...This Is Your Brain on Drugs Summary I thought this experience was rather interesting and difficult at the same time. This experience posed to be a bit difficult when it came to hiding the use of the ice cubes. I work as an installer visiting anywhere from 3-5 homes a day. This makes having a steady supply of ice cubes rather difficult. To fix that problem I would bring a cooler with ice cubes in it to help get me through the day without having to resupply. I lead a rather normal life so after work my time is spent doing homework and spending time with my family. Of course being at home made having access to ice cubes rather easy in the evening. The “track marks” on the other hand were pretty easy to hide. To hide them I wore a long sleeve work shirt for the 48 hour period. In my line of work this does not make my job any easier. I sweat so horribly bad that having that long sleeve shirt on made the days rather hot and wet for me. At home I could not where a long sleeve shirt that would be so out of the ordinary for me so I decided to make up a story about the strings on my wrists. Now as for the obsession log I found an interesting way to hide that. At work we have a handheld device that we process all our work orders on. I used that to take my notes on for the obsession log. It just looked like I was taking care of the work order information for the customers. At home it was just another day it would be more unusual if someone didn’t have some sort of electronic device in...
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...My presentation today is to talk about the effects of the drugs on the brain. Drugs affects a person's brain by changing or interfere with the activity of neurotransmitters and receptors in the brain. Neurotransmitters are the brain chemicals that share information throughout our brain and body. They send signals between nerve cells, called “neurons.” The brain uses neurotransmitters to tell your heart to beat, your lungs to breathe, and your stomach to digest. They can also affect your mood, how you sleep, your ability to concentrate, your weight, and can cause negative symptoms when they are out of balance. There are two kinds of neurotransmitters – Inhibitory and Excitatory. Excitatory neurotransmitters are what stimulate the brain. Inhibitory calm the brain and help balance mood....
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...presentation is about the affects drugs have on the human brain. A brain is like a sponge it absorbs everything that it sees and does on a regular basis. The brain is the most important part of the human body. The brain controls heart rate, body temperature, eye sight and the feelings on the skin and inside the body. Keeping your brain healthy is important because it keeps the rest of your body functioning properly. Addiction is a really serious illness that can have major affects the brain is in many different ways. Drug use affects the brain stem. Our brain stem is in charge of everyday bodily functions. Blood flow, breathing and food digestion is controlled by the brain stem. The spinal cord and muscle movements are also controlled through the brain stem. When the brain stem gets messed with by drugs the body does not do its job properly. The body will start to shut down after too much extensive using. If the body shuts down the body can no longer keep itself functioning properly. This means that the person will need to go to the hospital. If not attended to quickly the body will no longer be able to continue living....
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...like it is somewhat hard to control your actions, behaviors, and understand some of your emotions. Parents, authority, and others may be asking you to; just think logically, control your impulses, or think recognize the long term consequences of your current actions. The previous understanding our teenage brains was that it was fully developed and young people were just rebels without a cause; however through more recent advances in neuroscience and technology to help understand our brains, we can now see that the brain development is much different than our previous beliefs. Not that we are any less intelligent, on the contrary we are more intelligent than ever before; however our teenage and young adult brain is still developing...
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...Drugs are some of the most damaging things for our bodies. They can destroy many different organs in our body. Cocaine is one of the most damaging drugs for our body. One of the main places that cocaine will travel to is the brain. The brain is the most effected part of our body. The main issue with cocaine going to the brain is because your brain is the one thing in your body that controls what you think, speak, when you move, breathe, and feel. Everything that you see or feel from the outside and everything in the inside of your body like all your organs will go to the brain and give information to it. When you are on the drugs; it will mess with all of this. Cocaine can travel to your brain through your bloodstream. The drug...
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...What Is Drug Addiction? Drug addiction is a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences to the drug addict and those around them. Drug addiction is a brain disease because the abuse of drugs leads to changes in the structure and function of the brain. Although it is true that for most people the initial decision to take drugs is voluntary, over time the changes in the brain caused by repeated drug abuse can affect a person's self-control and ability to make sound decisions, and at the same time create an intense impulse to take drugs. Signs of Substance Use - Topic Overview Signs of Substance Use Guide * Topic Overview * Health Tools * Related Information * Credits The following are some obvious signs that a person may be smokingcigarettes, drinking alcohol, or using other substances. This is not a complete list of signs to look for. If you suspect a particular drug or drugs, get more information on signs of use for those substances. For more information, see Teen Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Cigarettes * A distinctive smell on the breath and clothing * Cigarettes and lighter in his or her possession * Cigarette butts outside a bedroom window or in other odd places around the home Alcohol * Alcoholic beverages missing from the home storage cabinet * Alcohol or mouthwash (used to cover up alcohol) breath orhangover symptoms (nausea, vomiting, or headache), if recently used ...
