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Book Of Hebrews: Analysis

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The book of Hebrews was written in 67 A.D. and consists of two parts: doctrinal (1-10:18), and practical (10:19-ch.13). The genre and structure of Hebrews is up for debate. Some see it as an Epistle, while others would consider it a series of sermons (Hindson and Towns, 2016). Although the authorship of the Epistles is still in dispute, majority of it’s authorship has been attributed to Paul, since the writings sre similar to his teachings. The book of Hebrews is directed toward Jewish Christians who are thinking of returning to the old laws of Judaism. The author sets out to show that Christ has fulfilled the purposes of Judaism and that it has nothing more to offer the believer. Hebrews encourages the Jewish beleivers to hold on to Christ …show more content…
His lived sometime between 80-90 A.D. He was a “man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 6:5) and performed many miracles and wonders (6:8). “Although many Jews became disciples, there was strong opposition by Jewish officials, and Stephen became the first Christian martyred in the New Testament for preaching the gospel (Acts. 7:1–60).” His personal character and history are recorded in Acts 6. “He fell asleep” with a prayer for his persecutors on his lips (Acts. 7:60). Stephen was the first person recorded who proclaimed that the law of Moses was now completed in Christ. Stephen explained that acceptable worship was offered to God before the law was given, and revealed that Israelites who lived under the law had persecuted the propets whom God sent. It was at the feet of the young Pharisee, Saul of Tarsus, that those who stoned him laid their clothes before they acted upon him with much cruelty. The image from the scene in which Saul witnessed and the words he heard appeared to cause more depth to his mind (Acts 22:19 Acts 22:20). Devout men carried him to his grave (8:2). Several years after his death, Paul continued on with the work that Stephen had introduced him to. Stephens speech before the Jewish ruler is the first apology for the universalism of the gospel as a message to the Gentiles as well as the Jews. Within Acts, it still remains the longest

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