...Differences in Competency between Associate degrees Prepared Nurses versus Baccalaureate Prepared Nurses A BSN represent a Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing, while an ADN is an Associate’s Degree in Nursing. Both degrees will qualify a person to take the same licensing exam NCLEX. There are several differences in the competency levels of these two-degree programs. BSN program is a four-year degree, which is knowledge, theory and research based and the emphasis is on the entire picture of the field of nursing. Exposing the nurse to human diversity and global perspective, health promotion, spiritual perspectives, ethical, legal, political, historical and social influences using liberal arts including biblical concepts for complete understanding of the field . The ADN program is shorter and more concise which focuses on the clinical skills and is more tasks oriented. It lacks the theory and science behind nursing as a profession. BSN Prepared Nurses poses the following competency according to Leddy and Peppers Conceptual Bases of Professional Nursing (Lucy J Hood (2010) BSN gives direct care with diverse nursing judgment, using nursing process. They have ability to carry out their duty, within planned and unplanned environment with independent nursing decisions. Use complex communication skills with clients; collaborate with team and other interdisciplinary members. Assess client information needs and design care plan They join force with nursing teachers to...
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...Educational Preparation: The Differences in Competencies Between Nurses Prepared at the Associate-Degree Level Versus the Baccalaureate-Degree Level in Nursing Eric Bradford Grand Canyon University: NRS-430V Professional Dynamics June 16th, 2013 Educational Preparation: The Differences in Competencies Between Nurses Prepared at the Associate-Degree Level Versus the Baccalaureate-Degree Level in Nursing Throughout the United States there a two basic nursing programs one can complete to become a licensed nurse. There are associate degree programs (or an ADN program) and bachelors degree programs (or BSN programs) available to students willing to complete either program. There are multiple differences between the two programs and the objectives and competencies taught in each degree. A few differences between those competencies will be discussed in this paper along with a patient care situation involving the decision-making skills between a nurse prepared at the baccalaureate level and associate level. The first difference between the two degrees is the multiple studies on nursing education linked to patient outcomes. These studies all show that the hospitals with a higher percentage of nurses baccalaureate level of nursing resulted in a lower mortality rate for their patients. In the January 2007 Journal of Advanced Nursing they reported findings that indicated just a 10% increase in the proportion of nurses who held a bachelor’s degree resulted in 9 fewer deaths...
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...The Differences Between an Associate Degree Nurse and a Baccalaureate Degree Nurse Grand Canyon University Although the Associate degree in Nursing and the Bachelors degree in nursing ultimately lead to a nursing profession in the health care industry, there are many differences between them. The fast growing complexity of health care and broadening clinical knowledge have forced nurses to have the educational preparation to meet its complex demand. Unlike the Associate degree program (ADN), the Baccalaureate program (BSN), prepares professional nurses whose practice is based upon science in order to restore and maintain health. Both the ADN and the BSN degrees lead to a profession as a registered nurse upon successfully passing the NCLEX board of licensure exam. However there are major differences that set both degrees apart in the Health care industry There are major differences between the ADN and BSN degrees. One of the differences is the length of time required to complete both programs. The Associate degree requires two years of course work to complete whereas the Bachelors degree normally requires four years of course work. In some instances it but could be less especially in cases where the prospective student already has a bachelors degree in another field or an associate degree in nursing from a community college. In comparing the competencies of both the ADN and BSN degrees both programs produce competent graduates...
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...Differences in Nursing Degrees Kimberly Walker Grand Canyon University NRS 430 Professional Dynamics September 30, 2012 Differences in Nursing Degrees In today’s ever changing healthcare arena, the need for more educated nurses is becoming more and more essential. The higher and often more complex health needs of today’s patient population requires nurses to have a wider more advanced knowledge as well as skill set. Nursing is more than just providing bedside care. More often than not, we as nurses are called upon to step into the role of social worker, spiritual counselors, therapist and many other titles that our patients may require of us. Nursing is taking into consideration the person as a whole and that usually means also taking care of whatever social, mental, emotional, and environmental concerns our patients may present with, in addition to their acute illness. In order for a nurse to be adequately prepared to step into all of these “roles” we need well educated nurses. When deciding to get a nursing degree, you have a choice between an associate’s degree and a baccalaureate degree. Immediately out of nursing school there may not be a whole lot of measurable difference in the two degrees. Both degree programs will adequately prepare you to be a bedside nurse. The difference between the two degrees however becomes very evident as your nursing experience grows. This paper discusses the differences between associate prepared nurses and baccalaureate prepared...
