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Submitted By rumki
Words 1607
Pages 7
Euro Disney had a very hard initial experience in France. Due its lack on accurate informationabout the French and European preference and culture, further on their inability on forecastingexternal problems and inability on controlling both controllable and uncontrollable forces,Disney acquired a huge debt. Instead of analyzing and learning from its potential customersDisney chose to make assumptions, turned out that most of those assumptions were wrong.Disney made wrong assumptions in many areas as well. In the cultural area for example itassumed that customers would be ok not having wine to drink, turned out customers wereastonished but the decision of breakfast was another cultural mistake, but in the opposite way.Disney assumed that French customers would want to eat French breakfast while they wantedAmerican one. Operational errors were also committed for Disney, for example Disney assumedthat Monday would be a light day and Friday a heavy day, so they arrange the staff accordingly,turned out to be the opposite and Disney had a big problem with that. Another assumption suchas optimistic assumption about attendance was also made. If Disney had conducted a primaryresearch and learned from their potential customers, French and Europeans, they would haveforecasted those mistakes and prevented them from happening. Also if Disney had controlledbetter the controllable forces, price and promotion for example, they would have a betterinitial experience. Disney could have followed some simple steps that would gave them a betterchance to succeed initially and/or recovering faster. Disney could had done market analysisand market research, develop alternative plans, chose one plan, and created an effectiveoperational plan.France was the best choice for Euro Disney, because it presented the best geographic locationand also had many incentives from the French Government, cheap

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