...Society 8 December 2014 Race And Gender Discrimination The issue of discrimination has been the cause of raging debates for a long time in the history of the United States. Such discrimination may be based on race, gender color, ethnicity, or any other basis that distinguishes people and tends to favor specific groups over others. During the history of America, the American people have observed discrimination on many fronts and especially so against black people and the minority. The concepts of race, gender, and class have had a tremendous effect on children’s experiences through the American education system. Different children and people have different life experiences as well as different backgrounds. As such, one cannot wish away these elements of race gender and class in an education system that has real people from real societies. As such, a society can only hope to find ways of reducing the distinctions and the discrimination associated with those elements in the schools. The discussion in this paper will analyze the modern forms of racial and sexual discrimination, which affects access and treatment of students in schools. It will propose an argument for ways of creating racial and gender equality in schools in the United States. Equality of education in American schools refers to the provision of similar opportunities, expectations, and support in education for people from both gender as well as for people from different backgrounds (DeMarrais, Kathleen&...
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...Associate Program Material Discrimination Worksheet Write a 100- to 200-word response to each of the following questions. Provide citations for all the sources you use. • What is discrimination? How is discrimination different from prejudice and stereotyping? Disrimination means to single out an individual or group based on either race, age, gender, or religion. “Bias or prejudice resulting in denial of opportunity, or unfair treatment regarding selection, promotion, or transfer.”( www.businessdictionary.com/discrimination ) The way discrimination is different from stereotyping is because when you stereotype an individual or group you make exaggerating comments about that particular group or person for example saying all white people are uncaring or stating all children are loud and abnoxious. This might fit some individuals characteristics but it would be stereotyping the whole group if stating everyone of that age or race acted the same. Discrimination differs from prejudice slightly because being prejudice means to not associate yourself with a particular race, age, or gender or not like them just because of those rason but to discriminate against people of different age, race, or gender would be to not allow them to work in a specific atmosphere or allow them to have the same opportunity for a promotion as a person of a different race, age, or gender. • What are the causes of discrimination? There are multiple reasons why one might be discriminated...
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...Different Types Of Employment Discrimination | Employment discrimination simply means imbalanced and biased treatment meted out to some employees on the basis of prejudice. This has been an important and grave issue of concern for companies across the world. Such discrimination occurs when an employer singles out any one employee or a group on the basis of age, race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion and other reasons. Workplace discrimination can take place in a number of forms that include illegal hiring and firing, on-the-job harassment, denial of a worker’s promotions or raises and unequal pay. For this reason, several laws have been created to protect the people from discrimination and retaliation from their employers. Read on to know the different types of discrimination in the workplace. Gender Discrimination Also known as sexual discrimination or sex-based discrimination, gender discrimination takes place when one gender is preferred over the other. In this case, one employee is treated in an unfair manner or inequitable manner by his employer, on the basis of the employee’s gender. Racial Discrimination Racial discrimination is the most common form of employment discrimination. Employees are treated harshly or differently based on their race or ethnicity. Though there are laws that prohibit employers to deny a job-seeker employment opportunity because of his/her racial group and characteristics, it is a common practice in most of the workplaces...
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...Equality and Discrimination Hundreds of millions of people suffer from discrimination in the world of work. This not only violates a basic human right, but has wider social and economic consequences which perpetuate poverty and inequality while worsening social tensions. Lessening discrimination could help the world dramatically decrease poverty and promote decent work for all. Unions can play a crucial role in fighting discrimination nationally and internationally through political action and collective bargaining. But, their leaders and members are themselves subject to discrimination as workers are penalized for joining unions or participating in union activities. However, by better understanding discrimination in its many forms and devising strategies to combat it, unions could help eliminate discrimination and, at the same time, strengthen their organizations. What is discrimination? Discrimination in employment and occupation takes many forms, and occurs in all kinds of work settings. It entails treating people differently because of certain characteristics, such as race, colour or sex, which results in the impairment of equality of opportunity and treatment. In other words, discrimination results in, and reinforces, inequalities. With discrimination the freedom of human beings to develop their capabilities and to choose and pursue their professional and personal aspirations is restricted without regard for ability. Because of discrimination, skills and competencies...
