...Programmatic Assessment: Treatment of Conduct Disorder Jasmine Collins CCMH 551 October 30, 2014 Jane Winslow MA LMFT Programmatic Assessment: Treatment of Conduct Disorder The author currently works with adolescents in a level 14, locked down group home facility. Her experience has been working with clients with various mental illnesses and the majority of the population display danger to self and danger to others behaviors. Many of her clients display conduct disorders as a result of their severe neglect and abuse they suffered as a child. Her clients who have Conduct Disorders do not respect authority, have little regard for others, and breaks major rules; they also exhibit aggressive behaviors that threaten physical violence, theft, property damage, or attempting to run away. Often times their continued AWOL behaviors and being a flight risk is what gets them place in a level 14 facility. A client with a Conduct Disorder is often times resentful and short-tempered. The basis of Conduct Disorder is a combination of genetic susceptibility and environmental factors. Treatment plans should include behavior therapy with the client, family therapy, if they family is involved and medication support from a psychiatrist. In this paper the author will discuss treatment and intervention strategies to work with people who have this disorder. In addition, the author will describe the theoretical basis for the approaches, present how the counselor would work individually with...
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...Application of Clinical Psychology Paper Becky Smart, Carina Codorean-Forniciov, Christy Velasco, Sara Kaminiski, Sheron Jenkins Psy 480 Augusta 18, 2014 Dr. Stephany Lewis Anorexia Nervosa Intervention Introduction This paper analyzes the serious disorder of anorexia nervosa which is among the highest of any disorders and has about 10 times the death rate for young women without anorexia. Anorexia Nervosa has been categorized as a serious disorder that occurs in approximately 1 in 200 women in developed countries such as North America and Europe. It usually starts in adolescence and as previously stated, mostly affects women. Those suffering from this eating disorder, have very low body weight and a distorted body image. Their dangerously low body weight leads to serious consequences creating other body ailments which in turn create the need for long term treatment. Factors of Anorexia Nervosa There are different factors that contribute in a person having an eating disorder. The factors vary from biological, psychological and social. A psychological factor that is very common is a lack of control which causes the sufferer to feel over analytical of their weight which gives them a sense of control. Another factor is having low self-esteem. Low self-esteem can have many contributors such as a person feeling out of control, lonely, angry and anxiety. Biological factors involved with anorexia nervosa which can and will severely affect the general health and...
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...The Treatments of ADHD Tara Davis Wilmington University Introduction One of the most common disorders amongst children is ADHD. ADHD is defined as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Some believe the treatment of the disorder can be related to ethnicity (Jones, Epstein, Hinshaw, 2010). In some cases the teachers agree with medical treatment (Cornell-Swanson, Frankenburger, Ley, 2007). There are many medications that are given to children with ADHD as a stimulant. Although, they have the medicine to help them, are non-medical treatments just as effective? Studies have shown the effects of medical treatments, but the non-medical treatments have not received equal tending (Trout, Ortiz, Reid, 2007). This research paper will prove the effectiveness of nonmedical treatments. Many studies show the effectiveness of medical stimulants in children with ADHD. Children are either put on Adderall, Concerta, Deredrine, and Ritalin just to name a few. These medicines all help in managing the behavior in children with ADHD. When children are diagnosed with this disorder, they have to undergo a number of treatments to help them cope. Some children respond very well to the stimulant medications as long as the medicine continued, while other children are not so responsive and another form of treatment or intervention must take place (Cornell-Swanson, Frankenburger, Ley, 2007). There are many people who believe that nonmedical treatment is not effective on children...
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...TREATMENT OPTIONS FOR ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER Antisocial Personality Disorder: Also referred to as sociopathy or psychopathy interventions for people with antisocial personality disorder are poorly researched and direct evidence on the treatment of this population is scarce (British Psychological Society; 2010). it is also hard to assess how effective the available treatments are in dealing with APD’s symptoms. Antisocial personality disorder is one of the most difficult personality disorders to treat. People with the disorder rarely seek treatment on their own. Treatment is usually by force for eg. when required to by a court, the threat of termination of employment, impending divorce etc. (Grossmann, 2004 pg. 182). Treatment Even when diagnosed it can be difficult to treat the disorder. This is largely because by definition people with the disorder do not care that they are causing pains and problems, “they are possessed of an absent or defective conscience, restraints must usually be provided by external forces” (Grossman et al. 2004 pg. 182). Incarceration/criminal justice system: Sometimes hospitalization in a mental facility or incarceration during the most active criminal periods in a prison facility are necessary treatment steps. The majority of individuals receiving interventions for APD and associated problems will be in the criminal justice system – with the intervention provided by the probation or prison services. The aim being to reduce the offending...
