Premium Essay

Disrespectful To Vote

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As people we all have the right to vote! For my perspective I have chose perspectivetwo which states:People who are informed should vote, but those who are uninformed should not. Uninformed voting actually does more damage to democracy than not voting. I think this is very true.

We fought for many years to get thefreedom to vote. Saying that, I also think that if you don't know what or who you are voting for then you should not vote! If you walk in to vote and just pick someone and you have no clue about anything in that persons plan or future; your decisioncould hurt us tremendously. For example, this year was a very close call. You had to watch the news every day and every debate to know who to vote for! If you did not go vote because you did not know enough about the running delegates then I think that is a better choice than randomly picking someone.

Perspective one states thatof course every citizen is obliged to vote. It is the most basic right in a democracy, and declining that right is disrespectful to the freedoms one enjoys. I personally do not think it is disrespectful to vote but on the other hand if you know what you are talking about then you should go vote. So, the people that think it is disrespectful to go vote, they would rather you go vote and make a decision …show more content…
The voting process is very time consuming. I know people that sit in their houses all day and watch the news when presidential campaigning and debating start. Perspective three says individuals have no special responsibility for voting. We have many rights—such as the right to assemble or the right to bear arms—but no obligation to exercise any of them. I do not agree with this! I think you should at least give a little care in our government. If every body didn't care nothing would every be voted on or the correct decisions made. We vote tomake our government what it

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