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Foreign Policy


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Dumisani Yambira

[Type the company name] user President Zuma`s letdown approach to deliver a sound foreign policy indicates a failure. Factors of negligence and corruption within top officials have put the South African foreign policy brand into shame on the International relations platform. The failure to observe the policies on the Government White paper associates the current Administration with incompetency. The vocal tone of discontentment by the social forces indicate the State`s inability to perform the policies outlined on the Government`s diplomacy of Ubuntu.
South Africa`s role in the COP17 indicates the State`s incoherence on their foreign policy. President Zuma`s Administration did not live to the expectations of the International community and of the locals. The conference expected South Africa to take the lead on the promotion of green technology and encourage renewable sources like wind as outlined on the website of (South African Government White Paper on Foreign Policy 2011). To great disappointment, scholar (Watson n.d.) observed that little support is given to these sources. In 2011, the public campaign of “One million Climate Jobs” demanded for the State to use electricity from wind and solar power (Austin-Evelyn 2011). However the negligence highlight the Foreign Policy`s failure to lure in investors on the climate change program and promote community empowerment. This presents the Government’s failure to meet the demands of civil society.
The President Zuma`s Administration is blamed for giving a blind eye on the potentials of renewable sources. As most of the country`s coal powered stations are heading towards the end of their useful life (Bonellie 2015) And Del Weston acknowledges South Africa to have, “the Influence over the development agendas of other African Countries” (Watson n.d.). One notes that, South Africa after the COP 17 could have influenced other African countries through their policy of promoting green technology and renewable sources. The fact that Africa has many renewable sources, President Zuma`s Administration should have taken a stance and encourage investment through public sectors like Eskom as outlined in the government`s white paper (South African Government White Paper on Foreign Policy 2011). The result would see Africa through the South African foreign policy evolving to become an environmental friendly place.
The Government`s action on Medupi undermines its estimated role on the climate conference. According to (Watson n.d.), he criticizes saying, “If President Zuma cared about climate he would halt the $21 billion at Medupi and creation of 40 new mines”. Prior the Medupi, the nation emits high amounts of carbon (Bonellie 2015). The approval of the World Bank loan for Medupi (Friedman 2010) construction shows how the foreign policy prioritizes to invest in projects which blow in high profits and at the same time, it shows its reluctance of addressing climate friendly policies to ensure the future health of its citizens. Furthermore, it becomes ironic that the anticipated country to lead the role in climate change is actually contributing to global warming and environmental degradation. These actions result in the President Zuma Administration being viewed as stubborn to the agreed polices of creating a friendly climatic environment. The campaign by Climatic Justice Now which cried for fairness on the environment seemed to have been given a deaf ear by the action of allowing the Medupi power station which will further worsen the Carbon Dioxide emission of this country (Austin-Evelyn 2011).
The military presence in Central African Republic indicates failure of delivering sound foreign policy by President Zuma. According to (Heitman 2013), 200 soldiers were dispatched to Bangui without parliamentary approval. To an extent, the sending of the soldiers was justified. This is because it aligns with the Government Foreign policy that, “South Africa must continue support regional and continental processes to respond and resolve crises (South African Government White Paper on Foreign Policy 2011). However, the procedure without parliamentary approval raised suspicions as far as the formality procedures of sending troops are concerned. This erupted rumors of corruption, an example, the source (Mail & Guardian 2013) reported that there were ANC linked deals and included individuals like Paul Langa and Perreira involved in diamonds. It brings the corrupt nature of the foreign policy under the President Zuma Administration which appears to be influenced by the elite socials. It brings how the foreign policy is made to suit the needs of corrupt individuals whilst putting the lives of soldiers at risk.
The consequences of the military presence in C.A.R brought mixed reactions back at home. Firstly, the death of thirteen military personnel made President Zuma to mention that they died for a worthy cause and observed the country`s foreign policy (Patel 2013). Although these proud words are expected from the Chief in command but the reality of not observing the foreign policy procedures cannot be tolerated. The journalist (Glenn 2013) discovered that South Africa entered without a UN or AU led mandate, this questionable act brings mistrust on the President Zuma Administration. It shows the image of foreign policy as influenced by the senior state officials, which as mentioned indicates corruption. The South Africa Civil Society stated that it “rejects the issue of attempting to project economic power through military projection.” (Glenn 2013) The voices of discontent from the civilians indicate their disapproval of the abuse of power to compromise foreign policies in the Government white paper.
The Gupta scandal was another despicable event which displayed the failure of accountable governance. The landing of the Jet Airways on Waterkloof military airbase caused the political analyst (Nyoni 2013) to mention, “Powerful people do as they like”. The incident signals a distort government which violates the laws of national security. In the Government White paper it stated that the foreign policy is meant to Protect South Africa`s sovereignty and territorial integrity (South African Government White Paper on Foreign Policy 2011). Nonetheless, it becomes ironic as sovereignty is undermined through defiance of the laws in the national constitution. Regarding to security matters, one would see that the biased foreign policy act by members of the President Zuma Administration highlighted a weak government and it painted a notion of a vulnerable South Africa to outside influences.
The aftermath of the Gupta scandal could justify the suspicion of a dishonest Administration. The Government white paper states that the foreign policy is not an abstract matter from domestic policies (South African Government White Paper on Foreign Policy 2011). According to (Harding 2015), the appointment of Bruce Koloane to ambassadorship in the Netherlands was doubtful, being involved in a serious crime; one was bound for further investigation which is a constitutional law. This foreign policy act indicated that the national constitutional laws are tempered with in order to suit the needs of certain individuals. (Harding 2015) quotes political analyst Mcebisi Ndletyana that President Zuma is, “Indebted to a clique”, the view might be valid as sources affirm that the latter`s son works for the Gupta`s (Vos 2013). It leads to the notion that the policies of the Government are influenced by elite social forces; this endangers the democratic principles on which are the foundations of South Africa.
The Government response to xenophobia can be eluded as one of the worst crisis faced under the Administration. The Government white paper states that South Africa affirms in their humanity as they affirm in the humanity of others (South African Government White Paper on Foreign Policy 2011). This brought the idea of Ubuntu under the aspect of the Rainbow nation theme. However, the xenophobic attacks in 2008 and 2015 slowly destroyed the South African brand according to (Mkhondo 2015). These attacks have weakened foreign relations with other countries as they reflect the Government`s incapability of settling internal disputes. For example, the attack according to (Mail& Guardian 2015); Sasol repatriated South African employees from Mozambique for their safety and in addition, the All People Congress together with the Civil society in Nigeria threatened to shut down South African businesses if the violence did not cease. The social forces played a crucial role in stopping the attacks, these are inclusive of People Against Suffering Oppression, COSATU, COSAS and also to mention, around 30 000 people marched against xenophobia and silent marches were also conducted with some people having Zimbabwean flags (BBC news 2015). Through their campaigns, positive changes were seen as the attacks eventually stopped and SAPS managed to assist victims to safety (BBC news 2015).
The recurrence of the attacks is partially blamed on the Government. The fact that the incident returned in the year 2015, it highlights the Administration failure to create a conducive environment for foreigners to settle peacefully with the locals. This is because under the Freedom Charter act it states, “South Africa belongs to all who live in it, black and white” (South African Government White Paper on Foreign Policy 2011). Nevertheless, the State governance has made it ironic as the foreigners now characterize their living in South Africa with more of fear than freedom. According to the Guardian research, out of 100% working population only 4% are international immigrants and it is the latter which also contributes to the economy of the country (Guardian 2015). One of the main functions of foreign policy which is to advance economic prosperity and human rights is crippled by the attacks of xenophobia (South African Government White Paper on Foreign Policy 2011). The attracting of investors slows down and this damages the department of International Relations and Cooperation further crippling business areas like the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. This crisis of foreign policy has damaged how the world now socially views South Africa, according to Test tube news; South Africa is now ranked as one of the most xenophobic countries in the world (How powerful is South Africa 2015). Unless the President Zuma Administration comes with policies to forever extinguish the flames of xenophobia, the root cause of these problems will continue to exist and will worsen the foreign relations with the Global community.
Thus in conclusion, one can mention that the series of these crises are putting the foreign brand of South Africa at stake. Issues of negligence and corruption are making the Foreign policies of this country vulnerable to elite social influences both within and without the boarders. It is therefore the duty of the public to ensure that the policies on the White paper are obeyed.

