TH 502 Social Sciences
Winter Semester 2013
Prof Anne-Marie Willis
Office: C3 114
Lectures: Wednesday 12.30 – 14.00 in H18
Course Description
Social Sciences research phenomena of social interaction and investigate them empirically. Social sciences analyze structure and function as well as the interdependence with action and behavior processes of individuals. The lectures introduce social science thinking and methods that are useful for designer’s research. Students will be able to use methods as interviews, questionnaires, case studies, participant observation, and evaluative techniques. The course seeks to demonstrate the significance of the social sciences (sociology, psychology and anthropology) for design. It does this by describing and analyzing specific examples of the use of social science thinking and methods in design practice. Additionally, the social sciences are contextualized historically, especially in terms of the modes of thinking that underlie them.
Learning Outcome, Competences • Detailed knowledge in the fields of design research and social science method • Ability to apply problem-oriented scientific working methods • Ability to comprehend fundamental concepts upon which social sciences are based
Coursework (assignments) 30%
Mid-term exam 30%
Final exam 40%
Assignments will be announced and guidelines given in Lectures 2 and 7.
To complete this course successfully, students are required to attend all lectures, read required materials, and submit all assignments in their due times. . Attendance means being on time and present throughout the entire lecture. It is understood that absence does occur for justifiable reasons. However, absent Students are responsible for making up for the missed material presented in class, assignments, and any