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Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis

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Defines and describes the process of PGD
“Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a procedure used prior to implantation to help identify genetic defects within embryos created through in vitro fertilization to prevent certain diseases or disorders from being passed on to the child.” This definition is from PGD is used to screen for genetic diseases in embryos before they are placed back into the Uterus through IVF. If an embryo comes back with a genetic disease it is discarded and the viable embryos are the only ones inserted back into the uterus. There are risks that come with this type of test, 1-2% of embryos tested get damaged in the process, and sometimes not all embryos make it to the stage to go through PGD. …show more content…
PGD can be used for diagnosis of a genetic disease in early embryos prior to implantation and pregnancy. In addition, this technology can be utilized in the field of assisted reproduction for aneuploidy screening and diagnosis of unbalanced inheritance of chromosome abnormalities, such as translocations or inversions.” When using PGD you must go through a round of IVF. Firstly the woman will be given hyperstimulation with FSH, this causes the ovaries to mature multiple follicles and to increase the amount of eggs therefore higher chance of pregnancy. The woman's follicle growth and hormones will be monitored throughout this process as to avoid OHSS, Ovarian Hyperstimulation syndrome. Too much of the hormone and the ovaries could swell and become very painful. Then the lab will remove the gamete from the woman's ovary, and the gametes will be fertilised. Once this has all occurred the embryo will be replaced, unless you are going through PGD testing. In the lab at the blastocyst stage (day 5-6), they will take some trophectoderm cells and freeze them to be sent off for genetic testing. When testing for single gene abnormalities, they will isolate the DNA and amplify the gene using enzymes and primers, they are then tagged with fluorescent markers to identify the presence of the gene. If the test comes back positive that embryo will not be replaced but discarded with other biological …show more content…
Although many countries do not allow this like New Zealand, America and many others do. This opens up the idea of “designer babies”, children who would have the most desirable genetics. They would be smart, sporty and attractive, all because PGD got out of hand. As T S Petersen said in his column in the Journal of Medical ethics, “as researchers refine pre-implantation diagnosis techniques for genetic diseases, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to contain the uses of such research (there is already considerable pressure to permit preimplantation diagnosis for sex selection for “elective” purposes). There will likely be increasing pressure, whether subtle or overt, on people to take advantage of these techniques and not to bring even a mildly disabled child into the world, particularly if the disabilities will entail higher medical costs paid by third party insurers.” Through this statement we can see that it is highly possible for people to take advantage of PGDs technology, this could lead to discrimination of people with disabilities and this idea of designer babies coming into action. If people can pick a baby's sex, where can we draw the line? Hair colour, eye colour? Some argue that it is a great advancement in science, but is going against nature the right thing to do, especially just because

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