...Sociology can be seen as the scientific study of groups in the human society and social interactions which aims to understand social situations, which looks for repeating patterns in society. Sociology can be seen as a natural science because it consists of those disciples which apply systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses to the study of society. Sociology can be seen as one of the social sciences which had a late start; the subject of sociology fell on it way in the middle of the 1800. When the American society was in the middle of the Industrial Era. Sociology developed great recognition during this time with the great success of the French and American Revolution. The first and main contributor to sociology in the social world was Auguste Comte; his method of practice was called positivism which states that “the theory that knowledge can be acquired only through direct observation and experimentation, and not through metaphysics or theology.” Another major contributor to sociology was Herbert Spencer; he was credited in finding the Science as a field of study. Spencer came up with the idea of Social Darwinism which implies “people would gravitate to either the bottom or the top of society…the principle was termed “survival of the fittest.”” Karl Marx also played a huge part of early Sociology. Marx was a social activist who came up with the theory of class conflict, which says that; “the lower and...
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...understanding religion theory Functionalist believe that religion is good for society as they believe it creates value consensus in which is a set of shared norm and values that society cannot live without. Functionalists believe that religion plays an important part in creating and maintain social solidarity and order as well as value consensus. They take on the consensus view. The first functionalist to put forward his view on religion was Durkheim who believed that religion was the origin of human thought, reason and science. Durkheim put forward a view of religion that wasn’t about gods or spirits but about the distinction between the sacred and the profane. The sacred is things that are set apart that inspire feelings of awe, fear and wonder. Durkheim said that religion practices rituals in relation to the sacred and these rituals are collective. He argued that because society is the only thing powerful to evoke such feelings, then people were actually worshipping society. Although Durkheim acknowledged different religion worshipped different sacred symbols, all religions perform a function in society in which brings each other into one moral community. Durkheim also did a case study in Australia of the Arunta clan to further his understanding. He talked about the clan having a sacred totem in which they would all come together and worship. Durkheim argued that this reinforced the group’s solidarity and sense of belonging. Once again Durkheim said that for religions to worship...
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...Religion Ideas REL/133 January 15, 2012 Religion Ideas The religion topic is kind of complicated. Around the world people have different points of view about the religion. The youngest generation in comparison with the old people they do not take importance to religion or any issue related with the religion. In some parts of the world the people do not care about religion but they believe in other things such as afterlife. This paper will explain what religion does for people, why people avoid religion and what are the factors that make the religion study complicated. What religion does for people? The word religion is related with the word spirituality. The people that have the religion in their lives are more spiritual persons. The people that have the religion in their lives are a happiest people. Religion can act as a buffer that will protect people from life’s disappointments. The religion can provide positive spirituality to people as well. The religion can change the life of a person. The religion can provide feeling emotions such as love, awe, wonder, respect, and gratitude. The feelings that religion provide can connect people to others. The spirituality that religion gives to people makes them to focus on the purpose and the meaning of life. People also will find social support when they introduce the religion to their lives. The religion often offer help to the community. People can find help for problems like drugs abuse, alcohol abuse, domestic violence...
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...Common Practice in Religion Paper REL/133 October 15, 2014 Common Practice in Religion Paper We as people have an opinion about religions whether we believe in it or do not. As a society have made religions part of our social conversations, part of our life’s, and even a day to day ritual. Too many of us go by a type of book to worship from or worship a divine being, but we follow the beliefs and customs that religion is based for. Religion means a different thing to all human beings all around the world, but in a whole it comes down to one purpose which eventually means different to everyone. Define what Religion is Religion is a word that means many different things to every human being. Though the textbook stats that religion was originally from Western Civilization. When the word religion is broken down, the word “religio” define to mean “awe to the Gods” which comes from the Latin world. Most religions use a book or a type of scripture which is part of their everyday lives and that is the main tool to guide them to their beliefs and ritual’s in many religions such as Zen Buddhism also Tribal Religion they do not use any type of scriptural text but use what they call an oral religion in which it has been passed from one generation to the other. The textbook also stats that religion is a type of system that most human beings follow by worship or a God or gods, different types of prayers, rituals, and a code of morals. Religion is mostly based on eight elements: belief...