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...Reproducible Skills Pages, Including: >>Body & Brain Science >>Reading Comprehension >>Graphs, Charts >>Critical Thinking >>Sequencing 14 Drug Education Activities FROM SCHOLASTIC AND THE SCIENTISTS OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON DRUG ABUSE, NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES STEPHEN KRONINGER(ILLUSTRATION) Dear Teacher, One of the most important things you can do as a teacher is to give your students information about the health effects of drug abuse. Together with the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), we’ve put together this 16-page book of reproducibles, full of facts and activities on drugs of abuse. This book is just one component of our ongoing drug education program, “Heads Up: Real News About Drugs and Your Body,” a partnership between NIDA and Scholastic Inc. These skills pages can be used alone or to support and extend the feature articles that appeared in your classroom magazine in the 2002- 2003 school year and are continuing this year. This book includes an introduction to the brain, that crucial organ so vulnerable to drugs of abuse. Then, we focus on the health effects of specific drugs, including marijuana, inhalants, nicotine, steroids, prescription drugs, club drugs, heroin, and cocaine. While you can use these reproducibles to support a drug education, health, or human-body science curriculum, the activities extend into other areas. In order to complete the activities, students must read charts and graphs...
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...Limitless pill is a type of drug that helps Alzheimer's patients improve their memory function. According to researchers, this pill helps adults learn new skills as faster as children. Actually, if you are new to this type of drug, the whole thing may sound unreal, but there are many proofs that can give you courage to try the product. Consequently, children are known to be first learners because their brains undergo critical periods. Moreover, researchers have discovered that this drug, which was also based on the movie "Limitless" can revert the brain of an adult to these periods, by making it more elastic thus giving it ability to learn more rapidly. The pill boosts chemicals that are found in low concentration in the brain of an adult...
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...lightbulb. However, according to the article, “Addiction is a Brain Disease, and it Matters”, written by Alan Leshner (1997), he identified that addiction is in the brain and it causes a lot of changes to the brain chemistry. The article is about what chronic addiction is and the domino affect it has, relating to public health and the various treatment approaches you can take to treating addiction. He opens the article speaking about what...
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... Instructor : Kami Himes By Ronald Berry 1. Introduction Good morning , my name is Ronald Berry I would like to thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to interview me and hear my presentation . I have done many hours of research of this company , and must say your research techniques are the most accurate in the field of psychology . I have just graduated from the University of Phoenix , and I welcome the opportunity to demonstrate my knowledge in psychology . I will begin the first part of my presentation by explaining Schizophrenia treatments , area ‘ s of the brain affected , causal factors , associated symptoms , neural basis , and appropriate drug therapies . I have many months of studying drug abuse and anxiety . I have family members who are suffering from these illnesses , and I really want to make a difference in people , s life by spending my time to help make their daily behavior more acceptable ( Schizophrenia Information & Treatment Introduction ) . 2. Part: Schizophrenia A severe brain disorder which can interfere with normal brain function is Schizophrenia . Of all the disorders this one usually affects humans in their late childhood or early adulthood , but it can hit at any stage in ...
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...How Drugs and Alcohol Affect the Mind and Body Drug and alcohol abuse can have very devastating effects on the user. It can affect you mentally and physically, and if continued can even lead to death. I’m here to explain all the ways that drugs and alcohol affect you. Many people believe that since prescription pills and alcohol are “legal†that their safe. That would be nice, if only it were true. First, I’m going to tell you how alcohol affects the mind. It all depends on three things, how much does that person consume, how often that person consumes it, and how long have they been drinking. Some of the short-term effects of drinking are: Slurred speech, and slowed reaction times. The long-term effects are: Permanent brain damage, and a life-threatening brain disorder called hepatic encephalopathy. This disorder can cause changes in sleep patterns, mood and personality, have psychiatric implications like developing anxiety and depression , severe cognitive effects like shortened attention span and problems with coordination like shaking hands. Next, I’ll talk about how alcohol affects the body. One of the big effects that almost everybody knows is liver damage. But what most people don’t know is that prolonged liver dysfunction as a result of chronic alcohol abuse can harm the brain and leads to the potentially life-threatening brain disorder that I was talking about in the last paragraph. It can also cause heart problems, pancreas, and can cause...