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...Though gender discrimination and sexism refers to beliefs and attitudes in relation to the gender of a person, such beliefs and attitudes are of a social nature and do not, normally, carry any legal consequences. Sex discrimination, on the other hand, may have legal consequences. Though what constitutes sex discrimination varies between countries, the essence is that it is an adverse action taken by one person against another person that would not have occurred had the person been of another sex. Discrimination of that nature in certain enumerated circumstances is illegal in many countries. Currently, discrimination based on sex is defined as adverse action against another person, which would not have occurred had the person been of another sex. This is considered a form of prejudice and is illegal in certain enumerated circumstances in most countries. Sexual discrimination can arise in different contexts. For instance an employee may be discriminated against by being asked discriminatory questions during a job interview, or because an employer did not hire, promote or wrongfully terminated an employee based on their gender, or employers pay unequally based on gender. In an educational setting there could be claims that a student was excluded from an educational institution, program, opportunity, loan, student group, or scholarship due to their gender. In the housing setting there could be claims that a person was refused negotiations on seeking a house, contracting/leasing...
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...Discrimination as an Ethical Issue in Today’s Work Environment Jessica Nelson Legal Environment BUS 670 Professor Jennifer Stephens June 20, 2011 Abstract This paper explores # published articles that give detail as to how and why discrimination is a legal and ethical issue that is extremely common in today’s work environment. These articles discuss the numerous different types of discrimination that are common in existence in the workforce. While it is extremely important to be able to recognize discrimination when it is occurring, it is also critical for companies to examine, as well as to practice, remedies for eliminating these discriminations. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits any racial, religious, gender, ethnic, and color discrimination when it comes to employment in the workforce. This paper explores a couple of these types of discriminations and remedies for eliminating them. Discrimination as an Ethical Issue in Today’s Work Environment According to Mallor, Barnes, Bowers, and Langvardt (2010), employment discrimination is employment behavior that penalizes certain people because of their personal traits that they do not have control over; especially the ones that do not have any type of relation to an effective job performance (p. 1323). Unfortunately, this day and age, discrimination is not uncommon at all, and individuals get discriminated against all the time. Due to this fact, there are many laws that exist in order to help...
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...|Term |Definition | |Discrimination |The act of denying individuals and groups equal rights and opportunities based on prejudices| | |of race, gender or creed. | |Institutional discrimination |The denial of employment, housing and education to individuals or groups based on race and | | |ethnicity. | |Political correctness |A term that expresses the need to minimize social and institutional discrimination based on | | |race, culture, sexual orientation and religion. | Part II Write a 150- to 250-word response to each of the following questions: • How is discrimination different from prejudice and stereotyping? Prejudice is an unjustified or negative opinion toward an individual based on their involvement in a social group and can be based on a certain race or gender. Stereotyping is a popular belief about certain groups or individuals based on race, gender or religion. The act of discriminating differs from prejudice and stereotyping because it is the act or behavior against specific individuals...
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...[Type the company name] | Gender discrimination in workplace in Pakistan | Research Methods | | HIRA ARSHAD | 3/30/2013 | [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.] | Introduction: Nature has always maintained a balance in the objects of this world in order garnish it with a beauty, and so it produced a balancing factor for each and every object. These balancing factors vary in the proportion of the support they provide to their counterpart. In the very same context, ALLAH created man and woman as the supporting counterparts for each other. When a baby boy is born in a family, everyone congratulates the parents but if it is found out that the baby is a girl, the reaction is opposite, there is no happiness, either the baby is killed or accepted with least happiness. Gender discrimination is something in which a woman is discriminated and given less rights and opportunities as compared to males. Importance of the study with respect to the world: Gender discrimination has been a problem not just in this era but since the beginning of humanity. It doesn’t matter that which part of the world we look at, we will always find that woman are at the disadvantage. The major drawback is that this problem has become so common that it is considered normal now and accepted as a part...
