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China After The Reform Summary

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In the article China After the Reform Era, Carl Minzner explains how China has progressed politically through the years. From adopting a one-man lead (dictatorship) to presently adopting the communist style of politics. China has come a long way when it comes to changing its policies and the way its runs its country. Carl Minzner, main thesis states that “CCP leaders have eroded the late-twentieth-century bedrock on which China’s success has been built. Rather than serving as the poster child for successful authoritarian governance, China is actually an example of the perils of failing to undertake political reform.” (130) This article accurately explains the cultural and political background behind China as well as the actions that have led …show more content…
China was under chaos under Mao’s rule, many institutions such as bureaucratic, legal, universities and religious institutions have either collapsed or have shut down. These misfortunes have changed under the power of Deng Xiaoping. After the death of Mao Zedong in 1976, Deng Xiaoping rose to power in 1978. He managed china as a “low-key management style.” (Minzner 130) With this political strategy, the party became stable. Many institutions were opened once again and a merit-based system was introduced to give officials the ability to gain new political officials. China was thriving due to the new laws created to sustain itself. When it comes to the economy china was thriving since they abolished collectivized agriculture and market incentives were introduced. This led a great deal of people out of poverty. Rural businesses started to soar and there was a lack in mass movements. Citizens were now given more freedoms then were given before. “The Party no longer had any deep interest in controlling the citizens’ internal beliefs, just their public actions.” (Minzner 131) Media control and religious beliefs started to relax. Although China has made many changes politically and economically and

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