Thesis Reporting on violent crimes in the media is often described as fear mongering. Every day you turn on the local and national news and are bombarded with images of the violent crimes that are taking place in our cities, states and country, this increases the public’s fear of being victimized and creates a sense of impending violence. This article attempts to prove that the reporting on violent crime in the media in regards to levels of violence in our communities is actually beneficial in protecting the public by creating a: ‘Fear of Crime-Media Feedback Model’, whereby the media influences levels of fear in its audience and affects their routine activity, thereby affecting their exposure to potentially victimizing situations by encouraging avoidance behavior; influencing people to remain in their home as opposed to venturing onto the streets. The researcher believes that with further research, the model could be used to reduce the victimization risk to the public by using media reporting to influence the public’s behavior. Methods While the researcher did not conduct his own data gathering research, he did utilize research work that had been done in on this subject to support his thesis. The subject matter of these works include; the introduction of the ‘fear of Crime-Media Feedback model, violent crime and avoidance behavior, the Routine...
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...Topic: People’s Percption Of Crime Programs On Pakistani TV Channels Introduction Background In the wake of recently interest in crime programs, this study seeks to explore the effects of these crime programs on people and to explore “people’s ‘’ perception of crime programs on Pakistani tv channels. The study demonstrates the effects of these crime programs on general public of the society. The study seeks to know either these crime programs promote awareness in the people about these crimes in the society or people’s perception changed psychologically after watching these crime programs. The study was carried out to find out the actual findings regarding the research questions. The media today controls our society completely. Information from across the world can be obtained instantly through radio, TV, newspapers, the internet, and many other forms of communication. An easy access to such powerful means of communication may have positive as well as negative effects on the general public. There is strong association between perceptions of media messages and its observed behavior. Television is responsible for the increase in childhood violence, alter personality development, stereotyping, language improvement and also somewhat generate many problems. Once upon a time TV was considered to be great educator especially for those who were economically underprivileged, but today television is teaching us that violence is accepted, anything shown attractive( apart from...
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...an essential component in the resolution of crimes and law enforcement. Collecting and deciphering evidence properly and preserving crime scenes are two of the most important elements in crime-solving. Consequently, technological advances are relevant to the limited and challenging forensic science field. Also, it is a field wherein technical aptitude is attained only by the amalgamation of various dynamics. For example, supervision, continuing education, proficiency, training, experience, coupled with appreciativeness of scientific protocols and methods proposed against a setting of harsh professional beliefs. This submission delves into forensic science’s contributions to policing and criminal investigations, court processes, and security efforts. Also it explores the media’s representation of forensic science, influence on popular opinion for justice-related issues, and “CSI” effect on the judicial process. Forensic Science Contributions to Policing and Criminal Investigations The geneses of criminalistics or forensic science are mainly European. Forensic science is an amalgamation of various disciplines, such as chemistry, mathematics, geology, physics, and biology to examine physical evidence associated with crime. Previously, the employment of forensic science methods was focused mainly on severe crimes like homicide and rape. However, forensic methods are being positioned throughout a broader spectrum of crime groupings. Additionally, it is routinely being...
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...nationalism, and the role of media in shaping public attitudes toward immigration in the United States. The research addresses the question: How has Trump?s immigration discourse, framed through racial and nationalist lenses, been amplified by media representations, and what are the implications for political polarization and public opinion? Drawing on a comprehensive review of existing literature, the study investigates how Trump?s rhetoric on immigration has contributed to a racialized, exclusionary political discourse that impacts both public attitudes and partisan alignments. Through analyzing media framing, including selective exposure...
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...topic has raised controversial issues and addressing it is needed. In fact, the way the media views, interprets, perceives and apply it in the daily living is a subject to a thorough analysis. Sometimes the topic is under discussion with exaggerated biases. Teen violence is the harmful behavior comprising of physical, emotional, social or spiritual violence affecting the young people. Teen violence issues range from domestic violence to abuse in relationship issues, gang violence, cyber bullying, and forced crimes. A teenager is a victim below 18years. Causative factors of teen violence range from psychiatric problems to developmental disorders and other crime related issues. The youths with personality disorders such as decreased self-esteem are at a high state of joining a gang, a place where he will fell more appreciation. The media in their state of reporting these issues shows different expressions and variation of their side of their story. Some put the blame on the parents and the upbringing trends, others on the children exposure to technological advances, others still on the state for their failure to adopt policies to protect the teenagers. Assessment of different technological issues in the media proves that there is frequent reporting of new information that has never been known previously. The information is useful in creating awareness to the publics of the occurrences. Analysis of several website information on teen violence Racine and Henry in their article do...
