...Singapore Nursing Board Standards for Nursing Practice defines that Nurses/midwives have the professional responsibility and accountability to uphold Standard of care and to contribute to their dissemination, interpretation and development despite medical advances, social and demographic changes and an increasingly complex healthcare delivery system that challenge the ability of nurses to provide safe quality of care. Should nurses fail to uphold certain standards and by doing so cause harm or injury to the client, they would be held liable in the tort of negligence. Description of a practical situation which raised ethical issues: Mr Lim 70 years old has been hospitalised for medical treatment with the diagnosis of chronic heart failure. He was ordered intravenous therapy by Dr Peter the medical resident. Nurse Su questions the order because it is for an infusion of Dextrose 50%. Dr Peter tells her that he checked it with Dr Lee, the medical officer. Nurse Su checks it with Nurse May before administration. Later, Mr Lim has a cardiac arrest and suffers extensive brain damage as a result of the infusion. The hospital inquiry is held and it determined that the correct infusion would be Dextrose 5%. Mr Lim’s family members are very upset and seek legal advice. All names mentioned in the above scenario are pseudonym. Identification of the ethical issues within the situation: Negligence Negligence is the breech of an obligation or duty to act with care, or failure...
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...potential or current work environment My professional role is the director of a faith base substance abuse residential recovery organization in Kansas City, Missouri for homeless women, committed to overcoming their addiction and becoming responsible, productive drug and alcohol free members of the community. Author’s Tsai, Rosenheck, Kasprow & Mcquire (2012) study differentiated between programs that were once religious but are now secular from programs that have always been secular and programs that currently have a religious orientation. As a director for a non-profit organization and private business owner, this organization is to be considered a “service provider” facility, working directly to house, heal, feed, clothe, and educate females experiencing homelessness. Supervise a staff of 10, including an assistant director. B. Describe the population The organization would provide services to 30 single females in a Bible-based residential recovery program. Funded by Federal, State, City and private funders. The funding will be used for staff salary, food, utilities, up keep of the building, etc. Females would range from 25-45 years of age. C. Identify the appropriate code of professional ethics Ethical Standards of Human Service Professionals (2015), Retrieved from http://www.nationalhumanservices.org/ethical-standards-for-hs-professionals 1. Inform consent – Standard 2 Human service professionals obtain informed consent to provide services...
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...definition, problematic and complex. A lot of situations in which social workers interfere become ethically complicated. These complications increase when we consider the general societal context and that of agency, and social workers’ professional and personal values. Though social workers’ professional values may be partly compatible with societal values, nonetheless there are some differences in emphasis, priorities and or understanding (Osmo and Landau, 2006). As a social worker making decisions about what to do in cases that feature ethical problems as well as dilemmas integrates our ethical judgements or evaluation of what is right...
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...Running head: PROFESSIONAL ETHICS Professional Ethics Paper Patrick Kelley University of Phoenix Health Law and Ethics NUR 478 Susan Lawson, RN, MS, CLNC July 18, 2010 Professional Ethics Paper The purpose of this paper is to describe the relationships between legal and ethical issues, identify personal values and professional ethics, examine ethical theories and principles, and apply these to current practice examples. Nurses face an ever-growing complexity within their practice as professionals. Understanding the relationship between legal and ethical issues and how to apply that understanding to every day practice is paramount for today’s professional nurse. This paper will further explore these ethical theories and principles while discussing how personal values affect an individual’s nursing practice. The Relationship Between Legal and Ethical Issues Nurses, as with any job, face challenges in order to accomplish the tasks of their role. This is one of the reasons that it is important to have a description that serves as guidance as to how the role is to be accomplished. Without such guidelines, it is likely that there will be a breach of established rules along the way to performing duties and accomplishing the job duties. In situations where one person exercises authority over another, there are important guidelines that define relationship between the two parties. Legal and ethical principles...
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...Ethical Financial Management Dana Doody HCS 405 2 Sep 2014 Working as a financial manager comes with a lot of responsibility; and a lot of standards of practice. Just like physicians and nurses, financial managers of health care organization have a set of rules and ethical guidelines they must follow in their practices. In this paper, I will what the four elements of financial management are. There will also be a summary of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and financial ethical standards. Business’s mist follow these standards in order to comply with federal agencies such as the Financial Accounting Standard Board. I will also provide examples from articles that explain how corporations comply with these standards and deal with fraud or abuse. The four elements of financial management. The key to good financial management is to be well organized and have good finical discipline. Health care is a business and having a good concept of financial management will help those businesses run smoothly. “The healthcare industry is a service industry, its essential business is the delivery of healthcare services.”(Refaat, 2014) Having a good understanding of the elements of financial management can help to explain the financial management of that service industry. The first element is planning, planning helps identify the steps that must be taken in order to accomplish the organizations objectives. The second is controlling, this is in place to help ensure...