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...Running ahead: Differences in Competencies between Nurses Prepared at the Associate Degree Level Versus the Baccalaureate Degree Level 1 Associates Degree Nursing Education vs. Baccalaureate Degree Nursing Education: Differences in Clinical Practice Suja Kuruvilla Grand Canyon University: NRS-430V Professor Lorraine Hoover September 2, 2012 Health care is a field that is changing dramatically. Many practicing nurses have various degrees in nursing like Associate Degree, Diploma, Baccalaureate and Master’s degree. Due to the varying levels of education and training, differences exist between the nurses prepared with an Associate degree (ADN) when compared to those nurses who have trained in a Baccalaureate degree (BSN). Though nurses getting these degrees have their differences in preparation, nurses earning these degrees have adequate theoretical and clinical learning experiences. The license qualifying examination for many states- National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) - does not differentiate between ADN and BSN degree prepared nurses and allows nurses with both degrees to take the licensing examination after completion of the degree regardless of the educational background of the applicant. The differences in competencies between nurses prepared with an ADN compared to those prepared with a BSN include the quality of training and duration...
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...Differences in Competencies between Nurses Prepаred аt the Associаte-Degree Level versus the Bаccаlаureаte-Degree Level in Nursing [Esther Omodunni] [Grand Cayon University] February 24th, 2013 Differences in Competencies between Nurses Prepаred аt the Associаte-Degree Level versus the Bаccаlаureаte-Degree Level in Nursing There is this arguement going on in the nursing profession — it’s аmongst аssociаte degrees аnd diplomаs аgаinst Bаccаlаureаte-Degree. With the nаtion аlreаdy suffering from а mаjor nursing shortаge it seems the lаst thing the nursing profession would need is in-fighting. The two sides differ in opinion on the quаlity of cаre provided by аssociаte degrees versus Bаccаlаureаte-Degree (Benner, 2009). Spreading the misunderstanding wаs а recent study published in the Journаl of the Americаn Medicаl Associаtion thаt links nurses’ educаtion levels with hospitаl deаth rаtes. The findings suggest thаt recruiting nurses with four-yeаr bаchelor degrees insteаd of just two-yeаr аssociаte degrees or three-yeаr hospitаl diplomаs “mаy leаd to substаntiаl improvement in the quаlity of cаre.” The study performed by the University of Pennsylvаniа’s Center for Heаlth Outcomes аnd Policy Reseаrch found thаt pаtients experienced significаntly lower mortаlity аnd fаilure to rescue rаtes in hospitаls where more highly educаted nurses аre providing cаre. Facts and...
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...following: 1. Discuss the differences in competencies between nurses prepared at the associate-degree level versus the baccalaureate-degree level. 2. Identify a patient care situation in which you describe how nursing care or approaches to decision-making may differ based upon the educational preparation of the nurse (BSN versus a diploma or ADN degree). Refer to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Fact Sheet: Creating a More Highly Qualified Nursing Workforce as a resource. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, Within the nursing profession, education is an essential component to the training and preparedness of nurses. This is also true with all healthcare providers as education provides the necessary tools and resources for personnel to complete tasks. The following paper will discuss the differences between an Associate degree in nursing and a Baccalaureate degree in nursing including each degrees’ implications in competencies. Additionally, to further explore these differences, a case scenario will be provided to demonstrate differences in decision making between each level of education. Associates Degree A nurse receiving his or her associate’s degree implies that they have undergone a minimum of two years of training and education. This can be achieved at most colleges including community colleges. Additionally, in order to graduate from an Associate’s degree in nursing, the individual must pass...
