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Digital Crimes


Submitted By TechPartee1
Words 1250
Pages 5
The widespread adoption of the personal computer has changed the way we live.
Every day personal computers (PCs) become more and more mainstream, performing various functions in our business, personal and recreational environments. They have automated many of the menial tasks of business, such as accounting, payroll, filing, record keeping, etc. This increased use of technology has caught the attention of the criminal element. The computer has become both target and tool to a new breed of cyber-criminal. Computers are becoming an increasingly important part of everyday life. They also provide new opportunities for criminal enterprise. The computer provides both new types of crime, and new ways of perpetrating traditional crimes. Computer crime investigation differs from more traditional crime investigation in several critical ways and will require law enforcement agencies to adopt new policies and practices. This paper documents the increasing rate of computer-based crime, points out several critical areas where it differs from more traditional crimes, and outlines some new problems and issues which law enforcement must address to combat computer crime. Finally, this paper suggests a plan of action suitable for many law enforcement agencies to prepare for dealing with computer based crime.The Birth of "hacking"
Early use of the term "hacker" was applied to computer hobbyists who spent their spare time creating video games and other basic computer programs. However, this term acquired a negative connotation in the 1980s when computer experts illegally accessed several high-profile databanks. Databases at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (a center of nuclear weapons research) and the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City were among their targets. The introduction of relatively inexpensive personal computers and modems helped

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