...ECONOMICS EXAMINATION GUIDELINES GRADE 12 2014 These guidelines consist of 25 pages. Copyright reserved Please turn over Economics 2 Examination Guidelines DBE/2014 INDEX PAGE 3 1. INTRODUCTION 2. ASSESSMENT IN GRADE 12 2.1 Format of the question papers 2.2 Detail of question papers 4 4 4 3. CONTENT 6 4. CONCLUSION Copyright reserved 25 Please turn over Economics 1. 3 Examination Guidelines DBE/2014 INTRODUCTION The Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) for Economics outlines the nature and purpose of the subject Economics. This guides the philosophy underlying the teaching and assessment of the subject in Grade 12. The purpose of these Examination Guidelines is to: • • Provide clarity on the depth and scope of the content to be assessed in the Grade 12 National Senior Certificate (NSC) Examination in Economics. Assist teachers to adequately prepare learners for the examinations. This document deals with the final Grade 12 external examinations. It does not deal in any depth with the School-Based Assessment (SBA). This guideline should be read in conjunction with: • • • The National Curriculum Statement (NCS) Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS): Economics The National Protocol of Assessment: An addendum to the policy document, the National Senior Certificate: A qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), regarding the National Protocol for Assessment (Grades R–12) The national policy pertaining...
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...Discuss the Role and Impacts of Transnational Corporations in the Global Economy (40 marks) Transnational Corporations (TNCs) are companies which are able to co-ordinate and control its production, in more than one country during economic globalisation, examples of which include Nike, McDonalds and IKEA. These companies use differences between a country’s cost of production, natural resources, labour and state incentives to their advantage. This allows them to spread their resources and production between locations globally to minimise cost to the company. In recent decades the increasing wealth of TNCs has led to more dominated roles in the global affairs this has many impacts on the economy, global population and environment both positively and negatively. Transnational corporations have a very large role to play in the global economy. With the economies of developing countries, such as China and Brazil, generally growing due to the exchange of information and goods (globalisation) companies are keener to invest in them to increase their turnovers and overall development. TNCs have globally increased new job opportunities and new tax revenues even for the poorest of countries, by doing so they have contributed in reducing the levels of world poverty and have improved infrastructure for developing countries. TNCs are also incredibly wealthy. Ford and General Motors are two companies which exemplify the wealth of TNCs. Their combined annual income is equal to the GDP of all...
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...Relationship Between China And Africa Assignment Submitted For the International Management Module at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Business School Prepared By Ayankoya Kayode A Foli, Edem Mpongoshe, Lukhanyiso Hurrisunker, Sanisha Maqina, Chumani Introduction This assignment examines the strategic relationship between China and Africa. The first section provides statistics that reveal the extent of trade between China and Africa since 2000. The specific statistics center around the amount of natural resources exported to China and compares that to the amount of imports from China. After gaining insight into the extent of business between the two, one can begin to understand why Africa is so important to China. This importance is discussed in more detail against the backdrop of the historical background of these two regions. The following section explains the strategy that China has adapted to trade with Africa and introduces the concept of the “Chinese Model”. This model highlights the driving forces behind China’s strategic decisions and introduces some controversial arguments around some of the methods that China has adopted. An important part of this discussion is the comparison of China’s strategy with that of the West (i.e. regions like the United States of America (USA/US) and the European Union (EU). Some interesting statistics reveal that Africa is attracting significant amounts of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and...
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...industry players. These issues are currently driving the entire travel & tourism segment. Further there are changes happening in the external environment and travel & tourism segment need to respond to these changes in order to remain in line with the changing trends in the external market. The present paper would analyze the issues faced in the travel and tourism sector in South Africa and there would be three learning objectives which would be accomplished through present paper and can be given as under: LO1 Understand current issues in travel and tourism sector LO3 Understand how the travel and tourism sector respond to change LO4 Understand the impacts of change on travel and tourism sector These three learning objectives would be attained through present paper for discussion of the contemporary issues in travel and tourism industry with specific reference to South Africa. LO1 Understand current issues intravel and tourism sector 1.1 Analyze issues currently driving change in travel and tourism sector There are several key issues driving change in the travel and tourism sector in South Africa would include the political, economical, technological, globalization, health & safety and environmental issues. Considering the environmental issues affecting present age travel & tourism...