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...Outline and assess Marxist perspectives on crime and deviance [50 marks] The term defiance covers a wide range of behaviour which deviates from the normal expectations of society and is viewed as ‘wrong’ and ‘bad’ but does not necessarily break the law however, some deviant acts may also be criminal. Crime is any activity that breaks the law of the land and is consequently subject to official punishment. Marx himself wrote very little about crime, but a Marxist theory of crime was first developed by Bonger as early as 1916 and then developed by writers such as Chambliss (1975). The overall background to the Marxist approach to crime was based on the Marxist analysis of society, which argues that society is best understood by examining the process by which the majority of the population are exploited by the owners and controllers of commerce and industry. The traditional Marxist approach to crime and deviance argues that the fundamental fact of exploitation provides the key to unlock the explanations for the workings of society. The beginning of the Marxist analysis is that all laws are essentially for the benefit of the bourgeoisie, and that criminal law reflects their interests. For example, property ownership laws largely concern those with significant amounts of property i.e. the ruling class. For those who are poor, there is little to steal. Personal violence is a dangerous act and the ruling class wants to control the right to use violence within society through their...
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...law enforcement agencies and the implementation of Information Technology to optimize their ability to predict and reduce crime through predictive policing. Predictive policing is the usage of statistical information and analytical techniques used to identify potential offenders and crime hot spots and aid in crime prevention. Predictive policing allows law enforcement agencies to become less reactive and more proactive by predicting and preventing crime before it happens. Predictive policing is attracting increasing attention from law enforcement agencies around the country as departments struggle to fight crime at a time when budgets are being slashed (Goode, 2011). An innovation technology in predictive policing is a computer statistic or comparative statistic model known as COMPSTAT. COMPSTAT is a multifaceted dynamic approach to crime prevention, quality of life improvement, and personnel and resource management. COMPSTAT is an information system that identifies established and emerging crime trends for the efficient use of resources to target those trends. The COMPSTAT system represents one method of utilizing and making effective use of existing computerized data. The process revolves around periodic meetings in which senior police officials and area commanders discuss crime trends and what police strategies and tactics are being used to address crime and other quality of life problems...
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...* Example: Paris Hilton * Targets a general wide audience (“mass culture”) * Commercial media that is for general consumption * Directed to the common people * Belongs to the people * Invokes a individuals tradition and roots 3.) Cool hunters are people who go around looking for the next person that is considered cool and what will be the start of a next new trend. They research the underground trends of fashion-forward youth in order to appropriate them for mass consumption. The triumphant circularity of cool hunting refers to: * No coherent philosophy of cool * Can’t manufacture cool, only observe it * Must be cool to know cool * Look for people first and cool things later 4.) 5.) The functionalist approach argues that the explanation for popular culture is our obsession with “mass entertainment” in terms of their social uses or their function in generating solidarity among individuals within large and anonymous communities. It also emphasizes how the symbols, rituals, and practices surrounding its production and consumption can bring people together as a social adhesive by generating a shared sense of social solidarity and reinforces the collective conscience. The critical approach says that the explanation for popular culture is its’ ability to reflect and reinforce the enormous economic and cultural power of the mass media industry. It emphasizes the darker aspects of popular culture – its ubiquity and...
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...information from street informants? According to Mary Bernstein, Forensic science has surfaced as a critical tool in assigning guilt or establishing innocence in the criminal justice system. In...
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...Criminology in the Future CJA/314 May 27, 2015 Criminology in the Future Over the last century crime and crime prevention has evolved significantly. Crime is not only in the United States, but worldwide, which means law enforcement agencies and Politicians across the globe will have to work alongside each other to find new and inventive ways to solve and prevent crime, such as cybercrime. Cybercrime is constantly progressing in its severity and danger starting from viruses to identity theft, to corporate crime. As more people find creative new ways to commit crimes, new technology to counter these crimes is gradually being developed. Like a cat and mouse game, criminals are always looking for new ways to commit a crime, and the justice system is continuously looking for ways to stay on top of advanced technologies to protect society. Two new and creative technologies are the Robotic Cameras and the Global Positioning System (GPS) Vehicle Pursuit Dart. The mail role of the Robotic Cameras is to help save the lives of police officers. A Robotic camera is a disposable camera with an electric motor. The camera-equipped robot has special wheels for easy climbing and is used for exploration through wireless control. Officers are often in situations where they cannot directly see what’s in front of them, for instance, a hostage situation or a burned building where it is often dangerous for officers to go inside a building. This situation is ideal for sending...
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...and networks, you should understand computer forensics. Forensics is the process of using scientific knowledge for collecting, analyzing, and presenting evidence to the courts. (The word forensics means “to bring to the court.”) Forensics deals primarily with the recovery and analysis of latent evidence. Latent evidence can take many forms, from fingerprints left on a window to DNA evidence recovered from blood stains to the files on a hard drive. Because computer forensics is a new discipline, there is little standardization and consistency across the courts and industry. As a result, it is not yet recognized as a formal “scientific” discipline. Image by Flickr.com, courtesy of Steve Jurvetson Computer forensics is the study of extracting, analyzing and documenting evidence from a computer system or network. It is often used by law enforcement officials to seek out evidence for a criminal trial. Government officials and business professionals may also have need of a specialist familiar with computer forensic techniques. The discipline of computers forensics is relatively new, having been founded in the 1980s. Computer Forensics can be use for the purpose of performing a root cause analysis of a computer system that had failed or is not operating...
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