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Shinto Research Paper

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East Asian religions are known to have been targeted by various external influences, which tend to enhance or change the very outlooks of their religion. China and Japan, in particular, have been known to withhold the very idea of a patriarchal society, and to hold values that cement their place as a basic holistic society; one that essentially tries to meld the practices for the benefit of harmony and of a cultivated relationship between friend and family. Both Male and Female members of the society are an integral part in keeping this foundation intact. Much alike the practices of Hinduism and Buddhism, however, it seems that women have been subjugated to a cycle of submission due to the constant changes around them. In Chinese society, …show more content…
It involves rites, attitudes, and experiences to harmonize with humankind and the facets of spirituality in an ancient culture. The values expressed therein are of Tradition, Life in the world, Purity, and of the celebration of Festivals. (Ellwood & McGraw P. 207). Shinto believes the Universe holds many Kamis (Gods), that is endlessly full of change, and that nature, humanity, and the Divine are not necessarily spread apart. To practice Shinto one must celebrate and remember the Kamis, enjoy life sincerely and purely, and support those that the Kami are patrons towards. (Ellwood & McGraw P. 210). Buddhism and Confucianism are almost equally as practiced in Japan, with Buddhism coming from Korea in the early sixth century, and Confucianism already embodying the understanding of Japan in family, loyalty, harmony, and fulfilling obligations. (Ellwood & McGraw P. …show more content…
The external influences of Buddhism which refers to women as obstacles and are of negative karma has also cemented their subjugation in society. (Ellwood & McGraw P. 218). This makes it quite interesting to realize that there was one point which was referred to the “golden age for women”, where women held prominent roles as religious and political leaders, and were revered as shamanesses who were able to contact the Kami and the dead. (Ellwood & McGraw P. 219). This matriarchal society was dismembered by Confucian and Buddhist influences, and was becoming more a patriarchal society. Women’s authority was removed, and they were then subjugated to their father, husband, and sons. (Ellwood & McGraw P. 219). In part of Confucianism, family and society became the province of men, and purity, chastity, submissiveness, and the bearing of sons became the domain of women. Much alike other religions, a women’s place was in the home, tasked with complete devotion towards her husband. (Ellwood & McGraw P. 219). In Buddhism, Japanese priests are technically supposed to be celibate but yet are still married, which has caused many married nuns to challenge the boundaries for equality and be recognized and receive what they are entitled to. (Ellwood & McGraw P. 220). In more recent days, the values of Confucianism, specifically the revering of the elderly and the proper roles has

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