Words: 5673 - Pages: 23
...Discrimination Laura Smalt Eth/125 03/10/13 Winnie Mason Discrimination When I think of discrimination I think of race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexuality, and religion. We will learn what discrimination is, how it is different from prejudice and stereotyping. Also what are the causes of discrimination and how it affects a person or persons? What is discrimination? Discrimination is the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or for other arbitrary. If an employer refuses to hire you as a computer technician because you are a Native American and computer illiterate, this is not discrimination. Now, if an employer refuses to hire you because they feel that you are incompetent and they do not give you the chance to see if you are qualified, this is discrimination (Schaefer, 2012). You have to know and understand discrimination before you can know when discrimination is used. As for myself, I have never seen discrimination used. Would you consider an individual that has a phobia of midgets as discrimination? I am curious to know because my general manager has a phobia of midgets. I believe that it could be considered as discrimination, because she is not giving that person a chance regardless of their height. How do you know when an employer is not hiring you because of discrimination? Even if you ask the reason you are not hired, they can make up a reason to satisfy you or tell you what they think you want to hear. How...
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...Disparity and Discrimination Kary L. Wilson CJA/344 Cultural Diversity in Criminal Justice December 5, 2011 Benjamin Harm Disparity and Discrimination This assignment will compare and contrast the terms disparity and discrimination. Sufficient background and examples of disparity and discrimination from the criminal justice system will be used to support persuasively the development of each term. First, the term disparity will be defined, developed, and supported with examples from the criminal justice system. Second, the term discrimination will be brought into focus, defined, and supported accordingly. Third, the similarities, and differences between the terms will be brought into discussion. The assignment will conclude by defining the applicability of the problem as it relates to these terms and will attempt to suggest a solution in curbing or even eliminating discrimination and disparity within the system. It is often said that the American Criminal Justice System directly discriminates against minorities based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion, and economic status. To clarify the credibility of such statement, one must be able to understand that deeply weaved within such claim stands the issue of disparity. Disparity and discrimination are two important social factors affecting the American socio-cultural aspects, especially those aspects related to the criminal justice system. Often, these similar terms are used interchangeably...
Words: 1228 - Pages: 5
...Associate Program Material Discrimination Worksheet Write a 100- to 200-word response to each of the following questions. Provide citations for all the sources you use. • What is discrimination? How is discrimination different from prejudice and stereotyping? Discrimination is when a person is harassed or treated differently, because of race, religion, sexual orientation, and gender among many other reasons. In employment circumstances discrimination is something that an employer does that hurts an employee; for example an employee being fired for reasons not related to on the job behavior, or not selecting him/her for a promotion. Discrimination is different from Prejudice and Stereotypes, because it’s not being negative towards a whole entire group. Discrimination denies someone an opportunity to improve their life. • What are the causes of discrimination? Since our readings focused more on discrimination in the workplace, I decided to describe some of the common causes of disconcertion in the work environment. One of the causes is a hostile work environment, if an employee is the subject to constant harassment, or not being included in activities based on factors such as race, or religion. Also salary employers are barred from paying employees differently for the same type of work based on any prohibited factors. Refusal to promote is another common cause if the employee who would otherwise be given a promotion is refused because of factors such...
Words: 438 - Pages: 2
...Business Ethics and Social Responsibility European Court Abolishes Sexual Discrimination In Insurance Pricing Index Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………...... 3 Sexual Discrimination and Insurance ………………………………………………………………… 4 Normative Ethics and the Discrimination in Insurance ……………………………………... 5 Utilitarianism ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5 Kant Deonthological Ethic Theory ……………………………………………………………………. 7 Critical Opinion ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8 Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9 Introduction The aim of this report is to discuss a controversial and very recent issue regarding business ethics: The sexual discrimination in the Insurance markets. I decided to do further research and build on this subject, because, after reading in the newspaper about it, I still do not know how the future is going to be concerning all the details and crucial aspects of dealing with such a sensitive subject. In this essay there will be an evaluation of the status quo from an economic point of view and an assessment of the market impacts of a potential ban on the use of gender as a differentiating factor of private insurance prices in EU. The question that first arises is: Is the abolishment of the inequalities in insurance premiums and benefits going to have positive consequences for the customers of private European insurance companies? To get the reader closer to the functioning of pricing...
