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Cadet Teaching Research Paper

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My time as a cadet teacher has been a completely positive experience. Before doing this, I had only experienced the idea of taking up teaching as a passing thought, but now I am fully considering taking it up as a full-on career in my future. I still mainly plan to become an aerospace engineer, but teaching takes up a definite second if that ends up not working out for me. I really enjoyed how social the setting was; always talking with the students and helping them when needed. Taking cadet teaching has been an invaluable experience as it has shown to me very well what areas I fare well in and need to work on in the future for a career in teaching. Perhaps it’s simply because I am also a student, but I certainly attained the feeling that I was able to relate to the students very well. I could certainly use improvement when it comes to putting a complete thought into words. I noticed that on more than one occasion I was struggling to describe things to students in a straight …show more content…
Sherk, but just as a sort of general knowledge is that the best way to teach a topic to students is to get them interested in it. Pursuing a teaching career, I would certainly want to teach a science class since it is the subject that most interests me, and I would hope for my own enthusiasm to assist in making students enthusiastic as well. When dealing with the middle school and lower a teacher also should be good at dealing with kids since you will be surrounded by a few hundred of them every day. I personally don’t think I have a leaning towards being either bad or good with kids though I have been told by others time and time again that I am apparently very good with them. Being a teacher means that you hold the key to the student’s education in your hands which can certainly be a big responsibility. I never felt this in class since the burden was still mostly on Mr. Sherk, and I would be interested to see how I cope with it on my

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