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Non Endorsements Research Paper

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Endorsements vs Non-endorsements

Project Number: ___________ Abstract

The purpose for this project is to find out how people think towards endorsements and find out if they are affected by it or not. When people choose a product how important are endorsements? When a product is endorsed by someone famous enough, it will be chosen over the non-endorsed product. First I will survey a person describing both products, then say which one is endorsed, later ask which one they prefer.

When selling …show more content…
It is to see how people think and if endorsements really affect them.
When people choose a product how important are endorsements?


Tv is one of the most influential things in people's lives. It usually influences people's opinions, thoughts, and pretty much everything. Given the time that so many people watch tv and get influenced by it, it turns into a perfect way to use propaganda. Your eyes tend to grow bigger while watching tv relating it to brain. Some recommend not letting kids under two years of age to watch tv due to all its negative impact while growing. Some people relate propaganda to totalitarian cases. The Nazis, the Soviet and Chinese can definitely be examples of people who used propaganda in a brilliant way. …show more content…
It is able to induce a change in beliefs, attitude, and behavior. When the change is in a believe it is called education or propaganda depending in how you take it. When the change is in attitude it's called persuasion. Lastly, when the change is in behavior it is called compliance. When influencing there tends to be a "target" which is the person you are trying to influence. Compliance usually tends to be a quick solution to a problem. One example can be teenagers "hanging" outside a convenient store and loitering. A way to get them away will be playing loud classical music but their behavior wouldn't change. Persuasion tends to last longer attempting to win the "heart and mind" of the target. Persuasion is usually harder to induce on people. "Education is the propagation of a set in believes." It is called education if you believe in it already but if not it is called propaganda. They are important to both attitude and behavior. The learning of knowledge we call education if we believe in what is thought and we call it propaganda if we don't necessarily believe in it. The first document of use propaganda was in 1622 used by the Pope Gregory XV. He tried to increase church membership by making beliefs

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