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Young Children Vulnerable Population

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The Impact Young children are a particularly vulnerable population for a variety of reasons and the impacts of trauma on these children can be lifelong (Zero to Three, 2012). During the early years, the brain undergoes dramatic development as it builds the circuits and processes which become the foundation for all other learning. While genetics provide the blueprint for brain development, it is everyday interactions and experiences with their parents and caregivers that help to shape how the brain becomes hardwired to learn and interact with the world around them (Harvard University, Center on the Developing Child, 2014). It is these early experiences, both good and bad, that shape the quality of brain development.
Research shows that toxic …show more content…
National data shows that compared to their older peers, infants and toddlers are more likely to enter foster care placement, remain longer in care and become adopted (as opposed to reunified or placed with relatives) (Wurlczyn, 2002; Administration for Children and Families, 2009a and 2009b). Infants and toddlers in foster care are also much more likely to experience developmental delays in emotional, social, and cognitive development and much less-likely to receive early developmental screenings (Dozier et. al, 2006; Pears & Fisher, 2005). Additionally, infants and toddlers are more likely to face repeated exposure to maltreatment; nearly one third of infants that exist the foster care system end up re-entering at a later date (Administration for Children and Families 2009a and 2009b; Wulczyn, 2002). This information indicates that the child welfare system is not effectively reaching these families and resolving the initial areas of concern that lead to out of home placement. Issues surrounding child vulnerability and the ineffectiveness of child welfare to meet the needs of particularly young children continue when considering the issues of attachment and placement stability. Placement in …show more content…
There are dynamics; however, that can positively impact these children. While these issues can be overcome, it takes a great deal of attention to the type of care provided in foster care (Dozier, Stovall, Albus, & Bates, 2001). Essentially, there are two different types of care provided in foster homes, extended respite and child centered care (Zenah, Shauffer, & Dozier, 2011). These types of care are rarely discussed as such, but the implications can be seen in practice. Extended respite care seeks to keep the child safe and provide for basic food, shelter, and clothing. While this type of care essentially meets what are considered the child's physical needs it does not provide the attachment and loving environment that a child needs to thrive. In the context of child centered care the foster parent becomes an attachment figure and loves the child as they would their own. This type of care does far more to meet the needs of the whole child and reduce the negative impact to the child, but can be difficult for the foster parent (Zenah, Shauffer, & Dozier, 2011). Maintaining distance from a child that will only be in your family a short time can be a defense for foster parents to avoid being hurt, but the impact on the child, and their need for attachment must be the priority. Given the importance of

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