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...This is what I am expected to do. Assignment 2: Ethics Review In this assignment, you will explore professional counseling ethical codes. You will examine multiple codes of ethics to assist in practicing CMHC in an ethical manner. You will also familiarize yourself with the sections of the codes that govern your responsibilities as a counseling student. Tasks: * Compare and contrast the ACA's, the AMHCA's, and the NBCC's codes of ethics. * Describe your responsibilities as a student as per the ACA's and the AMHCA's codes of ethics. Your final product will be a 3- to 5-page Microsoft Word document written in APA format, utilizing at least three scholarly sources. Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. This is the grading rubric Assignment Components | Proficient | Max Points | | | | Compare and contrast the American Counseling Association (ACA), American Mental Health Counseling Association (AMHCA), and National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) codes of ethics. | Thoughtful and insightful understanding of the parallels and variations between the ACA, AMHCA, and NBCC codes of ethics is reflected. Accurate analysis and synthesis of the ethical codes reflects an appropriate connection between the three codes. | ...
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...ability to demonstrate moral courage in nursing. 7. Describe organizational Structures that Support Moral Courage 8. Case studies "Stand up for what is right even if you stand alone." Anonymous Examples of unethical behaviors are seen today in academia, politics, sports, entertainment, banking, and the legal system. Healthcare professionals working in clinical practice, education, research, and administration are not immune to these unethical behaviors. They face ethical dilemmas on a regular basis. Shortages in the numbers of clinicians to deliver patient care, inadequate staffing levels, cost containment measures, consolidation of healthcare organizations and ineffective leadership have resulted in the escalation of ethical dilemmas nurses face today in healthcare environments. How individuals respond to these ethical dilemmas depends on their previous experiences with unethical behavior, their individual personality traits, their ethical values as well as their knowledge of ethical principles. Moral courage is needed to confront unethical behaviors. The following exemplar demonstrates moral courage in clinical practice. Emily was a novice nurse employed at an academic medical center. Her peers respected her and described her as an attentive and meticulous nurse with strong work values. Over time Emily noted a behavior in the work setting that concerned her and...
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...COVER SHEET Vee, C. and Skitmore, R.M. (2003) Professional ethics in the construction industry. Engineering Construction and Architectural Management 10(2):pp. 117-127. Copyright 2003 Emerald. Accessed from: http://eprints.qut.edu.au/archive/00004119 PROFESSIONAL ETHICS IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Charles Vee and Martin Skitmore School of Construction Management and Property Queensland University of Technology Gardens Point Brisbane Q4001 Australia For Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management Corresponding Author: Professor Martin Skitmore School of Construction Management and Property Queensland University of Technology Gardens Point Brisbane Q4001 Australia 14 June 2002 (version 2) PROFESSIONAL ETHICS IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY ABSTRACT The results are provided of a small, but reprersentative, questionnaire survey of typical project managers, architects and building contractors concerning their views and experiences on a range of ethical issues surrounding construction industry activities. Most (90%) subscribed to a professional Code of Ethics and many (45%) had an Ethical Code of Conduct in their employing organisations, with the majority (84%) considering good ethical practice to be an important organisational goal. 93% of the respondents agreed that “Business Ethics” should be driven or governed by “Personal Ethics”, with 84% of respondents stating that a balance of both the requirements of the client and the impact on the public should...
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...Professional Moral Compass Ethics, a branch of philosophy refers to the values for human conduct, considering the rightness and wrongness of actions and motives. As nursing profession is an integral part of the health care environment, the nursing ethics provides the insight to the values and ethical principles governing nursing practice, conduct, and relationships. The Code of Ethics for Nurses, adopted by the American Nurses' Association (ANA) is intended to provide definite standards of practice and conduct that are essential to the ethical discharge of the nurse's responsibility (American Nurses Association, 2012). A nurse cultivates personal ethics through personal, cultural and spiritual values which becomes a moral compass for their professional ethics. Personal ethics in combination with the code of ethics often assist the nurses in personal and social decision making during ethical dilemma. This ability prompts them to better respond to needs of the suffering patient and their own well-being. This paper will discuss the personal, cultural, and spiritual values contributing to nurses’ individual worldview and philosophy of nursing and the moral and ethical dilemma being faced in this profession. Values Contributing to Individual’s Worldview and Philosophy of Nursing Born in a Christian middle class South Indian family, the strict traditional values helped to embed the concept of service, trust, respect, integrity and responsibility through family, friends, education...
Words: 1982 - Pages: 8
...Running Head: ETHICAL CONCIDERATIONS FOR GROUP LEADERSHIP Ethical Considerations for Group leadership in Counseling David Cook Liberty University HSER 511-04 Dr. Pinkston July 4, 2014 Abstract Ethics has been in the forefront in the counseling field, especially in the recent cases of PTSD and military and family counseling. This type of family and group counseling presents new ethical considerations for professionals. Group leaders have to be aware of new updates in the code of ethics and legal responsibilities while showing empathy and leadership in the group. The viewpoints in this paper will consider those codes from the perspective of a professional Christian leader. Viewpoints will include techniques for group participation, professional training for the leader, confidentiality considerations, ethnic and cultural awareness and ethical financial practices. There will be a focus on the personal relationships within the group setting and how the leader can effectively control the ethical relationships. This paper will present a personal testimony on Christian qualities that direct leadership and ethical considerations in treatment in family healing. Ethical Considerations for Group leadership in Counseling Professional counseling and group therapy has received more recognition in the past few years and the subject of ethical practices, as a result, has become more important and relevant. Codes for ethical practices have become...