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...reasons why employees join trade unions, goals on trade unions, trade union structure and organisational effectiveness and closed shop and agency shop agreements. Darryl John Iyaloo Human Resource Management 311 (BBA) 28 April 2016 ABSTRACT This paper provides a detailed discussion on the South African Trade Union Movement. Using the case study of The Marikana Fallout, this paper will attempt to unpack why employees join trade unions, goals of the trade unions, trade union structure and organisational effectiveness, closed shop and agency shop agreements. 1. Introduction 2. The South African Trade Union Movement: A Brief History 3. The Case of The Marikana Fallout 4. The Reasons Why Employees Join Trade Unions 5. Goals Of The Trade Unions 6. Trade Unions Structure and Organisational Effectiveness 7. Closed Shop and Agency Shop Agreements 8.1 Closed Shop Agreements 8.2 Agency Shop Agreements 8. Conclusion 9. References 1. Introduction As an upper middle-income country within Africa and the continent’s largest economy, South Africa often attracts specific interest in terms of its economic growth and development dynamics. This is of course also in part a function of the country’s unique history, based on the notorious system of apartheid. Often under-appreciated is the extent to which...
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...OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Factors that have contributed to the rising of poverty levels in Mozambique 4 1) The Mozambican civil war 4 2) The effect of floods, drought and cyclones on poverty levels of Mozambique 5 3.0 The polices aimed at reducing poverty 6 1) Economic and Social Rehabilitation program (ESRP) 6 2) Strategy For Development of Small and Medium sized Enterprises 6 3) Master Plan: Director Plan for Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Disasters 7 4) Strategic Plan for Agricultural Development (PEDSA) 7 4.0The challenges faced by the proposed policies 7 Conclusion 8 Bibliography 3) 1.0 INTRODUCTION Mozambique was a Portuguese colony and later became a member state of Portugal. It gained independence from Portugal in 1975. This was a time of celebration for the people of Mozambique...
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... 7 1.4 Organization 7 2. Review of literature 8 3. Analysis of Data 23 3.1 Global Causes of Unemployment 23 3.2 Costs and effects of Unemployment 24 3.3 Situation of Unemployment in South Asia 26 3.4 Situation in Pakistan 29 3.5 Role of Pakistan Government...
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...For generations the debate on women, their rights, their future and their plight has been going on. As time changed, women also changed but the issue of conflict remains the same. In this regard many oppose the changes and many accept it. This essay will discuss the issues that are surrounding the empowerment of women. The implementation of women empowerment has both negative and positive aspects. There can be many disadvantages of empowering women. Firstly, many people still have the traditional perception that the woman's place in the society is her home. Empowering women would mean to allow her to leave her comfort zone and indulge in activities that could pollute her spiritually, emotionally and physically. A woman’s most precious possession is her virginity (Hudson, 1977). Most Islamic countries still follow this norm. Therefore, many at times women might not be given a fair chance to go out in the society to fulfill their dreams, socialize or to even voice out their opinions. For example; a Muslim woman is denied the right to choose her husband, report of abuse and is even excluded from mosques due to certain Islamic principles (Issues Of Concern For Muslim Women, 1995). As such, this can prove to be a little difficult for women living in some Islamic countries to totally move away from their cultural values. Secondly, lack of education for rural women restricts women from knowing their legal rights and also from getting involved in activities outside the home. In some...
