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Marshal Erwin Rommel's Victory On D-Day

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Pages 8
The battle of Normandy on August 1944 and is one of the deadliest battles of World War
It begins with Adolf Hitler starting the Nazis movement that pushes the ideals of National Socialism and the culture of the master race which led to taking over Europe. On the other side the, United States and the allied planned an attack to stop the Germans with the advantage of spreading the culture of bringing peace and freedom against the Germans oppression, which encourages the European countries to be more than willing to provide united states with intelligence on the Germans. Despite the Germans defense strategy and the solid fortifications, the battle resulted in an overwhelming victory for the Allied forces. Over the defending Germans. Despite this, the Allied forces failed to achieve critical designated objectives in their amphibious and airborne landing on D-Day plus the time and human cost taken to defeat the Germans.

On June 6, 1944, Allied forces tricked the beaches of Normandy. The Allies rallied massive loads of supplies, hundreds of thousands of troops, and thousands of ships in Great Britain. Allied leaders spent …show more content…
The man Hitler picked for the job was Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. Having conquered the British on several occasions in North Africa, Rommel was confident that he could do it again. Understanding that the Allies would strike the beaches under a parasol of fighter-bombers and with massive naval artillery support, Rommel decided that the allied could only be repelled at the shore where his troops would be sheltered in bomb-proof bunkers. Also, he wanted to locate reinforcements near the beaches to minimize their exposure to air attack and where they could be devoted to a battle for the beaches on the day of the

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