Discussion Board 3
Establishing a rapport with somebody, regardless of their perspective or worldview, involves understanding and the capacity to compromise. It is imperative that you be receptive and listen to what they have to say, regardless of wither you agree with them are not. Religion can be an enormous part of somebody's life; however it doesn’t have to be the determining factor in relationships. You can't ethically or morally, as a Christian, choose not to associate with someone just because the two of you don’t share the same beliefs. Totally distinctive perspectives and convictions exist between Christians and Buddhists Worldviews, that doesn't mean you can't be friends. However, Christians and Buddhist do share some of the same morals codes. Christians and Buddhists alike don’t believe in stealing, lying, murder, and pre-marital sex. As well as, you should treat others the same way you want to be treated.
There aren’t numerous similarities between these two religions, though. Christians believe in one God, whose image they were made in, and that they suffer because of their sins. Entering Heaven is their ultimate goal, but in order to make it in, a person must repent of their sins and except Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Buddhists don’t worship a God, and they believe there is an endless cycle of births and deaths, they believe desire is the cause for suffering, and in order to abolish suffering they must eliminate desire. Buddhist are trying to obtain have several goals, to earn points with Karma, to end the cycle of reincarnations and their ultimate goal is to reach nirvana. These beliefs can be an issue when trying to present the Christian gospel to a Buddhist.
I don’t have any challenges presenting the gospel to anyone. I personal feel that it is my obligation to have an eternal conversation with as many people that I come in to contact with as possible. I am a Christian and we have been commanded by God to go out in to the world and proclaim the gospel and to make disciples. Therefore, I attempt to take every opportunity provided me to witness to everyone that I come in to contact with.
What is Buddhism and what do Buddhists believe?. (n.d.). GotQuestions.org. Retrieved September 28, 2014, from http://www.gotquestions.org/buddhism.html
Hindson, E. E., & Caner, E. M. (2008). The popular encyclopedia of apologetics. Eugene, Or.: Harvest House Publishers.
Terry, L. (2005, June 27). Buddhism 101. Buddhism 101. Retrieved September 29, 2014, from http://www.googobits.com/articles/p0-1165-buddhism-101.html