...The article, “Retail therapy: How Ernest Dichter, an acolyte of Sigmund Freud, revolutionized marketing”, addresses the irrational conduct of customers by researching various techniques of consumer psychology for an efficient market. As World War 1 came to an end, many people began to purchase items that appealed to their preference. Researchers like Dichter and Freud sought out ways to persuade the consumers to different products through advertisement. Taking in consideration of the various findings of advertisement and techniques; Dichter and Freud played a major role in the insight of advertisement. As the article gets more in depth about the impact Freud and Dichter has made on the advertisement community. The author takes a step back...
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...want, and purchase certain goods or services. Some motivations for consumption could include the need for status, social acceptance, security or individuality while other motivations are unconscious and can be utilized by marketers to hook consumers into buying a product they never knew they always wanted. The Viennese psychoanalyst, Ernest Dichter, was a leader in the field of qualitative marketing research in the early to mid 1900’s. Dichter suggested that consumer motives were oftentimes triggered by suppressed unconscious needs (as cited in Ziems, 2004, p. 210). Unfortunately, many of Dichter’s theories that have proven to be effective marketing strategies have been mostly forgotten in modern advertising (as cited in Ziems, 2004, p. 210). Marketing campaigns that have used Dichter’s theories on consumer motives to market products such as cars, furs, cell phones and even paper towels have shown success by increased sales. Ditcher understood that individuals in different age groups or demographics cared about different things, and had varied unconscious motives and needs. In an extensive study completed on the car market in 1939, Dichter discovered that young people in their 20’s want “new beginning’s and liberation” when they purchase a car in order to nurture their need to feel free to escape life, or just get-up-and-go whenever they please (as cited in Ziems, 2004, p. 211). Older people age 35 and up, however are looking for features like “practicality and safety” when purchasing...
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...Deutschland - 20. November 1947, Basel) - Deutsche Dichter und Schriftsteller, dessen Stück " «Draußen vor der Tür»", war eine der wichtigsten literarischen Dokumente des XX Jahrhunderts in Deutschland, und der Dichter selbst einen prominenten Platz genommen hat in der Ära der Stagnation der deutschen Kultur, "Stunde Null", die am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs kommen. Wolfgang Borchert wurde als einziges Kind des Volksschullehrers Fritz Borchert und dessen Ehefrau, der plattdeutschen Heimatschriftstellerin Hertha Borchert, in Hamburg-Eppendorf geboren. Sein erstes Gedicht schrieb er im Alter von fünfzehn Jahren. Schon als junger Mann, veröffentlicht er seine Gedichte, und die Aufmerksamkeit der Gestapo angezogen, da seine Gedichte nicht in den Rahmen der imperialen Ideologie passen. Er interessiert sich für die Dichter der frühen deutschen Expressionismus (Gottfried Benn, Georg Trakl, Georg Heym). Durch ihre eigenen Lehrer Borchert nennt Hölderlin und Rilke. Im März 1941 wird er ein Theaterschauspieler in Hannover und Lüneburg. Diese drei Monaten erinnerte er sich später als die glücklichste Zeit seines Lebens.1938 publizierte Hugo Sieker im Hamburger AnzeigerBorcherts erstes Gedicht. Es beginnt mit den Versen: „Ich bin ein Reiter, stürmend durch die Zeit! Durch die Wolken führt mein Ritt – Mein Pferd greift aus! Voran! Voran! Zweiter Weltkrieg Bereits im Juni 1941 nach dem Ende der Schauspielschule. In zwanzig Jahren tritt der Dichter in die Armee - an der Ostfront, der motorisierten...
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...Global Marketing Strategies Contents TASK 1 2 1.0. INTRODUCTION 3 2.0. HOW CREDIT CRUNCH WILL AFFECT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS? 4 3.0. RECOMMENDATIONS TO OVERCOME THIS CREDIT CRUNCH 6 4.0. CONCLUSION 7 5.0. BIBLIOGRAPHY 8 TASK 1 Discuss the likely effects to international/global business by the recent credit crunch. Suggest ways to overcome these problems. 1.0. INTRODUCTION Credit crunch is an economic downturn, when the world experiences a credit crisis. It is caused by declining value in real estate and by defaulting loans, arising from contraction in the supply of credit. A credit crunch is a [sudden] reduction in the availability of liquidity in the financial markets ( i.e. loans or credit) resulting in a sudden increase in the cost of obtaining a loan from financial institutions(Pearson, M. 2008) The United States of America banks had extended loans for purchase of homes to “risky” clients and this resulted in loan defaults in mortgages but soon spread to the rest of the market both in the United States of America and in the rest of the world. 2.0. HOW CREDIT CRUNCH WILL AFFECT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS? The credit crunch affects international business in many ways as described below: 1.0. High Interest rates- the credit crunch has resulted in high interest rates and high cost of borrowing. This affects businesses as the cost of re-financing or diversifying a business increases. Businesses with large debt see high cost of...
