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Passion For Nursing Research Paper

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Children’s Nursing for me means not just a career choice but, a lifelong learning experience that requires passion, dedication and commitment to duty. The choice to change my career from IT to nursing and go back to full-time education has already proved to be rewarding. Through my experience of being a full-time carer for my son, who was born with an undiagnosed medical condition and later went on to develop cancer, I have first-hand experience of the difficulty and upset that families face when a child is hospitalised and I will be able to empathize with the families I work with. Due to my sons complex medical condition I have had a lot of experience with placing nasogastric tubes, testing blood sugar levels and administering medications. I also learnt about the signs of low blood sugar and what to do in the event of a hypoglycaemic fit. As well as regular hospital check-ups there were long stays in hospital in which the staff that I came across, especially the nurses were so compassionate, competent and caring and showed such courage and commitment to the families that they cared for even with the long hours and extremely difficult work that they do that it further inspired my passion for nursing as well as helping me to understand the importance of the 6 c’s. When nursing this experience will enable me to appreciate …show more content…
I have found this to be not only incredibly rewarding but also a great responsibility as not only do I need to ensure the children’s safety and care for their needs, but, also need to respect the needs and wishes of the parents in regards to the way in which I do this. I recently accompanied one of them to hospital as he needed an appendisectomy. I found the role of comforting and taking care of the child as well as reassuring the parent a welcome challenge. This has helped me to understand the importance that children’s nursing has in being able to care and support the wider

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