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...Much has been said about the differences between registered nurses (RNs) with Baccalaureate degrees (BSN) and those with Associates degrees (ADN). The consensus is that those nurses with BSN degrees are better trained and more skilled nurses. This is a logical assumption to make based on the fact that RNs with BSN degrees have had more education. However, some of that education included general education courses such as art history or economics that are required to fill in undergraduate prerequisites for any bachelor’s degree. Still, the argument in favor of RNs with BSN degrees having more education is centered on the fact that with more time in school nursing students pursuing a BSN have more time to study nursing theory and more time to apply that theory in their clinical practice requirements. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and others claim that nurses who have completed the rigors of general education requirements and earned their BSN degrees have better critical thinking and leadership skills, and are better prepared to take on any of a variety of settings where they may find work Some would say that new nurses, fresh out of nursing school, whether they have a BSN or an ADN, are equally prepared to take on the nursing profession and are able to meet the demands of any nursing setting. Others claim that the level of education has little to do with the outcomes on patient care; what really matters is the level of experience a nurse has. After all,...
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... Page 1 Knowledgeable Nurses: Differences of ADN versus BSN Higher level of Nursing Education results in better patient outcomes. Although working as an ADN graduate along side nurses who have BSN degrees, I can honestly say that as far as judgment, and skills, I cannot see much difference. Not to say that there are not some differences, maybe it is just the individuals who hold those degrees. I can see a difference in leadership, and critical thinking. In my workplace staff members who have BSN degrees seem to have more confidence in themselves, and come up with solutions to apparent problems seemingly quicker. I have the utmost respect for all our staff, but observing the difference is what brought me to wanting to obtain a higher education in nursing. Mildred Montag, revolusionalized-nursing education by the creation of the two-year associate degree in nursing following World War II, there was an acute shortage of nurses (GCU: multimedia 2009-2011). Mildred Montag started a trend that would take the world by surprise, and flourish into hundreds of programs throughout community colleges giving opportunity to people who might not have had the chance to become nurses otherwise. Many seek out the Associates Degree in Nursing for the simple fact that it is a quicker course, financially more affordable, in todays job market, it seems many people are scrambling...
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...Running head: EDUCATION PREPARATION DIFFERENCES IN COMPETENCIES OF NURSING DEGREES: ASSOCIATES VS. BACCALAUREATES Patel, Hetal Grand Canyon University: NRS 430V Professional Dynamics January 25, 2012 There are many differences in the competencies between nurses prepared at the associate’s degree level versus the baccalaureate level in nursing. The differences in competencies has be seen in the leadership ladder for advancement in the profession of nursing, the ability to provide care, the coordination of patient care, and the membership of an educated interdisciplinary health care team. In my matriculation into Grand Canyon University’s RN-BSN program, I previously researched this topic extensively. In 1965, the American Nurses Association (ANA) took a courageous position in publishing a first position paper asking for the baccalaureate degree to be the minimal level of education for the professional nursing ( A position paper 1965). This was the first documented attempt to change the level of education of nurses from a technical based education to a scientific based education. The position that the ANA held had many of the following obstacles to overcome, the interference of government funding of programs, nurses to see beyond just the technical based profession and the perception of nursing as a caregiver. The ladder of leadership after obtaining an associate degree in nursing (ADN) is the certifications that can be obtain through their professional organizations...
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...Difference in Nursing Degrees Melissa Rintz Grand Canyon University NRS 430V September 1, 2013 Nursing today has many different levels of degrees. Nurses have choices in the types of nursing schools they can attend. Nurses can obtain their degree through diploma programs that are based out of hospitals, through local community colleges, or through universities. Now in healthcare evidence based research supports that patients receive higher level of quality care with fewer adverse outcomes for patients [ (Friese, 2008) ]. A nurse is not just a nurse anymore. This paper will explain the differences in the competencies between nursing degrees including the differences between the Associate Degree Nurse (ADN), and Baccalaureate Degree Nurse (BSN). The differences will be exposed with patient care situations and the different approach based on the level of nursing degree. Associate Degree Nursing There are many differences between the ADN nurse and BSN nurse, but only a few similarities. The major correlation between the two degrees is they both sit for the NCLEX-RN licensing examination is exam is taken upon completion of your nursing program (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2012). The ADN nurse attends school for two years and takes significantly fewer credit hours and is generally less expensive [ (Link, 2010) ]. In both ADN and BSN programs the core curriculum is somewhat the same. The ADN nurse focuses more on learning technical clinical skills...
