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6 June 1944 Research Paper

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The 6 June 1944, early in the morning, 4266 boats and 722 warship are getting closer to the French coast in Normandy. More than 130.000 man from England, USA and Canada (mostly) and more than 10.000 airplane to protect them.
Named “Overlord”, this operation stay the biggest of history, remarkable by human quality but also in technology and technique. This operation was expected since more than a year by all Europeans who, on the continent, was fighting the nazi invasion.

In the beginning of the year 1944, the Soviets crossed Dniepr and invade Romania and Bulgaria. For the Germans, defeat is only month away. The opening of the “second front” have to be quick.
Dwight Eisenhower and his assistant, Oman Bradley and George Patton and the British …show more content…
If the storm persist, it will take another two weeks. On June 5, at 4:15am, the General was informed by the person in charge of his weather service that the sea is going to be calm for 36 hours. After few minutes of reflection, he decides to start Operation Overlord without delay.

On the night of June 5 to 6, the D-Day landings began with a huge airborne operation. Pathfinders, with their parachuting over the Cotentin (5 June 1944). Around midnight, three hundred pathfinders are parachuted for good behind the marshes of the littoral, on the peninsula of Cotentin. They mark the landing grounds for the gliders that is going to follow them.

23.500 parachutist from three airborne divisions (2.395 planes and 867 gliders) are dropped behind the German lines. Their mission is to clear the beach called Utah and cut off the national road that connects Caen with Cherbourg in Sainte-Mère-Église. Some paratroopers of the 101st airborne division fall by mistake in the center of the village where they are machine-gunned by the Germans before landed (One of the parachute is still in representation in Sainte-Mère-Église church. I went there about 3 years

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