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Forensics In The Criminal Justice System

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The Importance of Criminalistics and Forensics in Criminal Justice System
Olympia Hernandez
March 20, 2015
Instructor Jorge Valenzuela

Criminalistics and forensic science has grown both in scope and importance to the criminal justice system. There is no question that it has become instrumental in complementing and supporting traditional investigations. However, has it become more important than the traditional methods of investigating such as questioning eyewitnesses, interrogating suspects, and determining information from street informants? According to Mary Bernstein, Forensic science has surfaced as a critical tool in assigning guilt or establishing innocence in the criminal justice system. In …show more content…
The jurors expect the courts to have the most advanced technology possible, just as shown on television. It is completely dependent on clearly error-proof forensic, scientific, technological evidence. In the background, jurors’ expectations for CSI-like evidence may effectively raise the standard from “beyond a preponderance of the evidence” to a standard more akin to that in the criminal context. In much the same way that today’s consumer expects a cell phone to operate on voice command; today’s jurors expect the introduction of evidence packed with modern science and technology in trials. These high expectations result in part from the amalgamation of public awareness, use, and availability of modern science and technology derived from a variety of sources, including, but not limited to, mass media. The CSI effect does not only exist in criminal cases it also exists in civil litigations. Although the CSI effect may not be from a television show, it is enhanced by mass media and television programs. A trial attorney should go in the courtroom with skills to go against unrealistic expectations. (Dysart, 2012)
No other forensic science technique has received as much attention as DNA analysis. To date, DNA has exonerated more than two-hundred people in the United States. These exonerations are a reminder that our system is flawed, and they have shed light on serious problems with the criminal justice system, including forensic science. While many assume that forensic science is a near-perfect tool for discovering the truth in criminal cases, a recent study found that false or misleading forensic expert testimony is a leading contributing factor in wrongful convictions.(Justice

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