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Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

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A great captain in military history is not an easy title to obtain and is pinned to a select group of leaders. The title of a great captain is synonymous with that of a sage commander. A sage commander is a leader highly respected for their experience, judgement, and wisdom. He or she has separated themselves from the rest of the leaders of their time by taking advantage of every opportunity to learn, teach, and act when required to do so. He or she is respected by their command and most importantly their subordinates who follow the orders given by their commander. I submit that Field Marshal Erwin Rommel has earned this coveted title of a great captain and/or sage commander. Erwin Rommel was born into a well-established nonmilitary family, …show more content…
His time would be beneficial and broaden his knowledge base outside of the infantry and understand the capabilities of the very artillery that would call on to support future missions. Rommel welcomed this new experience and tediously worked hard to prove to his supervisor, who was the very commander who had denied his previous application to be commissioned as an officer in Artillery. It was July 1914 and Germany was on the brink of war and this notion was not lost to Rommel. Sensing the situation and the likely hood war breaking out he obtained a replacement for his position and rushed back to his parent unit the 7th Company, 124th Wurttemberg Infantry Regiment. Rommel writes, “Since the situation appeared most serious, I longed for my own regiment, the King Wilhelm I, to be back with the men whose last two years of training I had supervised in the 7th Company, 124th Infantry (6th Wirttemberger)”. With these words he demonstrates his dedication to his men as a leader and refuses to go to war without them. Germany declared war on August 1st, 1914 on Russia and two days later on August 3rd war was also declared on …show more content…
Rommel would have his first chance at leadership in a combat zone on August 22nd near Longwy, France. Rommel was tasked with his first command to take a five-man reconnaissance detachment and move towards the enemy lines to ascertain enemy dispositions and strengths. Rommel took his assignment seriously and understood the importance of his mission as being, “Burdened with the responsibility of human life… “. Rommel would complete his first mission with success and quickly relayed his detachments findings to his commanding officer. After this mission, Rommel would eventually see action as a Lieutenant leading his men into battle on several occasions from 1914 to

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