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...Algemene vragen. 1. zoek de kenmerken van de nieuwe romantiek. Vind je de gelezen gedichten typisch voor die stroming. Let op. - het hoge testamentgehalte; - de kunstmatige paradijzen; - het algemene levensgevoel; Neoromantiek: NNN p.312 De nieuwe romantiek (1970- tot heden). In de jaren 70, een periode van economische recessie en crisis, lijkt het engagement van de jaren 60 dood en begraven. Er is een algemene retrobeweging, een vluchtreflex naar het ‘ik-tijdperk’, het kleinschalige, de introspectie, de ‘navelstaarderij’. Kenmerken: 1. Gevoelens van onmacht, moedeloosheid, uitzichtloosheid vieren hoogtij: ‘veel ach en een beetje o’. 2. De dichter gebruikt vaak ironiserende, kitscherig-pathetische effecten (vooral in Nederland): ernst en pose zijn vaak moeilijk van elkaar te onderscheiden. 3. Er is een herstel van en een spel met klassieke dichtvormen: sonnettenrage, plechtige stijl met gebruik van nogal wat retorische figuren, metrum… (literatuur Nederland: Gerrit Komrij (1944-), Lévi Weemoedt (1948-), Jean Pierre Rawie (1949-). (literatuur België: Luuk Gruwez (1953-), Eriek Verpale (1952-), Jotie T’Hooft (1956-1977). *Recessie: achteruitgang * Introspectie: een activiteit waarbij de eigen gedachten, gevoelens en herinneringen tot onderwerp van overdenking gemaakt worden. * Kitscherig(kitsch): iemand die probeert om kunst te maken en daarin onbedoeld niet slaagt, wansmaak. * Pathetisch: hoogdravend * Retorisch: bombastisch ...
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...Knowing the complete gene sequence has been beneficial to guide the development and potential causes of certain disorders. The exact genes or gene sequences that affect autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have yet to be identified. Overall research has been guided by the human genome project which has helped increase the focus on the role of genetics in ASD. “The past few years have witnessed unprecedented transformations in the understanding of ASD neurobiology, genetics, early identification, and early intervention. However, recent increases in ASD prevalence estimates highlight the urgent need for continued efforts to translate novel ASD discoveries into effective interventions for all individuals with ASD” (Damiano, Mazefsky, White, and Dichter, 2014). By looking at numerous perspectives and seeing the pervasive effects that a lack of knowledge surrounding autism creates, it makes the need to improve research and identify ways to stop inequality even more imperative. As many as one in every forty-five people are now diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, given the increase in prevalence it makes research and increased knowledge a more pressing issue than in the past. One of the largest growing bodies of research surrounding autism include looking at environmental factors and their influences. Because environmental factors have the ability to create changes in humans and the human condition, this is a fairly simple and insightful way to discover the changes that environmental...
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...gedichtenbundel gaat. De gedichten hebben geen strofen en het boek leest als één lange, aaneengesloten toespraak. De schrijver laat zijn regels niet per se rijmen, vaak maakt hij gebruik van een voortstuwend ritme met vijf jamben per regel. Deze vorm van enjambement is ook terug te zien bij een andere epische dichter, genaamd John Milton. De totale prelude van William Wordsworth bestaat uit maar liefst 13 boeken, hierin wordt het ontstaat van een dichter beschreven. The Prelude begint in Wordsworth’s jeugd en eindigt in 1798 wanneer hij vindt dat de vormende jaren zijn verstreken. De boeken zijn postuum, in 1805 uitgegeven. Het werk is autobiografisch. De centrale held in het verhaal is Wordsworth zelf. Dit centrale figuur zorgt voor eenheid binnen de dertien boeken. Ook de thema’s, het taalgebruik en de beeldspraak blijven opvallend constant door de boeken heen. The prelude behoort tot de romantiek omdat Wordsworth in de gedichten nadruk legt op gevoel, instinct en genot in plaats van formaliteit en het ratio. Hiermee gaat hij recht tegen het verlichtingsdenken in volgens het lesboek Arts and Cultures. Ondanks het feit dat hij dus een vooruitstrevende en vernieuwende dichter is, is Wordsworth in veel van zijn werken bezig met de verloren glorie van het verleden. Niet alleen de dromen uit zijn kindertijd, maar ook het (geromantiseerde) historische verleden komt aan bod, bijvoorbeeld in het gedicht “London, 1802”, welke een ode is aan John Milton. Deze retrospectieve levenshouding...
