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How Drugs Affects The Brain

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This presentation is about the affects drugs have on the human brain. A brain is like a sponge it absorbs everything that it sees and does on a regular basis. The brain is the most important part of the human body. The brain controls heart rate, body temperature, eye sight and the feelings on the skin and inside the body. Keeping your brain healthy is important because it keeps the rest of your body functioning properly.
Addiction is a really serious illness that can have major affects the brain is in many different ways. Drug use affects the brain stem. Our brain stem is in charge of everyday bodily functions. Blood flow, breathing and food digestion is controlled by the brain stem. The spinal cord and muscle movements are also controlled through the brain stem. When the brain stem gets messed with by drugs the body does not do its job properly. The body will start to shut down after too much extensive using. If the body shuts down the body can no longer keep itself functioning properly. This means that the person will need to go to the hospital. If not attended to quickly the body will no longer be able to continue living. …show more content…
The limbic system is a bunch of brain structures linked together to control emotional responses. A healthy brain produces normal emotions when the time is correct. People feel happy, sad, angry, overwhelmed, anxious, nervous, and other every day feelings. Typically when a traumatic thing happens the limbic system causes you to be upset. After drug addiction the limbic system can’t produce the same feelings and emotions. After drug use most of the time you will know something devastating has happened or is happening and your brain does not respond to it properly. You know you should be upset and crying and instead you are happy or it just doesn’t bother you. Some people will not feel any emotion at all. Other people will be so upset they can’t deal with their

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