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Organ Replacement Pros And Cons

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In the future, the process of aging will likely be renamed as a disease, of which science will be able to find a solution to. Life extension is the study of slowing down or even reversing the process of aging to extend the greatest and average lifespan. As of now, the average human life expectancy in the United States is about seventy-nine years of age. Although the human life expectancy has increased over the years, it has done so considerably slower than it should have. But, by the year of 2067, the human life expectancy will be significantly increased by many new and improved technologies. These life extension technologies consist of nanotechnology, gene editing, and organ replacement.
Nanotechnology will be a very interesting way to aid …show more content…
Organ replacement allows the whole infected organ to be replaced with a well working, synthetic one. It is strongly believed that “We will soon enter a time where failing organs will be replaced by better, longer lasting, and rejection-proof artificial organs” (Tal). Being able to completely replace the bodies organs with better working, unnatural organs means much healthier, longer living people. In later decades, three-dimensional printouts of any organ could potentially be manufactured. This would be carried out by using the body’s stem cells to create long-lasting, organic organs which could become a big component of the future. Dying in itself may eventually become a more avoidable process then what most people have concluded. Currently, studies have shown that “The probability of a 25-years-old dying before their 26th birthday is 0.1%” (Corbyn). If it was possible to maintain this percentage rate throughout life, the typical person would be able to live drastically longer then now. In the future, with this new technology, there is a much better chance of keeping this probability low. Also, as a result of these improved technologies, like three-dimensional organ printing, it’s very likely for there to be significant boosts in the average human life expectancy. Organ replacement could overall be a very relevant technique for extending the human

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