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Differences Of Life In Salem, Massachusetts During 1692

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Salem, Massachusetts during 1692 probably doesn't compare to the lives people are living now in 1992. There are many differences in the way people dressed, religion, culture, and activities that were not allowed during the time. The clothing people wore during 1962 were made of simple fabrics, usually homespun or woven, and made with natural fibers such as hemp. Although usually expensive, dying fabrics was possible with plant based dyes such as indigo and walnut juice. Women were known to wear long sleeved black dresses with white cuffs, and collars around the neck with bonnet like caps to cover their head. Men would dress in black suits with white collars around their neck, cuffs, and pair this with a top hat. Both genders would wear black “straight toed” shoes with white stockings. These were usually Sunday clothes or worn for special occasions but could also be worn at any time. …show more content…
Church was considered the cornerstone of the 17th century. Most people in Massachusetts were known as Puritans. These were colonists who left England seeking religious tolerance. Puritans had many views on life that may be thought of as aggressive towards themselves. These views included not attending church was against the law and during the service men and women had to sit on opposite sides. Puritans were expected to work hard and not speak emotions or opinions as well as believed all sin should be punished. Whenever anybody suffered misfortune, it was believed to be Gods’ will and nobody helped during the time. The people Satan chose to do his work for him were considered the weakest which includes women children and the insane. These people chosen were known as witches. Being a witch was the greatest crime and could be punished by

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