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Free Will: A Short Story

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Every great man and women find love and satisfaction in the person they love the most. We look for happiness in places that not many look at now. But how can one sit and watch a world full of hatred and happiness at the same become so evil. She was the goddess of the moon, uplifting and wild women who cherished the thought of allowing people to peacefully fall asleep in the comfort of their homes. Yes, every human being loves the morning sun and being able to travel the world by day and see sights like no other. But the moon, the moon had a special way of allowing your body to become one with itself and one with peace for 9 hours at night. Seems great for you and as if you wouldn’t have to give a second thought about the night. But see it from the …show more content…
“You don’t get second chances when you have killed many around you.”

Zeus demands Endymion to come out and speak on behalf of himself.

“Do you see what you have cost?” Zeus asked.

“I do, I apologize sir.”

With no hesitation, “I will give you two options, sacrifice your love for Selene and choose eternal slumber in the mountains or death. I refuse to have my servants mistreat me, when I’am the ones who gave them life and the gift of my choice.”

“Sir I can’t possibly choose one of those.” Endymion exclaimed.

“CHOOSE” Zeus slammed his hand on the cloud around him causing a loud break of thunder and lighting.

Endymion turned back to Selene crying in desperation of not knowing what to do anymore. She shakes her head allowing him to know it’s alright to choose for himself, he faces back towards Zeus.

“Death, I’d die for the one I love once more.”

“No!!......The children.” she whispered.

“You’re pregnant, for as I see that I will allow you to slumber upon the mountains for eternity. As maybe later along the line I will allow you to come back to Selene.” Zeus has a change of heart knowing his love for

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The Sniper

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