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Designer Babies Research Paper

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Science and nature used to be looked at as two completely different aspects of life; that is not the case anymore. Science is starting to challenge what it really means to be human. Designer Babies are apart of the controversy, causing the question, “Is this acceptable in our society?” Designer Babies are babies that are genetically modified. The baby is genetically engineered through in vitro fertilization, and is made by the parent or doctor, to create certain traits. There are many advantages to using this scientific experiment. Designer Babies can be very beneficial to people. They can provide another option to people who can’t have kids, reduce the risk of genetic diseases, increase lifespan, and reduce the risk of inherited medical conditions. Parents who have problems with having a child, now have another option to have one and still be able to call it their own. If the parents spend countless money to have a baby, then they …show more content…
Designer Babies could go wrong and cause the baby to get killed. If the doctor isn’t careful during the procedure, things could go wrong and cause the baby to be terminated. The baby doesn’t have a choice on what happens to them. The parents could choose their child to be athletic, have blue eyes, blonde hair,be tall, smart, and the child has no say in any of this. Parents simply could choose certain traits for their child, based off of appearances, and not use this method for medical purposes which would cause diversity within the population between “designer” and “non-designer” babies, making the “non-designer” babies feel less of a person than the “designer” babies. This procedure is also very costly. It can cost up to $100,000, causing people who struggle financially, to not be able to use this procedure. Because of this high cost, it is arguably said to be a procedure done only for the rich. A big part of the disadvantages of Designer Babies is also the ethical side of

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