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Unethical Designer Babies

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When dealing with an ethical issue there are many factors that one will have to look at. One unique factor that has to do with genetic engineering is that it could cure and eliminate many heritable diseases. However, is changing the genetic makeup of a child morally correct? The research done by Sullivan made many real-life points on the moral counsel of designer babies and situations in which it made miracles (2007). This research was done by using case studies and showed how it affected the lives of families who were interested in genetic engineering. Studies have been done to analyze how the procedure works and if it is the most effective. The ethical side of designer babies has also been heavily researched. This is where the analysis …show more content…
However, within research results they have found a series of risks. Such risks include: that not all cells in the embryos have been repaired, the unintentional cutting and insertion of nonmutant genes, and the possible exposure of new diseases (Sas and Lawrenz, 2017). Therefore, from a scientific standpoint the risks do outweigh the benefits and is deemed unethical at this point of research. Future advancements in this technology may cause for an upset in this …show more content…
From a scientific standpoint, the procedures have not been out long enough for humans to deem them completely safe in prolonged life and in progeny (Sullivan, 2007). Therefore, they are trying to point out that the designer babies may pass new or different diseases and genetic disorders on to their future generations. This action is seen as a slippery slope and may call for an all new technique in germline genetic editing to fix the potential onset risks of the original designer baby (Sullivan, 2007). At this point in the research, the risks and complications are still not fully known and raise many questions. In some countries, genetic procedures are prohibited. Pang and Ronald discussed at the end of their study how genetic modification should still be deemed as experimental and not considered a routine procedure (2016). However, they also believe that research in this line of work should still be heavily regulated and monitored so that the patient knows all of the potential risks that are entitled with the procedure (Pang and Ronald, 2016). Ethical issues are considered minimal with the use of well-established procedures such as PGD and IVF. However, the ethical considerations are still trying to be weighed about the genetic engineering of designer

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