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Case Study Of Alice Matthews

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R/s Alice Matthews is 88 years old and she lives alone, it is believed she has dementia. R/s Ms. Matthew has not been diagnosed with dementia but her behavior is questionable. R/s Mrs. Matthews leaves pots on the stove unattended. R/s Mrs. Matthews has fallen a couple of times. R/s Mrs. Mathew has two children: her daughter, Betty lives in Ohio and her son, Ricky lives in Darlington. R/s Mrs. Matthews’s children are dragging their foot about getting their mother in an assisted living facility. R/s Mrs. Matthews tries to warm-up food on the stove without adding water to the pots. R/s Ms. Mathews hasn’t taken a bath in about 8 months. R/s she receives food from meals on wheels but she doesn’t eat it. R/s Mrs. Matthews eats the meats and throw

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