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...opportunity to expand into areas of the world that were nearly inaccessible several decades ago. These markets have seen an increase in goods sold to them, more of their natural resources being purchased from them, and more employment opportunities at multi-national firms. These emerging markets are usually categorized as countries with low–to-middle per capita income and often considered the world’s fastest growing economies. Countries in Asia, Latin America, Africa and Eastern Europe are seeing a growth in local business activities as well as international business activities, both of which are stemming from multinational firms primarly located in North America or Europe. Understanding the best ways to work with individuals from these emerging markets can be valuable during negotiations. There are five cultural factors that most often affect negotiations among cultures: 1. use of time; 2. individualism versus collectivism; 3. role orderliness and conformity 4. patterns of communication; (Acuff, 2008) and 5. corruption. The goal of this research paper is to discuss cultural factors that affect negotiation and find examples from different regions on how those factors affected business negotiations and to conclude by providing ideas to deal with those challenges faced during negotiations. Use of time Individuals in different countries perceive time and use time in different ways. There are two major ways that cultures understand time: monochronic perception and polychronic perception...
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...PROPOSAL Research Title Effectiveness of Material Requirements Planning (MRP) framework within manufacturing cooperatives based in Polokwane Municipality Area Presented by Phetola Cyprian Mogale Student Number: 113904 Postal Address P.O. Box 507 Polokwane Ladanna 0704 Contact Numbers Work 015 297 6632 Cell 082 906 2746 Email address: mogalep@libsa.co.za Date submitted: 12 April 2012 Proposal for dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the degree Masters in Business Administration at the Mancosa Management College of Southern Africa TABLE OF CONTENTS i CONTENT PAGE 1. Introduction 4 2. Research Context: Background 4 3. Research Problem 6 4. Aim of the Study 7 5. Research Objectives 7 6. Research Questions 7 7. Significance of the Study 8 8. Literature Review 9 9. Research Design and Methodology 12 9.1 Research Methodology 12 9.2 Sampling Strategy 13 9.3 Data Collection Instruments 14 9.4 Data Analysis 15 9.5 Pilot Study 15 10. Ethical Considerations 15 11. Chapter Organization 16 12. Proposed Time-Table 17 13. Bibliography 18 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1.1 SAMPLE SIZE 13 LIST OF ACRONYMS ii CRP Capacity Requirements Planning DTI Department of Trade and Industry EOQ Economic Order Quantity ERP Enterprise Resource Planning ...
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...A Framework for IT Governance in Small Businesses by Herman Koornhof A FRAMEWORK FOR IT G O V E R N A N C E by IN SMALL BUSINESSES Herman Koornhof TREATISE Submitted for the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE in Business Information Systems in the FACULTY ENGINEERING, BUILT ENVIRONMENT OF THE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY of the N E L S O N M A N D E L A M E T R O P O L I T A N U N I V E R SI T Y Supervisor: Prof. Rossouw von Solms January 2009 ii Declaration I, Herman Koornhof, hereby declare that: • • • The work in this treatise is my own work. All sources used or referred to have been documented and recognised. This treatise has not previously been submitted in full of partial fulfilment of the requirements for an equivalent or qualification at any other recognised educational institution. higher Herman Koornhof iii Acknowledgements I would like to express my gratitude to the following people: • My love, Jenny, for your love and understanding during the past year. Without your encouragement and inspiration this work would not have been possible. • • My family and friends for your interest and support. My supervisor, Prof. Rossouw von Solms, for your guidance and advice, and your detailed and constructive comments. • To Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. iv Table...
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...Introduction Arguably, researchers are increasingly acknowledging the importance of entrepreneurship in economic growth. Entrepreneurship in any society is influenced by various environments. Whilst entrepreneurship supports economic growth by turning knowledge into new products, new jobs and new firms, the entrepreneurial process is not full of roses; it comes with its own challenges. The writer will discuss about entrepreneurship, define concepts and sum up the discussion through a conclusion. Definition of key terms Entrepreneurship Timmons (2000), believes entrepreneurship is the process of creating or seizing an opportunity and pursuing it, regardless of the resources currently controlled. Wennekers and Thurik (2001) argued that entrepreneurship is the ability and willingness of individuals, on their own, in teams within and outside existing organizations, to perceive and create new economic opportunities (new products, new production methods, new organizational schemes and new product-market combinations) and to introduce their ideas in the market, in the face of uncertainty and other obstacles, by making decisions on location, form and the use of resources and institutions. Unlike Timmons (ibid), Wennekers and Thurik believe that entrepreneurship is not limited to creating or seizing a business opportunity, there has to be willingness and ability to perceive new economic opportunities(new products, new production methods, new organizational schemes and new...