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...review the employee’s incoming and outgoing mails to see how he/she relate with the customers whether is satisfactorily. Secondly, it can be seen as electronic surveillance in such a way that the employer will use the electronic devices to know what the employee does, and also review the sites he visited for the day and check whether the site is adult site or gamble site (King, 2008). The Frequency of Electronic Monitoring within the company An employee maybe unaware how he is being monitored, but research showed that more than 20 millions of employees have their emails being search by their employers; in telecommunication and banking industries, it has been established that about 80% of their workers are being subject to monitoring (Dichter and Burkhardt, 1996). Merits of Electronic Monitoring Electronic Monitoring is very good for any company in such a way that the employer will use to enhance employees’ productivity, quality of services and also enable employer to easily detect any foul play...
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...De encyclopedie van het Poolse leven Het succes van Adam Mickiewicz’ Pan Tadeusz [pic] Wouter Hijzen 5813840 Werkgroep Culturele Vormgeving Nationale mythen en nationale herinnering in Midden- en Oost-Europa Inleiding Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855) is in zijn hele leven slechts één maal op Pools grondgebied geweest, maar hij wordt toch gezien als de grootste klassieke Poolse dichter aller tijden. Er staat in Krakau een monument ter ere van Mickiewicz, in Rome is een straat naar hem genoemd, in Parijs staat een museum over hem en zijn bekendste werk Pan Tadeusz is nog steeds verplichte kost op Poolse scholen. Mickiewicz heeft slechts negen maanden aan het epische dichtwerk Pan Tadeusz gewerkt en toen hij klaar was schreef hij dat hij hoopte nooit meer zijn pen te gebruiken voor zo een futiliteit. Hoe is het mogelijk dat een werk dat ‘even tussendoor’ geschreven is zo belangrijk geworden is in Polen? Het werk dat in 1834 uit kwam beschrijft, zoals aan de titel al te zien is, Poolse adel in de periode 1811-1812. Polen was in de achttiende eeuw een grote mogendheid te noemen. Hier kwam echter een einde aan door de zogeheten ‘Poolse delingen’ in 1772, 1793 en 1795. In deze jaren werd Polen respectievelijk door Pruisen, Oostenrijk en Rusland toegeëigend. Ook Litouwen, het land waar Pan Tadeusz zich afspeelt, wordt door de Russen bezet. Begin achttiende eeuw voerde Napoleon zijn veroveringspolitiek ook uit in het oosten en in 1812 trok hij op tegen Rusland...
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...Vance Packard With an Introduction by Mark Crispin Miller PUBLISHING Brooklyn, New York Copyright © 1957, 1980 by Vance Packard Originally published by Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. Introduction Copyright 2007© by Mark Crispin Miller All rights reserved. Printed in Canada Reissue Edition 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission of the publisher. Please direct inquiries to: Ig Publishing 178 Clinton Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11205 www.igpub.com Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Packard, Vance Oakley, 1914The hidden persuaders / Vance Packard ; [new] introduction by Mark Crispin Miller. p. cm. Originally published in 1957 by McKay and reissued in 1980 by Pocket Books with a new afterword. ISBN-13: 978-0-9788431-0-6 ISBN-10: 0-9788431-0-X 1. Advertising--Psychological aspects. 2. Consumers--Psychology. 3. Advertising, Political. 4. Propaganda. 5. Control (Psychology) I. Title. HF5822.P3 2007 659.101'9--dc22 2007027043 To Virginia CONTENTS Introduction by Mark Crispin Miller 1. The Depth Approach PERSUADING US AS CONSUMERS Z. The Trouble With People 3. So Ad Men become Depth Men 4. ....And The Hooks Are Lowered 5. Self-Images for Everybody 6. RX for Our Secret Distresses 1. Marketing Eight Hidden Needs 8. The Built-In Sexual Overtone 9. Back to the Breast, and Beyond 10. Babes In Consumerland 11. Class and Caste in the Salesroom 12. Selling Symbols...
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...Punch! Punch! Punch! In the story “The Fight” by Adam Bagdasarian. Adam is very arrogant throughout the story beginning, middle, and end. Adam is arrogant in the story, like when he fights with elbows over a basketball rebound against Mike, “Mike Dichter and I went up for the same rebound, and I accidentally stuck my elbow in his chest. Then Mike stuck his elbow in my chest, pointed a finger at me, and told me to watch out”......“so I told him to watch out,” this is important to notice because this shows Adam’s personality and character trait. Therefore there is more, after the rebound fight, Adam thinks he can, fight fight, Mike, “I know I can take him,” Adam says to Kevin. “He’s three inches taller than you,” Kevin responds. “So?” “He’s...