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...Physical Education Assignment # 2 Name: Assignment #:2 S/C: Title: Sociology of Sport Due date: Teacher: Introduction Sociology is the study of human behavior and social interactions within particular contents. Sports sociology examines sports as a part of cultural and social life, and adds a different dimension and perspective to the study of sports and exercise. More specifically, sports sociology examines the relationship between sports and society and seeks answers to many issues and questions regarding sports and culture. Sports are a pervasive part of culture and are considered to be social constructions within society created by groups of individuals and based on values, interests, needs, and resources. Sport forms are created by groups of individuals. Each culture creates and uses sports for its own purposes; therefore, sports take different forms from culture to culture. It is only since 1970 that sports sociology has gained significant attention as a serious area of study. This is in part owing to the increasing major role sports play in our lives and the intellectual traditions in both physical education and sociology. In 1978, the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport was organized as a professional association; and its scholarly outlet for research, the Sociology of Sport Journal, was established in 1984. The International Committee for Sociology of Sport is acknowledged within the International Sociological Association, and both groups...
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...Evolution Of Religion, A Research Paper So I was asked by a few of you to post a research paper I wrote on the evolution of religion. I managed to find it, along with all of my source articles! This was done for my Cognition, Evolution, and Behavior Psychology class in college. It is a bit lengthy and the language is scientific in nature, hopefully that won't bother anyone. Keep in mind, it also follows the accepted assumptions made by the scientific community, namely that humans are the only animals with language. I know that is debatable, but it is what is accepted, so it is assumed in this paper. I hope you enjoy, and I hope I can't get in trouble for posting this on a public forum! Thanks so much guys~! The Evolution of Religion as a Social Mechanism Religion has proven itself to be a key part of the human experience across the globe. However, much speculation concerning some basic principles of religion have been debated as maladaptive, such as altruism. This has been a puzzle for scientists of many fields. Some evidence in other animals has allowed us a glimpse at what may be the beginnings of religion in the form of ritualistic behavior. Since this is such an important feature within religions of today and especially ancient religions, there is much to be learned from these comparisons. Through these early manifestations, scientists are able to look at the evolutionary process of religion within humans and how Darwinian structure can apply to social concepts. Indeed...
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...CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS GCE Advanced Level MARK SCHEME for the May/June 2014 series 9699 SOCIOLOGY 9699/33 Paper 3 (Social Inequality and Opportunity), maximum raw mark 75 This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began, which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers. Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner Report for Teachers. Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes. Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2014 series for most IGCSE, GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level components and some Ordinary Level components. Page 2 1 Mark Scheme GCE A LEVEL – May/June 2014 Syllabus 9699 Paper 33 (a) Explain how the achievement of pupils may be influenced by pupil sub-cultures. [9] 0–4 A few general observations about pupils’ educational achievement, with no direct links to the question, would be worth 1 or 2 marks. A basic account of what is meant by pupil sub-culture, with no further development in relation to the question, would be placed in the higher part of the band. 5–9 Lower in the band, answers are likely to provide a basic...
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...with different cultural, ethnic, religious or social backgrounds. It looks at both the cultural barriers to effective communication as well as to various ways those barriers can be overcome. This unit also addresses the concept of dialogue as the use of communication to achieve harmony, mutual understanding and respect among peoples and groups. Learning Outcomes: Students who complete Unit 5 will be able to: explain the role of ethnocentrism in intercultural communication discuss guidelines for effective intercultural and interreligious communication compare Arabic and English communication patterns demonstrate intercultural aspects of inter-religious communication Key Concepts for Unit 5 Definition and conceptualization of intercultural communication and overview of guidelines Overview of ethnocentrism and prejudice in communication Definition and conceptualization of dialogue as a model of communication ► Intercultural Communication Nations and people of the world are increasingly interconnected and mutually interdependent. Globally, most cities and countries are becoming more diverse internally, with citizens and residents of varying races, religions, ethnicities and national backgrounds. Meanwhile, greater the risk is associated with economic or political aloofness and social isolation. All of these social forces are fostering increasingly more study of intercultural communication. Specifically, intercultural communication is defined as communication, and the study of it...