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...Choosing the Most Effective Treatment for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Sabra Serreyn PSYCH3002 Developing a Psychological Perspective Controversies in Psychology Position Paper Capella University December, 2015 Abstract This paper discusses the most effective treatment for children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Increasing research has been recommending a combination of both pharmaceutical and psychotherapy treatments. DuPaul and White (2006) state that both the disruptive behavior and genetic aspects need to be addressed, therefore recommending treatment of both medication and behavioral intervention. There has also been a spike in psychiatrists suggesting alternative options in place of medication. Block and Smith (2015) express concern for the side effects of medication and should focus on the behavioral modification aspects. With that being said, the authors do state that medication may help in conjunction with behavioral therapy. Others argue that medication is the answer to resolving symptoms of ADHD because it can repair gray matter in a certain part of the brain. The conclusion comes together stating that all symptoms and treatments need to be taken into consideration in developing a combination therapy strategy. This is the most advantageous and ethical manner of working with a diagnosis. Choosing the Most Effective Treatment for ADHD Diagnosing children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity...
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...Borderline Personality Disorder: DSMDiagnosing and Empirically-Based TreatmentKelli RodriguezCapella University1 Borderline Personality Disorder AbstractThe DSM-IV is widely used in the mental health field. Some of its many uses include providinga common language among professionals about psychopathology and delineating criteria for diagnosing individuals with mental disorders. This paper explores the purpose, history, andlimitations of the DSM diagnostic approach. A case study is provided and the DSM-IV-TR isused to diagnosis borderline personality disorder. The disorder is described and an empirically- based treatment plan is offered.2 Borderline Personality Disorder Borderline Personality Disorder: DSM Diagnosing and Empirically-Based TreatmentThe APA (2000) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is widelyused by mental health professionals. It provides a common language about psychopathologyamong clinicians, researchers, students, and other mental health professionals. Since its inceptioninto the field of mental health, it has made a huge impact on clinical practice, research, andeducation. Although it has advanced the field of mental health, there is still criticism of theDSM classification system. Despite its limitations, it continues to be considered an importantreference for mental health professionals. This paper will explore the DSM’s use within the fieldof psychopathology. Then it will be applied to a case study of a 15 year-old girl with...
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...Treating Co-Occurring Disorders 30th May 2015 Introduction The evidence-based practice has become an integral component in the delivery of primary healthcare services in many healthcare institutions. On the basis of this approach, the best practice is often based on a thorough assessment of evidence from renowned research studies that highlight the interventions necessary for maximizing the chance of benefit and minimize the risk of harm. Furthermore, evidence-based practices are aimed at delivering the desired treatment at acceptable costs. When it comes to co-occurring disorders, Integrated Treatment seems to be the most appropriate evidence-based approach in that it addresses the individual’s mental health and substance use issues in an integrated manner (Drake et al. 2004). As compared to the traditional parallel and sequential treatment approaches, Integrated Treatment model is best suited for co-occurring disorders that are often cyclical and interactive. Furthermore, the requirement that clients should obtain services in different systems of treatment seems to be at odds with the current shift towards patient-centered care which stipulates that access to services for co-occurring disorders should be available at the patient level. What is the theory of behavior change underlying the EBP? The Integrated Treatment approach is founded on the cognitive behaviour therapy that is a focused approach premised on the fact that cognitions influence behaviors and feelings...
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...The essay aims to critically review Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) as a chosen intervention for clients suffering from dual diagnosis. A definition will be offered and a rationale given for choosing the intervention. This will be followed by a critique on the available evidence base for using the intervention with those with dual diagnosis. Essay will critically appraise the pros and cons of the chosen treatment interventions including its benefits in meeting the needs of the identified client group. This essay will then explore the efficacy of CBT for this client group. A conclusion will be given to establish whether the chosen interventions appropriately meet the needs of the chosen client group. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-V),...
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...EARLY ONSET SCHIZOPHRENIA Samuel Wilson III April 19, 2015 Introduction to Early Onset Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that has long been a taboo in American society. Schizophrenics have been perceived as being crazy, insane, and outcasts in society. People suffering from this disorder lose touch with reality and often experience hallucinations. One very unlooked aspect of this disorder is the children who are diagnosed with the illness. Early onset schizophrenia (EOS) describes children and adolescents identified with having some form of schizophrenia before age 18 (American Psychiatric Association 2000). Although early onset schizophrenia is very rare, it is important to acknowledge the aspects of this disorder within children. Discovering patterns in the development of mental illnesses among children can drastically enhance the understanding and treatment of the illness. Until recently very little research was done involving children and adolescents dealing with schizophrenia (Nillinghouse and Trotman, 2009). There has been an increased understanding of the onset appearance of schizophrenia in recent years. Frequently, the age of onset schizophrenia is between 16 and 35 years. EOS is usually identified during school age years and the rate of the disorder usually escalates during adolescence (Li, Pearrow, & Jimerson, 2010). There are two forms of onset schizophrenia: childhood-onset schizophrenia (COS) is a very rare...
