...[pic] Diploma of Business BSB50207 |Course Code & Title: |BSB50207 Diploma of Business | |Unit Code & Title: |BSBMKG501B: | | |Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities | |Assessments Type |Report Writing & Presentation | |Assessment No: |One | |Delivery and Assessment Mode(s) |Classroom | |Term |One | |Unit Duration |Three Weeks | Assessment 1-Report Writing & Presentation BSBMKG501B Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities BSB50207 Diploma of Business Version 2.1 Australis Institute of Technology and Education ABN 17 120 701 911 Address Level 2, 25 George St, Parramatta, NSW 2150...
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...Education in Thailand Education in Thailand. Now, We have many things that students can go to the university harder than before because, they have to sign in to the famous university and get the good job. But the question that they make is very hard and confuse. When, The student wants to register to university they can’t have only the knowledge but have must have the money to pay for the test. Education will make good student. The students will prepare them self for the test. They going to have more responsibility, for example, they will read book by them self, they can manage they time for study; they going to read book more carefully. The student will study harder, for example, the student know that they in the game of education and have more than a hundred thousand player to win. There are many different students in Thailand. If you a poor student and don’t have much money to pay for the test they going to disadvantageous with the student that have money because the test in each time are very expensive, for example, GAT – PAT they have to pay for it about 2000 baht, some university if you want to register they have to pay for test about 1000baht for each subject and 1 major about 4 subject. The questions on the test are bad. They talk about the test on the social network and many website. They make question like a no clearly answer, for example, when you want to have sex what should you do? 1. Talk with parent 2. Hang out with friend 3. Play soccer 4. Sleep. And the...
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...Гэты твор Кандрата Крапівы поўнасцю адлюстроўвае атмасферу, якая панавала на тэрыторыі нашай краіны ў канцы трыццатых гадоў, калі аднаго даносу на сумленнага чалавека было дастаткова, каб пазбавіць яго жыцця або на доўгія гады адправіць у лагер, абвінаваціўшы ў здрадзе Радзіме. Зразумела, гэты час быў на руку несумленным людзям, тым, хто марыў зрабіць сабе кар'еру за чужы кошт. Сюжэт камедыі просты: падзеі адбываюцца ў навукова-даследчым інстытуце геалогіі, дырэктарам якога з'яўляецца А.П. Гарлахвацкі. Заняць такую адказную пасаду яму ў свой час дапамаглі сябры, зрабіўшы фальшывае пасведчанне. Ужо гэтага дастаткова, каб зразумець, што чалавек знаходзіцца не на сваім месцы. А калі ўлічыць, што да палеанталогіі - навукі, якой займаецца інстытут - Гарлахвацкі ўвогуле не мае ніякага дачынення, то партрэт яго стане яшчэ больш акрэсленым. Усё гэта, зразумела, дрэнна. Аднак не было б так страшна, калі б, дасягнуўшы сваёй мэты - дырэктарства (слова гэта Гарлахвацкаму казытала слых і грэла душу), ён не перашкаджаў працаваць іншым, не замінаў развіццю навукі. Але такога, відаць, не бывае ці бывае вельмі рэдка. Звычайна адна брудная справа цягне за сабой другую. Центральное месца ў камедыі займае вобраз Гарлахвацкага. Гэта двурушнік, дэмагог, авантурыст, самазванец у навуцы, які імкнецца выкарастаць службовае становішча ў сваіх шкодных мэтах. Абапіраючыся на паслугі пляткара і падхаліма Зелкіна, карыстаючыся баязлівасцю Тулягі, дабратой і даверлівасцю Чарнавуса, Гарлахвацкі імкнецца...
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...Every body have some special day in their life. I have many special days in my life, but that day best of the best day of my life. It was day when I won green card. I never ever win any lottery in my life. However, when I received letter for the interview I was so excited. I will remember this day all my life. I arrived in Polish at about six o’clock in the morning. It was beautiful sunny morning but I didn’t feel that because I was so nerves. I walked to the American embassy and just prayed “God help me to get green card.”When I was riche embassy it was very crowd and nosy but it was not disturb me. I stood in the line and talked to the God. When I hear the word “congratulation you are permanent resident” I would like to kiss the officer and scream, and ell that everybody hear my good news and happy for me. I came out of the building and called right away to my family. Now my excited come little bit down and I was full of energy walked on the street and think about new life, new friends, new language and new country. I start to looked around and saw that many creative buildings around me and wonderful day made the things around me to wake up. I hear that birds singing happily and I taught that all world rejoice my good news. I ether didn’t feel that I was in foreign country and around me different people , and they spook different language. I saw that this beautiful day made my a very lucky and happy person in the world. I wish that everybody have some special...
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...The city where I live When you say “ my native town” you think of a place in our planet which is either connected with your birth or a memorable event on your childhood. You usually remember your friends or your first love. But I think that a city can be truly consider yours, if it has left a long-lasting impression your soul. Every tiny part of your heart is connected with your town and you do not regret that there has remained an important part of your soul. Many people spend their entire life in the same place, go along the same streets, see familiar buildings, city views, communicate with the same people without thinking how strongly accustomed they have become to their city, how close they are. Cities can trace the fate of its people, silently observe and keep in the memory different events. I believe that every city is a living system, a complete organism in which various processes occur and above all the citizens are an integral part of this complex system. Each city like a person has its own history, its own individual character, its foundation and traditions. There are cities where people can carry out their dreams and aspirations. People aspire to these cities, hoping to find themselves to determine their appointment and change lives for the better. It often happens that the city welcomes guests who soon become relatives. But sometimes it happens quite differently, a city, especially a large one doesn’t accept strangers doesn’t give a chance and an opportunity...