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...CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of study Mobile Money Transfer Providers are economic organizations or business organizations that can be family firms, partnerships or limited companies that have been formed with the aim of fulfilling a certain objective that is set. The providers engage in business ventures that range from vendors, manufacturing, and customer service. The providers juggle different types of businesses with the aim of making ends meet for themselves while ensuring they remain enterprising and retaining customer base and thus in most cases may be specialized in a certain industry and still engage in another for revenue purposes (Dichter, 2007). Globally the providers have evolved from family firms that have been set up and passed down in generation as family dynasties having their set ups in neighborhood and sub urban areas. Most of them are small vendors running coffee shops, restaurants, supermarkets or basic retails who supply household goods. Their aim is for continuity geared towards sustainability of their wellbeing and families (Gowan, 1999). In order to stay abreast with customer demands and market evolutions through technology, providers have tremendously changed their operations as they have set out to have partnerships with similar business organizations geared towards meeting and surprising the demand; leading to growth in the providers in Kenya and around the world. The Mobile Money Transfer Providers have contributed greatly towards the...
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...HISTORY OF MARKETING KUPRINA ANASTASIA, LOKTIONOVA MARIA, ABITOVA DIANA Marketing is the subject that always open to new ideas and new trends and widespread worldwide Marketing student's books often suggest examples from American business which are not always suitable for European business The first mentioned “marketing” term in XIX- start of XX century, first defined in 1935 (the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producers to consumers) changed in 1985 (the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organisational objectives) and then in 2006 (an organizational function and set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to cus- tomers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organisation and stakeholders) Final definition made in 2007 (Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large) First documented courses were held in the USA, undocumented in Germany Researchers substituted theoretical knowledges with practical Justification of marketing in XX century when people were concerned about rising costs and wondering if they pay more than things' real cost German school started a new system of research associated...
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...MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT CONSUMER BEHAVIOR „CONSUMER MOTIVATION“ Lecturer: ******** Student: A**** C**** October 2013. CONTENT: * MOTIVATION * NEEDS * GOALS - The Selection of Goals * RATIONAL VS EMOTIONAL MOTIVES * DYNAMICS OF MOTIVATION * AROUSAL OF MOTIVES * HIERARCHY OF NEEDS * A TRIO OF NEEDS * MEASUREMENT OF MOTIVES * MOTIVATIONAL RESEARCH * HUMAN NEEDS – consumer needs – are the basis of all modern marketing. * Needs are the essence of the marketing concept. MOTIVATION: * MOTIVATION is the driving force within individuals that impels them to action. * This driving force is produced by a state of tension, which exists as the result of an unfullfilled need. NEEDS: * Needs are the essence of the marketing concept. Marketers don’t create needs but can make consumers aware of needs. * Types: * - INNATE NEEDS /primary * ACQUIRED NEEDS /secondary GOALS: * Goals are the sought-after results of motivated behavior. * Individuals set goals on the basis of their personal values and they select means that they believe will help them to achieve their desired goals. The Selection of Goals: * The goals selected by individuals depend on their: * personal experiences * -physical capacity * -prevailing cultular norms and values * -goal’s accessibility in the physical and social environment. RATIONAL VS EMOTIONAL MOTIVES: ...
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...Streuvelsgenootschap bij de voorstelling van het 19de jaarboek ‘Stijn Streuvels als vertaler’ Kulak, maandag 26 mei 2014 om 19.30u. ------------------------------------------------- Dames en heren, het onderwerp van mijn lezing diende zich voor de eerste keer aan toen ik in 1992 grasduinde in het pas verschenen repertorium van Patrick De Rynck en Andries Welkenhuysen, De Oudheid in het Nederlands, een bibliografische gids voor vertalingen van Griekse en Latijnse auteurs. In het register van vertalers botste ik op de naam van Stijn Streuvels. Streuvels vertaler van Griekse of Latijnse teksten? Bleek dat Streuvels in het tweede deel van zijn Genoveva van Brabant, verschenen in 1920, een reeks fragmenten uit de Mosella van de vierde-eeuwse Latijnse dichter Ausonius had vertaald. Dat was eigenlijk ook al te vinden in het repertorium van Geerebaert, de bekende pater Geerebaert, met wiens grammatica’s en tekstboekjes veel humaniorastudenten in de vorige eeuw de oude talen studeerden. Zijn lijst van Nederlandse vertalingen verscheen in 1924, vier jaar na het tweede luik van Streuvels’ Genoveva, en vermeldt de vijf fragmenten uit Ausonius’ Moezelgedicht. De Rynck en Welkenhuysen geven als aanvulling tussen haakjes: ‘uit het Duits vertaald’. De roman had ik toen nog niet gelezen. En wellicht was en ben ik niet de enige, ondanks mijn grote belangstelling voor Streuvels. Het werk was niet eens opgenomen in het tweede deel van Volledig werk dat in 1972 bij Orion verschenen was. In zijn inleiding had...
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