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...treating people with mental illness and patients who suffer from severe psychiatric disorders. Clinical psychologist are involved with helping people with abnormal behavior and who may be suffering from psychological distress. Patients are often individualized by psychological, biological and social factors of their case. Clinical psychologist work very close with their patients to help assess and diagnose which psychological disorder they are suffering from. Case Overview As we examine the case of Martha, who suffers from severe depression and borderline personality disorder, a clinical psychologist uses the Rorschach method to possibly provide treatment. Martha is 24 years old and a biracial women. Her psychiatrist has referred her for psychological testing. Martha has been in the hospital several times due to depression and suicide attempts. She has been diagnosed with major depression as well as borderline personality disorder. She is only taking test because her father and psychiatrist are in her words “making me do this”. Martha is given several cards to examine. Only one of the few tools helping diagnose patients. (Contemporary clinical psychology, 2011) Level Two Heading Replace the level two heading with the words for your heading. The heading must be in bold font. Interventions Major Depression Disorder (MDD) has symptoms that overlap with those of Borderline Personality Disorder, and generally co-occur. Furthermore; treating BPD has been proven to decrease the...
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...Assessment and Treatment Interventions Brandy L. Kell & Victoria E. Kress Abstract This article examines the behavioral treatment of Trichotillomania. A brief overview of the diagnosis and assessment of Trichotillomania is provided. Guidelines for a structured clinical evaluation when working with people diagnosed with Trichotillomania are supplied. The most effective behavioral interventions and treatments for working with client’s diagnosed with Trichotillomania are discussed. Keywords: Trichotillomania, Behavioal Assessment,Behavior Treatment Introduction The reported incidence of Trichotillomania is rising with an estimated prevalence rate of 1%, suggesting that nearly 2.5 million people in the United States have this disorder (Diefenbach, Reitman, & Williamson, 2000). Increased attention should be given to the assessment and treatment of Trichotillomania to fulfill the escalating needs of those dealing with this mental disorder. There is a tendency for the severity of this disorder to be overlooked due to the underestimation of prevalence, and high rate of comorbidity with other psychological disorders (Mulinari-Brenner & Bergfeld, 2001). This article will provide suggestions for the behavioral assessment and treatment of Trichotillomania. It is helpful for individuals to become familiar with the diagnostic features of Trichotillomania to establish the proper assessment and treatment of this disorder. The disorder was introduced in 1987 as an impulse control disorder (American...
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...research for the next few decades would focus on determining whether therapy was effective (House & Loewenthal, 2009). Subsequently, a plethora of studies that demonstrated its efficacy emerged (Smith Miller & Glass, 1980; Lambert & Bergin, 1994; Ahn & Wampold, 2001). So much so, that early studies revealed the treated population fared much better in comparison to their untreated counterparts (Sparks, Duncan & Miller, 2008:1; Asay & Lambert, 1999). The finding that psychotherapy is effective was further supported by “more abstract” mathematical summaries of empirical data (Asay & Lambert, 1999:24) Meta-analysis is just that a mathematical technique that is frequently used to produce estimates of the size of any treatment effects (Asay & Lambert, 1999:24). In applying...
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...Spectrum Disorder Introduction Imagine seeing and hearing a parents complain to doctors that they have been noticing their infant is not responding to their love and affection like other babies their age. This infant does not babble, make eye contact, smile, or show any interest or emotion to a happy game of patty cake, instead he is staring off fixated on something in the distance. The parent explains to the doctor that their child grunts, seems to just want to play by himself, and will not try to interact with others or show any type of emotion. Now imagine these same parents being told that there is nothing wrong with their child and the child is just lagging behind other infants their age. Unfortunately, these parents find out a...
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...Assignment PS 531: Co-occurring Disorders in Addiction 7/1/2024. The purpose of this assignment is to explore evidence-based treatment options for co-occurring disorders, particularly in the field of addictions. Co-Occurring Disorders are “The coexistence of both a mental illness and SUD is known as a co-occurring disorder and is common among people in treatment.” (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2023) It is vital when working with clientele who presents with co-occurring disorders that both disorders are treated effectively. While completing this assignment, one should be able to grasp the challenges and strategies that professionals use when developing effective treatment plans....
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...Obsessive - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Children and Adolescents A Review of Literature Galaunda J. Pee Professor Shirley McClerklin - Motley “Using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV TR)” Coker College, Hartsville South Carolina Abstract Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD, is a medical disorder that causes repetitive, unpleasant thoughts (obsessions) or behaviors (compulsions) that are difficult to control (Stewart et al.2007). Unlike ordinary worries or habits, these obsessions and compulsions may consume significant amounts of time, more than an hour per day, may interfere with a person’s daily schedule. OCD may cause significant distress, and affects approximately one percent of children and adolescents. It was once considered a rare condition, but is now viewed as not only one of the more prevalent psychiatric disorders, but also one the most disabling medical disorders. Obsessive-compulsive disorder has a significant impact on humans and social functioning, quality of life, family, Relationships socio-economic status. Think of OCD as an “overactive alarm system.” Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), is a debilitation neuropsychiatry disorder with a lifetime prevalence of two to three percent and is estimated to be the tenth leading cause of disability in the world (Abramowitz, J.S. (2006)...
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