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...everything we have, especially if we are born into certain societies where these things mentioned above are considered a given. However, not all countries share the same luxuries as Americans, for these possessions are indeed luxuries for those who were born and raised outside of the United States. These differences exist because of a government’s social, economic, political, and educational systems. What is the norm for us may not necessarily be the norm from someone in, say, South Africa. By acknowledging these differences we can more readily hold a better understanding of another country’s way of life. “In the United States, people like to believe they can rise above cultural bias and change their status,” States the authors of Intercultural Business Communication, “yet at the same time, many find security in the social hierarchy and social interaction patterns into which they were born.” (Chaney and Martin 44). Perhaps because of this mindset Americans also tend to be abrupt and opinionated, willing to discuss almost any subject without propriety. U.S. citizens must remember when travelling overseas, however, this social norm does not radiate globally. In China for example, changing one’s social class is next to impossible. In some situations a person’s family name will get them the job before their educational or past work history. Socially the Chinese are more reserved and...
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...Leading Research DeAnne Aguirre Leila Hoteit Christine Rupp Karim Sabbagh Empowering the Third Billion Women and the World of Work in 2012 Contact Information Abu Dhabi Leila Hoteit Principal +971-2-699-2400 leila.hoteit@booz.com Beirut Ghassan Barrage Senior Executive Advisor +966-1-249-7781 ghassan.barrage@booz.com Cairo George Atalla Partner +20-2-2480-1444 george.atalla@booz.com Dubai Karim Sabbagh Senior Partner +971-4-390-0260 karim.sabbagh@booz.com Milan Luigi Pugliese Partner +39-02-72-50-93-03 luigi.pugliese@booz.com Mumbai Jai Sinha Partner +91-22-6128-1102 jai.sinha@booz.com Munich Klaus-Peter Gushurst Senior Partner +49-89-54525-537 klaus-peter.gushurst@booz.com New York Reid Carpenter Principal +1-212-551-6389 reid.carpenter@booz.com Riyadh Mounira Jamjoom Senior Research Specialist +966 1 249 7781 mounira.jamjoom@booz.com San Francisco DeAnne Aguirre Senior Partner +1-415-627-3330 deanne.aguirre@booz.com São Paulo Ivan de Souza Senior Partner +55-11-5501-6368 ivan.de.souza@booz.com Shanghai Sarah Butler Partner +86-21-2327-9800 sarah.butler@booz.com Stuttgart Christine Rupp Partner +49-711-34226-916 christine.rupp@booz.com Tokyo Akiko Karaki Senior Associate +81-3-6757-8709 akiko.karaki@booz.com Booz & Company Booz & Company 1 Booz & Company wishes to thank the experts who contributed their valuable time and insights to the Third Billion Index: • Rajnee Aggarwal, President, Federation of Indian Women Entrepreneurs (FIWE) • H.E. Fatima Al...
Words: 46868 - Pages: 188
...legality of timber and timber products. It has also set high penalties for those who are breaching the rules. The countries are Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia and the UK. WWF had urged the European Commission to use the results of the surveys to put more pressure on national governments and take legal action. This illegality also affects European businesses and consumers who comply with the rules. It accounts for 30% of the global timber trade and contributes to more than 50% of tropical deforestation in Central Africa, the Amazon and South East Asia. Cutting forests illegally results in lost revenues estimated at 7 billion euros per year. The EU is an important export market for countries where levels of illegality and poor governance in the forest sector are most serious. Mozambique, Zambia and China: The increase in China’s timber demand in the recent years has brought increased sourcing by Chinese logging companies worldwide. Chinese companies have established both timber buying and logging operations in Africa. Although Zambia is not a major producer, it is place of several valuable wood species and that attracted several Chinese logging companies. The presence of these export-oriented companies is potentially a matter of concern or threat in regards to rural livelihoods and the environment. Using a comparative approach to...
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