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...Defining the Difference between Associate and Bachelor’s Degrees in Nursing While nursing degrees and the competencies of each are very different, all nurses are professional and have the same opportunities in nursing school to demonstrate professional behaviors (Moore, 2009). In clinical practice at all levels of nursing students have the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills, and a value system for care of patients (Oermann, 1988). There are in fact distinct differences between the Associate Degree Nurse and the Baccalaureate Degree Nurses. According to Taylor (2008) “For those who argue that a nurse with an associate’s degree has enough education, consider that nurses prepared at the graduate level demonstrate a significant difference in competency compared to nurses with associate degrees. The previous is supported by a study published in 2003 that clearly identified a relationship between higher degrees of nursing education and proven better patient outcomes (ie, lower mortality rates, failure-to rescue rates)” ( p. 612-613). The main difference is the emphasis that is put on additional education in leadership and management, wellness and community nursing. The BSN provides nurses with a vast knowledge for promoting health, disease prevention, disease prevention and risk reduction. . The BSN nurse has more opportunities to work in many health care areas allowing for opportunities for professional growth. The BSN degree focuses on the emphasis of evidenced-based...
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...Nursing Competencies: ADN versus BSN Suzi Roberts Grand Canyon University Professional Dynamics NRS-430V Brittney Grabill May 2, 2015 Nursing Competencies: ADN versus BSN According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), nursing is “the largest health care profession, with 3.1 million registered nationwide.” The AACN states on their website, in 1980, 22 percent held the bachelor’s degree and 18 percent held an associate’s degree (American Associate of Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2015). By the 2008, the number holding bachelor’s degree increased to 36.8 percent and the number for an associate’s degree increased to 36.1 (AACN, 2015). In the paper, I will discuss what it takes to obtain both degrees, the advantages, disadvantages and the different competencies of the Associates Degree in Nurse (ADN) and the Baccalaureate Degree Nurse (BSN). In the last few years, the hospital I have worked for has really encouraged those with an ADN degree to obtain their BSN. Representatives from different colleges have made visits to the hospital to get nurses to enroll in their ADN to BSN online programs. Our hospital, like many other across the nation, suffer from a nursing shortage. There are 2 universities within an hour in driving distance with BSN programs. Where I live, we are very fortunate to have an ADN program at our local community college, which is right across the street from the only hospital in town. When thinking about becoming a nurse, the...
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...Differences in Competencies in ADN and BSN Degrees Education has a strong outcome on everyone, and nursing is a profession that makes sure that everyone that is being called a nurse goes through the best kind of education that is available. Nursing helps to nurture human by providing humane services for all. There are different levels of education in nursing; an associate’s degree, a baccalaureate degree, master’s degree and so on. So it is very important to understand the differences between all these degrees since each certified nursing program carries educational and professional requirements that are expected to be carried out. The following paragraphs are going to explain the differences in competencies between nurses that are prepared at the associate degree which is the entry level degree and baccalaureate degree which is the degree that comes after Associates degree. Associate’s degree in nursing (ADN) was first brought into light by Mildred Montag in 1952 since nurses were eligible to take the RN licensure exam once they had this degree. Associate degree nursing programs last for 2 years and after graduation, nurses were expected to work in places such as the community hospitals under the careful guidance of nurses who had their baccalaureate degree. An associate degree is just the beginning of the nursing education but the baccalaureate degree is a step higher in training and education than the associate’s degree. The baccalaureate...
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...changing dramatically. Many practicing nurses have various degrees in nursing like Associate Degree, Diploma, Baccalaureate and Master’s degree. Due to the varying levels of education and training, differences exist between the nurses prepared with an Associate degree (ADN) when compared to those nurses who have trained in a Baccalaureate degree (BSN). Though nurses getting these degrees have their differences in preparation, nurses earning these degrees have adequate theoretical and clinical learning experiences. The license qualifying examination for many states- National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) - does not differentiate between ADN and BSN degree prepared nurses and allows nurses with both degrees to take the licensing examination after completion of the degree regardless of the educational background of the applicant. The differences in competencies between nurses prepared with an ADN compared to those prepared with a BSN include the quality of training and duration of the course. From research shown in many well published studies and from my own practice, I feel that such differences in training create various approaches to patient management in similar clinical situations and hence do have a variable effect on patient outcomes. Nurses with an ADN or a BSN have distinctive differences in their preparation to get their degree. Nurses with an ADN obtain their degree through attending community colleges, nursing schools, or other 4 year colleges or even online (Mahaffey...
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