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...Female Discrimination in China’s Enterprise’s Graduate Recruitment and Selection Practices: A Case Study. 1. Introduction: 1.1 Background of the topic and the research significance 1.1.1 Background According to China National Radio, more than 7,490,000 college students in China will graduate and enter the job market in 2015, which makes this year “the hardest job-hunting season ever for graduates”. In the overwhelming news coverage, media mainly focus on the largely increasing number of graduates, the contradiction between limited demand from job market and redundant labor supply and the status quo in job-hunting. Less attention is paid to female college students who are encountering gender discrimination in job-hunting. According to All-China Women’s Federation, 91.9 percent of female college students responded that they felt the existence of gender discrimination against women in job-hunting (Ye, 2012). Another survey by Guangzhou Women’s Federation revealed that 71.9 percent of female college students had encountered gender discrimination in job hunting (Feng, 2014). In addition, a report by China University of Political Science and Law indicated that 68.98 percent of recruiters were involved in gender discrimination in employment. (Ye, 2012) Female graduates are well educated group and are important human capital However, the advantage of them as a human resource does not fundamentally change the fact that female candidates are often discriminated when finding...
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...Gender Discrimination Here at (insert restaurant name) a lively sports bar and grill, catering to a mostly male clientele believe that it is important for us to evaluate any potential legal issues that we could be faced with regarding gender. Including but not limited to, gender identity, staff requirements, sexual stereotyping, and unfair burdens placed upon a particular sex. Sex or gender discrimination has been defined as the different treatment of individuals during their employment solely based on whether that individual is male or female (1). Gender discrimination can be brought up as a legal issue for us if we favor female over male applicants in our hiring process in an attempt to appeal to our mostly male clientele. We need to ensure that we remain aware that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a federal law and will not protect our preference of hiring women over men as part of our bartender and wait staff. Title VII protects our employees and applicants from being discriminated upon based on their sex. The fact that we as the employer have a preference for hiring women over men in is not protected under the few exceptions that Tile VII makes for employers. The “bona fide occupational qualification” or BFOQ, for example, is one of the exceptions that do not apply to our situation. The BFOQ allows for sexual discrimination when the “essential” part of the particular job requires the applicant to be of a certain sex (1). The BFOQ will not protect us simply...
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...FARHANA WILLIE PRINCES SITTI HAIDA DISCRIMINATION AT WORKPLACE IN MALAYSIA INTRODUCTION Discrimination against minorities at workplace in Malaysia Malaysia is a country with people raging from different racial and ethnic groups. That has what led Malaysia into one of a country that is unique compared to other countries around the world. However, the diversity of races in Malaysia can lead to discrimination. There are many issues about discrimination have been expressed, and most of these issues are very serious and should not be ignored. For our coursework, we select three news articles based on the issue of discrimination that occurred in Malaysia. The three selected articles were about the discrimination against gender, and race which is very common issues in Malaysia due to the multiracial community and the increasing population of women not just in Malaysia, but all over the world. Discrimination against race is a very significant issues occurred in Malaysia. Even more in the context of employment. Based on the Job seekers in Malaysia experience discrimination, by L.Suganya, The Jakarta Post, in the year 2013, there is an issue from a Facebook users claims that she could not get a temporary job as a sales person in a retail outlet because she wears a hijab (long headscarf) or tudung (short headscarf), created a debate with other users. This issue became viral in social media as it involving the racial issues. Based on this story, the study conducted by University...
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