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...Social Compass http://scp.sagepub.com/ Theories of Conversion: Understanding and Interpreting Religious Change Lewis R. RAMBO Social Compass 1999 46: 259 DOI: 10.1177/003776899046003003 The online version of this article can be found at: http://scp.sagepub.com/content/46/3/259 Published by: http://www.sagepublications.com On behalf of: Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education Additional services and information for Social Compass can be found at: Email Alerts: http://scp.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions: http://scp.sagepub.com/subscriptions Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Permissions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Citations: http://scp.sagepub.com/content/46/3/259.refs.html >> Version of Record - Sep 1, 1999 What is This? Downloaded from scp.sagepub.com at University of Zambia on March 22, 2014 Social Compass 46(3), 1999, 259–271 Lewis R. RAMBO Theories of Conversion: Understanding and Interpreting Religious Change The author explores the nature of theory and provides an overview of resources for the study of conversion to Islam. Theory is valuable in so far as it illuminates different aspects of a phenomenon. Various theoretical approaches include some dimensions and exclude others. Scholars of conversion must be aware of theoretical issues and systematically utilize theoretical options with sophistication. Such an approach will expand understanding of conversion and also enhance comparative...
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...Phenomenological Research in Practical Theology1 it is authored by Hans-Günter Heimbrock. He indicates that practical theologians have initiated investigations and scientific researches that are associated with faith and religion. These theological studies have been made possible with the increase social science methods, which are being applied by the researchers to indicate the theological knowledge that can be used in social dynamics, contexts and conditions related to the religious life. Pastoral works have these studies to thank as they help them in conducting their works effectively. Heimbrock also instigates that the there has been a growing interest for theological studies ever since the introduction of the scientific methodology in theological work. The methodologies have increased the criteria and the standards of theological studies that can be used in the empirical research. The aspect of religion can be understood through the implication of religious research that is being increased through the means of social scientific instruments. Different aspects on religious studies and scientific methods can be applied in these studies. However, this paper will scrutinize some of the methodologies that can be applied in understanding the empirical side of religion through the stimulation of the correct standards of discussions and researches. This is due to the dire need for the reflection of the consequences and theological impacts that are associated with research models and...
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...Parsons: Values and Meaning• Parsons sees religion helping individuals to cope with unforeseen events and uncontrollable outcomes. He identifies two other essential functions that religion performs in modern society. • It creates and legitimates society’s central values. This is done my sacralising them. In the USA, Protestantism has sacralised the core American values of individualism, meritocracy and self-discipline. This serves to promote consensus and social stability. • It is the primary source of meaning. It answers ultimate questions about the human condition e.g., why the good suffer and why some die young. Such events defy our sense of justice and make life appear meaningless, and this may undermine our commitment to society’s values. Religion provides answers to such questions, e.g. by explaining suffering as a test of faith that will be rewarded in heaven. By doing so, religion enables people to adjust to adverse events or circumstances and helps maintain stability Parsons: Values and Meaning• Parsons sees religion helping individuals to cope with unforeseen events and uncontrollable outcomes. He identifies two other essential functions that religion performs in modern society. • It creates and legitimates society’s central values. This is done my sacralising them. In the USA, Protestantism has sacralised the core American values of individualism, meritocracy and self-discipline. This serves to promote consensus and social stability. • It is the primary source of...
