Discuss The Pros And Cons Of Effective Leadership Reasearchment
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1. Complete the team charter attachment. I've included a lot of explanations for each section but you only need to submit a 1 - 2 page Word doc. (double-spaced) for an outline. Assume you are starting the term from week one. How would you complete this charter now that you have some experience working with each other? Discuss your experiences at each stage of team 1.
This group of 3-4 members of graduate students enrolled in the Effective Leadership class was created in order to look into case studies, analyze their successes and failures, and write reports on how those case studies can translate into more effective leadership in practice. These 3-4 members have theoretical and/or practical experience regarding some form of leadership…show more content… The main resource available to the three members is the time provided to assess, divide, and complete the assignments before the deadline time and date. Another effective
Resource for the research necessary for the Effective Leadership course is the vast selection of information through the Johnson & Wales University Library. All information provided in the weekly PowerPoint presentations can be supported with additional information from the library. In order for all group assignments to be successful, all work must be done in a timely manner and communication is always required.
2. Discuss the concepts and the pros/cons of each types of teams: functional, cross-functional, and self-managed. Please share your experiences with each of these types of teams.
Functional Team
A functional team is higher on the “Need for traditional leadership” scale. This team of individuals requires a centered leader to assist a vertical or command team.
• The team is managed by a person with experience, in the same field/industry
• Team members have the opportunity to move up in their functional areas
• Team members are willing to stay longer due to more…show more content… The benefit of being a part of a self-managed team is based around the ability to have control of the manner in which the team operates. Therefore, we get to set our own timelines for the project we are responsible for completing. In addition we get to hold each other accountable for the work we perform. “The magic isn't in the concept, but in the principle behind it--ownership stemming from the power to make decisions” (Blakeman, 2014, para.3). Thus, the level of ownership we receive from being a part of a self-managed team is the most appeasing part of this team