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Disney Case Study


Submitted By darshan2901
Words 760
Pages 4
What are the key characteristics that enabled Disney to remain successful for so long? * Throughout the years, Disney has come up with remarkable characters like the Mickey Mouse, Alice and the wonderland, lion king, Cinderella. All these characters have been remembered by kids for decades. The creative team at Disney has generated characters and presented them such that they are well applauded by customers. The great quality content has been a trademark in Disney’s every offering. * Disney has the ability to market their content to each generation of children and their parents and it sets them apart from the competition. * Since its first feature animation, Disney has had a strategy of making a wide range of products related to the characters of the movies. Various toys, memorabilia, apparels, books, video games and many other things were stocked in stores around the release time that generated great secondary revenues. * Open & Collaborative Environment: All employees were encouraged to share story ideas in a Gong show hosted by executives of the companies. Since anyone from the company was allowed to bring in ideas, Disney had a broad variety of stories to select from which generated great storylines for Disney and was a key towards their success. * Family friendly brand offering: All of Disney’s offerings have been family oriented, which means their products attracts a bigger audience, in form of kids and their parents. They later targeted adults as well through touchstone films. * Relationship with Pixar: Disney’s collaboration with Pixar in 1986 was an important step towards improving their animation technology. First they developed the CAPS system to make 2D cel-based animated movies. Later they jointly produced full length: 3D computer generated animated movies. Disney always maintained a upper hand in their deal and retained all

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