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...ed however that religion does in fact cause social change. Yet some believe that religion can be both a conservative force and a force for social change. Max Weber believed in the social action theory, where religious beliefs of Calvinists helped to bring about social change. This is supported in item A ‘religious ideas can be a powerful motivation for change, as Weber showed in his study of Calvinism.’ The emergence of modern capitalism in Northern Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries was due to Calvinist beliefs. Calvinists had several distinctive beliefs. Predestination, where god had predetermined whether a soul will be saved or not and there is nothing you can do to change this. Devine transcendence, no individual can claim to know god’s ill, which made people feel inner loneliness and ‘salvation panic’. Asceticism, abstinence, self-discipline and self-denial were required by Calvinist’s and prepared them for a life under capitalism. Vocation or calling, Calvinist’s introduced the idea of this worldly asceticism, which meant constant methodical work in occupation and was a religious duty. Again preparing people of life under capitalism as it requires hard work. Weber did not say that Calvinism was the cause of modern capitalism, but that it was one of the causes. Weber’s theory is often seen as a direct assault on Marx’s theory. Bruce was interested in the relationship between religion and social change he compaired two examples of religiously inspired protests...
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...humanities: The humanities are academic disciplines that study human culture, using methods that are primarily analytical,[citation needed] critical, or speculative, and having a significant historical element,[1] as distinguished from the mainly empirical approaches of the natural sciences.[1] The humanities include ancient and modern languages, literature, philosophy, religion, and visual and performing arts such as music and theatre. The humanities that are also sometimes regarded as social sciences include history, anthropology, area studies, communication studies, cultural studies, law and linguistics. 2. What is the scope of humanities? 1. History, Anthropology, and Archaeology study human social, political, and cultural development. 2. Literature, Languages, and Linguistics explore how we communicate with each other, and how our ideas and thoughts on the human experience are expressed and interpreted. 3. Philosophy, Ethics, and Comparative Religion consider ideas about the meaning of life and the reasons for our thoughts and actions. 4. Jurisprudence examines the values and principles which inform our laws. These are: Arts, Music, Dance, Drama and Literature. 3. What is the different between the humanities and the sciences? Both the sciences and the humanities seek understanding; both offer explanations of various bits of the world. At a very abstract level, though, the kind of things each tries to explain is different. Science and the humanities are both ancient...
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...Psychologist, for years have given their theory on normal and abnormal behavior, but all the studies they have done seems to give more evidence to prove what make each individual do what they do and why. In the normal and abnormal behavior we use all research and take all of its studies into consideration and apply it to why such behaviors have occurred. Reading this paper you can see that there are many experiments that challenge the theory of behavior no matter if it’s normal or abnormal. We will clarify some of the challeges as we define and classify both normal and abnormal behavior when we look at the challenges in Culture, gender and sexual preferences/practices and religion. Cultural normal and abnormal behaviors Culture is a challenge to abnormal behavior because these behaviors establish through socio-cultural traditions. The sociocultural perspective explains that abnormal behaviors are a result of family influences and social forces. Similar to the behavioral perspective, socio-cultural theorists believe mental disorders are learned behaviors. They tend to focus on social class, gender, and ethnicity in the explanation of mental disorders. An understanding of one’s sociocultural forces is also taken into consideration concerning abnormal behavior and its cultural challenge. Social forces, such as the media, social change, pressures, poverty, and social institutions are examples of how mental disorders are distinct or classified in culture. Family...
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...Numerous sociologists have claimed that social change would lead to the weakening or even disappearance of religion (secularisation). For instance, in the nineteenth century it was widely believed that industrialisation and the growth of scientific knowledge would lead to secularisation. This is because, with science many questions can be finally answered, instead of society using religion as an answer for the unknown. For now it is important to look at the definition of secularisation itself. According to the sociologist Bryan Wilson he defines secularisation as the process whereby religious thinking, practices and institutions lose social significance, in other words there is a decline in religion. Statistical evidence is one of the best ways to investigate if secularisation is actually occurring and church attendance is one of the most valid arguments in the secularisation debate. The decrease of religious significance can be supported by the number of people attending the catholic church. For instance, in 1980 the catholic church reported a total of 2,064,000 attendees. Using the same statistics 25 years later in 2005 it was reported the new number of attendees was at 1,048,900. This is a total decrease of approximately 1,015,100 people! Further support can be given by Bruce. Bruce’s study found participation and occurrence in religious ceremonies has decreased substantially. For instance, in the 1920s and 1930s, about 90% of children were baptised, however, current...
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