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...How illegal drugs affect you In contrast to prescription drugs, illegal drugs are not manufactured in controlled environments under strict standards of quality. In other words, you never know what quality and quantity you are really getting, or with what cheaper poison an unscrupulous dealer may have diluted the drug. Some of the side effects of illegal drugs could actually limit your ability to have the 'good time' you might have thought the drug was going to provide. The side-effects multiply, compound and can cause permanent damage the more frequently you take the drugs. Side effects inlcude: * confusion * anxiety * paranoia * panic attacks * nausea * shaking * headache * schizophrenic and psychotic behaviour * hostile and aggressive behaviour * violence, often for no apparent reason * periods of severe mental and emotional disturbance, and possible permanent mental illness * potentially permanent damage to brain, liver, kidneys and heart. The highly addictive characteristics of drugs such as heroin, cocaine and various amphetamine compounds may take away any control you have over the continuation of self-inflicted damage. The cost of feeding an inevitable addiction that regular use will cause, may mean you find yourself involved in serious crime, facing a lengthy jail term, and dealing with serious health problems including permanent mental illness, the risks of communicable diseases like HIV/AIDS, and overdosing. You might...
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...presentation about drugs in common and special drugs Drugs in common: What are drugs ? A drug is any chemical you take that affects the way your body works. Alcohol, caffeine, aspirin and nicotine are all drugs. A drug must be able to pass from your body into your brain. Once inside your brain, drugs can change the messages your brain cells are sending to each other, and to the rest of your body. They do this by interfering with your brain's own chemical signals: neurotransmitters that transfer signals across synapses. Drugs lead primarily to a intoxication or emergence of a dependency syndrome. They change the awareness and the perception of the consumer during their impact and beyond. They affect three primal parts of the brain: • The brain stem which is in charge of all of the functions our body needs to stay alive • The limbic system links together a bunch of brain structures that control our emotional responses. • The cerebral cortex is the mushroom-like outer part of the brain. In humans, it is so big that it makes up about three-fourths of the entire brain. It’s divided into four areas, called lobes, which control specific functions. Some areas process information from our senses, enabling us to see, feel, hear, and taste. The front part of the cortex, known as the frontal cortex or forebrain, is the thinking center. It powers our ability to think, plan, solve problems, and make decisions. How do they proceed in our brain ? Drugs are chemicals...
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...an addict. When a person tries something and gets a thrill out of it, the brain puts this activity into the reward circuit of your mind. Therefore the next time that you partake in this activity your brain tells you that you want more of it. Some people may become addicted, while others do not. This is all because of the way our mind works. For some it’s easier to become addicted to an activity because someone in their family may have had that same addiction, making it easier for them to become addicted. Although people want to stop their drug activity, they simply cannot because their body wants it more than anything, and if they don’t appease the body, they can get sick. After years of the addiction, it is more of an illness than an addiction. Since the addiction is keeping the person feeling their greatest, they are fine, correct? With an addiction, there are always consequences, if you have an a minor addiction to collecting stones, or a major addiction of hard drug use. Addictions cause your mind to think differently, it thinks more about the addiction than anything else. Depending on the addiction, it can destroy your body. The people around you might not want to tolerate you with your addiction, causing your social life to be stressed. Not all the problems that are caused by the addiction are the same; it depends on the addiction and the person’s situation. Every addiction starts with the brain. Some...
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...| Course Design Guide College of Social Sciences PSY/240 Version 6 The Brain, the Body, and the Mind | Copyright © 2011, 2010, 2009, 2006 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course provides an introduction to the investigation of physiological and neurological basis for human behavior. The student will be able to study and discuss various influences on personality development, such as pre-natal maternal behavior; gender; nature versus nurture; brain development; genetic composition; sensory motor interactions; learning disabilities; drug impacts; and neurological diseases. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Pinel, J. P. J. (2009). Biopsychology. Boston, MA: Pearson. Associate Level Writing Style Handbook, available online at https://ecampus.phoenix.edu/secure/aapd/CWE/pdfs/Associate_level_writing_style_handbook.pdf All electronic...
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