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Central African Republic Research Paper

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Isaac Runyon
Kristopher Hammond
Maynard Ellis
Mr. Wentz
Central African Republic The Central African republic fromerly was a French colony in the early 1900s and it gained its independence in 1960. The Central African Republic enviromental issues are desertion animals nearing extinction extreme water pollution and deforestation. The central african republic is very skilled in rock art which is when they paint art on to the rocks iof caves and rock formations.
They also have various forms of percussion music that use instruments such as barrel drums and congos. They eat various meats, cassavas, rice, okra and gombo. The vast majority of the populations religion is Malikite Sunni Muslims. Most people in the country speak French or Sango. …show more content…
The population is 4.9 million. The GDP is 1.503 billion. The natural recourses are Gold, diamonds oil and various wildlife. Their biggest imports are washing machines, military weapons, prefabricated buildings, packaged medications and telephones. The treaties are the Armed Trades Treaty of 2013 and The Convention for all Persons From Enforced Disappearance; 2006. Bangui and Bimbo are the major cities. The capital city of the Central African Republic is Bangui.
There are 2.2 million people in humanitarian need in the Central African Republic. The USIDA are supporting economic recovery. CAR is partnered with the countries of Norway, China, Democratic Republic of Congo. They export with Norway, France and the US.CAR is annually in $70 million dollars debt.
The main ethnic groups are the Baya-Mandjia, the Banda and the M’Baka. The Central African republics enemies are the rebel groups that are there and Sudan. The standard of living in the Central African Republic is very low for most of the population. The 5 biggest obstilcles to development are the water pollution it is land locked and rebellion little humanitarian aid and a very high disease and poverty rate. There are 34.7 births to every 1,000 as compared to 13.5 deaths to every 1,000 person. Overall the social structure of the country is very poor in comparison to the rest of the

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