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...Ethical Responsibility in Pharmacy Practice Robert A. Buerki, Ph.D. Professor Division of Pharmacy Practice and Administration The Ohio State University Louis D. Vottero, M.S. Professor of Pharmacy Emeritus Ohio Northern University American Institute of the History of Pharmacy Madison, Wisconsin 2002 Acknowledgments: Pages 208-10: "Principles of Medical Ethics" and "Fundamental Elements of the Patient-Physician Relationship," reprinted with permission from the Code of Medical Ethics, American Medical Association, © 1994 and © 2000. AMA logo reprinted with the permission of the American Medical Association. © 2002 American Medical Association. Usage of the AMA logo does not imply an endorsement of the non-AMA material found in this book. Page 211: "Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements," reprinted with permission from the American Nurses Association, © 2001 American Nurses Publishing, American Nurses Foundation/American Nurses Association, Washington, D.C. Pages 212-15: "A Patient's Bill of Rights," reprinted with permission of the American Hospital Association, © 1992. Pages 216-17: "Pharmacy Patient's Bill of Rights," reprinted with permission of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. On the cover: The "triad of medical care" has been the basis for the ethical relationship between the pharmacist, the physician, and the patient for centuries. In the background, an early depiction of the triad from Book 7 of the encyclopedia...
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...the ethical codes of the CCAB bodies can be applied by professional accountants working in public practice. These scenarios are not intended to cover every possible circumstance, but instead to outline key principles and processes that could be considered when attempting to identify, assess and resolve ethical problems in line with the ethical codes. These case studies were published in November 2011. The CCAB welcomes comments on these cases. Please email admin@ccab.org.uk. The professional accountant in public practice All members (and registered students) of CCAB bodies have a responsibility to behave professionally and ethically at all times. In addition, a professional accountant who is a principal or a senior employee within a practice will have a particularly important role to play in creating, promoting and maintaining an ethical culture within the practice and, possibly, among the clients of the practice. You may be approached by others within the practice who wish to report unethical behaviour and, as a senior figure, you will have an impact on its ethical tone. If you are made aware of unethical practices among clients, it may be more difficult to determine your responsibilities. But an accountant in public practice carries a great deal of responsibility, and may be subject to scrutiny by the staff of the practice, clients and other members of the local community. In particular, a wide range of clients will expect a high level of professional competence...
Words: 434 - Pages: 2
...The ethical dimension of human resource management Human Resource Management Journal London 2000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors: Diana Winstanley Authors: Jean Woodall Volume: 10 Issue: 2 Pagination: 5-20 ISSN: 09545395 Subject Terms: Studies Human resource management Business ethics Classification Codes: 9175: Western Europe 9140: Statistical data 6100: Human resource planning 2400: Public relations Geographic Names: United Kingdom UK Abstract: The relative absence of debate about ethical issues within the area of human resource management is addressed. IT is argued that ethics is not about taking statements of morality at face value; it is a critical and challenging tool. The discussion starts with what should be familiar terrain: ethical arguments that uphold a managerialist position, such as ethical individualism, utilitarianism, and "Rawlsian" justice. Other theories are then introduced that broaden the field of ethical concern in an endeavor to be more socially inclusive: stakeholding and discourse theory. Copyright Eclipse Group Ltd. 2000 Full Text: Until very recently the field of business...
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... | |The ethical obligations of the health information management (HIM) professional include the safeguarding of privacy and security of health information; disclosure of | |health information; development, use, and maintenance of health information systems and health information; and ensuring the accessibility and integrity of health | |information. | |Healthcare consumers are increasingly concerned about security and the potential loss of privacy and the inability to control how their personal health information is | |used and disclosed. Core health information issues include what information should be collected; how the information should be handled, who should have access to the | |information, under what conditions the information should be disclosed, how the information is retained and when it is no longer needed, and how is it disposed of in a| |confidential manner. All of the core health information issues are performed in compliance with state and federal regulations, and employer policies and procedures. | |Ethical obligations are central to the professional's responsibility, regardless of the employment site or the method of collection, storage, and security of...
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...social diversity and oppression with respect to race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, political belief, religion, immigration status, and mental or physical disability. 2.01 Respect (a) Social workers should treat colleagues with respect and should represent accurately and fairly the qualifications, views, and obligations of colleagues. (b) Social workers should avoid unwarranted negative criticism of colleagues in communications with clients or with other professionals. Unwarranted negative criticism may include demeaning comments that refer to colleagues’ level of competence or to individuals’ attributes such as race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, political belief, religion, immigration status, and mental or physical disability. 4.02 Discrimination Social workers should not practice, condone, facilitate, or collaborate with any form of discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, political belief, religion, immigration status, or mental or physical disability. 6.04 Social and Political Action (d) Social workers should act to prevent and eliminate domination of, exploitation of, and discrimination against any person, group, or class on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation...
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