Premium Essay

CRISPR-Cas9 Research Paper

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Pages 4
CRISPR-Cas9 is a gene editing tool that is much cheaper, faster and easier to use then any of its predecessors in gene editing. CRISPR-Cas9 is the most versatile and precise yet simple method of gene editing, which is the reason behind the stirring it has caused in the world of science. The breakthrough technology allows geneticists to edit parts of the human genome by adding, removing or altering sections of the DNA. It consists of two main components: The enzyme (Cas 9) which acts as ‘scissors’ which can cut strands of DNA at a base level allowing it to be altered, and a piece of RNA which is called the ‘guide’. The RNA will bind to the target sequence in the genome after which the Cas9 will follow the RNA and cut across both DNA strands …show more content…
The greatest strengths of CRISPR-Cas9 is its efficiency and its simplicity. It is applied directly into the embryo which greatly reduces the amount of time that is needed to modify genes compared to other technology based on ES (embryonic stem) cells. Testing thus far (on mice) CRISPR-Cas9 has proven rather successful. It gives successful result for the desired mutation on most occasions, with very little effort required compared to previous gene editing methods. As of right now, CRISPR-Cas9 is in its research phase which means there is not much which can be done with it currently, but the future possibilities are impressive. Things that seemed impossible before this technology opened the door to gene editing are slowly being more and more possible. Designer babies, looking young for your whole life and hundreds of years of living are becoming increasingly possible. So is the possibility of ending gene-related illnesses such as cancer and even HIV. Since HIV injects its DNA into the cells of host, it would be possible to useCRISPR-Cas9 to cut out the HIV DNA while it is still in its dormant …show more content…
The technology still has a way to go before it sees the light of commercial use. The system used to insert the altered DNA fragments takes advantage of the DNA repair machinery which is activated by the strands being broken by the Cas-9 enzyme. The DNA repair system doesn’t integrate the altered DNA into the genome which can create complications such as additional modifications being made. The modifications can include deletions, duplications or even multiple integrations of the targeting vector, al of which can have unforeseen consequences and mutations. This is a problem that also plagues ES cell based gene editing as well, although researchers are learning to avoid additional, unwanted mutations when using ES cell gene editing. This gives us a hope that the same will be possible for CRISPR-Cas9 in the future. Besides the possible unwanted mutations, the use of CRISPR-Cas9 gives rise to a string of ethical concerns when it comes to editing the human genome. the concern of many is that the technology may not only be used for medicinal purposes, but also to “play God”. The question arises, “How far is too far?”. Editing the wrong sequence of DNA could have major unforeseen consequences which we may not be able to face. It is an opinion of many that gene editing could go horribly wrong. Another concern is if we stumble across the gene responsible for the aging of human being and were to cut it out. How would we be

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