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Limitless Research Paper

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Limitless pill is a type of drug that helps Alzheimer's patients improve their memory function. According to researchers, this pill helps adults learn new skills as faster as children. Actually, if you are new to this type of drug, the whole thing may sound unreal, but there are many proofs that can give you courage to try the product.

Consequently, children are known to be first learners because their brains undergo critical periods. Moreover, researchers have discovered that this drug, which was also based on the movie "Limitless" can revert the brain of an adult to these periods, by making it more elastic thus giving it ability to learn more rapidly. The pill boosts chemicals that are found in low concentration in the brain of an adult …show more content…
Moreover, due to fast growth of the brain and high level of certain chemicals, children can easily absorb information, learn new languages, and pick up musical skills more quickly than adults. However, adults find it hard to master these skills because their brains have reached peak development where they become less elastic.
How does Limitless boosts your brain?
I was stunned to learn that this product is natural and plant derived substance! Yes, they are even less effective than most of their synthetic cousins. As a cholinesterase inhibitor, this drug helps in increasing the amount of acetylcholine within the nerve ending to enhance the brain function. Additionally, this product has been modified into several classes of herbal or natural nootropics. Examples include: Gingo Biloba, Bacopi Monneri, Varlocine, and Huperzine-A.
Also, this product has 100% natural ingredients with the highest quality selection within the industry. When you take this drug, your brain is stimulated with a pleasant mild feeling and your memory begins to effectively improve. Furthermore, you can even begin playing around with your thoughts creatively since the long past and recent memories be accessed more easily. The ingredient per capsule found in this drug is Alpha-GPC 83 mg and their effective level are above clinically and fine

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