Austin-Evelyn, Katherine. Climate Justice Now. December 2011. (accessed August 10, 2015).
BBC news. April 23, 2015. (accessed August 10, 2015).
Bonellie, Dave. "The most expensive coal power station in the world." Terra Firma Academy. 2015. (accessed August 09, 2015).
Friedman, Lisa. "South Africa Wins $3.75 Billion Coal Loan." The New York Times. April 09, 2010. (accessed August 10, 2015).
Glenn, Ashton. "South Africa's Military Adventurism: A Dangerous Shift in Foreign Policy." South Africa Civil Society Information Service. April 03, 2013. (accessed August 08, 2015).
Guardian. South Africa's xenophobic attacks: are migrants really stealing jobs? April 20, 2015. (accessed August 11, 2015).
Harding, Andrew. Guptagate: The scandal South Africa's President Zuma can't shake. January 15, 2015. (accessed August 10, 2015).
Heitman, H. "How the deadly CAR battle unfolded." Mail & Guardian, 2013.
How powerful is South Africa. May 03, 2015. (accessed August 11, 2015).
Mail & Guardian. March 28, 2013. (accessed August 9, 2015).
Mail& Guardian. April 20, 2015. (accessed August 11, 2015).
Mkhondo, Rich. OPINION: THE IMPACT OF XENOPHOBIA ON BRAND SOUTH AFRICA. April 24, 2015. (accessed August 11, 2015).
Nyoni, Sithembiso, interview by Justice Malala. The Gupta Influence on S.A eNCA. Johannesburg. May 05, 2013.
Patel, Khadija. "Analysis: Dying for South African foreign policy." Daily Maverick. April 03, 2013. (accessed August 08, 2015).
"South African Government White Paper on Foreign Policy." Government. March 13, 2011. (accessed August 10, 2015).
Vos, Pierre de. "President Zuma and the Guptas: the ‘symbiosis’ continues." Daily Maverick. May 03, 2013. Zuma-and-the-guptas-the-symbiosis-continues/#.VcrSj_mqqkq (accessed August 11, 2015).
Watson, Del. The Politics of Climate Change in South Africa.

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