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...in the case and recommend ways that Nokia could address each of these challenges so as to enhance its performance post 2010. Justify your answer. Assessment Criteria Demonstrate knowledge of frameworks and business concepts covered in lectures, tutorials and unit readings. (35%) Show evidence of critical thinking in analysing the assigned case. (30%) Demonstrate responsible application of ethical and social awareness. 20% Use of accurate and effective academic writing style. (10%) Adherence to the BSRG. (5%) BUSS5000 Assessment 4_ Semester 1 2016 Page 1 of 2 Formatting and layout Assignments are to be written using MS Word. Assignments to be submitted only in one of the following file formats: .doc, .docx Assignment are not to be submitted in html files, web pages, CAD...
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...Flame School of Business Written Analysis and Communication II To : PGDM Students From : Danesh Gojer WAC II ASSIGNMENT 1 Case : Terracog Global Positioning Systems Class : Wednesday, 7 March, 2012 Assignment : You are Emma Richardson, Executive Vice President. Using the WAC format prepare a full report on your decision concerning Project Aerial. The report is to be sent to your direct boss – Richard Fiero, President. Deadline : 12 AM on Monday, March 12, 2012 in a soft copy format to the following address fsbwac@flame.edu.in. Please send the copy in both a doc or docx format as well as a PDF format. Guidelines for submission 1) Word limit Word limit for your report: 1200 (Exclude from the count the cover page, executive summary, the contents page, and any exhibits). Penalty for exceeding the word limit: one sub-grade if the total number of words is between 1201 and 1300; one full grade if the number of words is more than 1300. Please write down at the end of the assignment the number of words you have used in the body of the assignment. Please block the body (that is, the report excluding the executive summary, contents page, references, exhibits, and cover page) and use the word count in MS Word to arrive at the number of words. Any verbal tables (as opposed to predominantly quantitative tables) and footnotes (other than references) that you use in the body of the report should be counted. If you use any text boxes in the body of the...
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...KSAs Improvement Plan Form Your Name: K.S Date: 11/10/2013 Your Instructor’s Name: Dr. Directions: Refer to the KSA Improvement Plan guidelines and grading rubric found in Doc Sharing for specific information on how to fill in the form below. Type your answers on this form. Click Save As and save the file with the assignment name and your last name (e.g., NR360PL_KSA_Improvement_Plan_Form_Smith). When you are finished, submit the completed form to the KSA Improvement Plan Form Dropbox by the end of Week 2. KSA Competency(Write each competency you selected in a separate row.) | SMART Goal(Write a SMART goal for the competency.) | Evaluation Plan(Develop a brief plan on how you will achieve your SMART goal. Include how you will evaluate your success.) | Resources for improvement(Find and cite two resources that will help you achieve each goal.) | EXAMPLE:KSA competency: In Word—Inserting headers/footers | I will locate an MS Word 2007 tutorial and practice how to use the header function this week. | I will complete the tutorial. I will know I have achieved this goal when I can successfully insert a header and a footer into my Word document. | Resource #1:MS Office website: Word TutorialResource #2:APA template that is provided in Doc Sharing | KSA competency #1:Request an item from the Chamberlain library catalog. | I will log onto the chamberlain database and log into the library catalog and familiarize myself with its use through practice each week. | I will request...
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...Week 2 Homework Help 1. State the administrative agency which controls the regulation. Explain why this agency and your proposed regulation interests you (briefly). Will this proposed regulation affect you or the business in which you are working? If so, how? Submit a copy of the proposed regulation along with your responses to these five questions. The proposed regulation can be submitted as either a separate Word document (.doc) or Adobe file (.pdf). This means you will submit two attachments to the Week 2 Dropbox: (1) a Word doc with the questions and your answers and (2) a copy of the proposed regulation you used for this assignment. (10 points) Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) regulated interstate surface transportation between 1887 and 1995. This interests me because of the changes of transportation. Yes, it does affect me because they are doing price controls and entry controls on the collective vendor’s price setting in the United States transportation. 2. Describe the proposal/change. (10 points) It is regulated through varies transportation modes starting with the railroad industry and later the trucking and airline industry. 3. Write the public comment which you would submit to this proposal. If the proposed regulation deadline has already passed, write the comment you would have submitted. Explain briefly what you wish to accomplish with your comment. (10 points) Deregulation—freeing up the trucking market to permit much more flexible pricing and service...
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...discussed as factors in your decision. Formatting using the CLI, while works fine for simple forms, is too limiting for complex documents. We have not gotten far enough to input things like pictures/graphs/diagrams ect, but when using a GUI I know from personal use that it is relatively simple. I will say, however, that when dealing with formatting from version to version of a program (lets say from a .doc to a .docx) can be frustrating. I have had times that there was no way that the file could be fixed, and that I had to make a whole new document, because the newer program would just not accept the old file in its original format. This is an advantage when using the CLI. .txt is .txt no mater what program it was created on, or platform that you were using. This is a HUGE advantage that using the CLI has over the GUI. If I am using Open Office on a Linux system to create a document, and then you want to open that same document using Microsoft Word on a Windows system there are huge problems in the “conversion” process. Even if you save said file using Open Office as a .doc file, when opening with Word, Its just not right. I think we have all ran into this issue, and it can be vexing. So I think that using the CLI to create and manipulate files is, overall, more efficient; we will always be visual beings and want to have our pretty buttons to...
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...CLC: Marketing Analysis Research Report: Product Selection and List of Sources Due Date: Jan 18, 2014 Max Points: 50.0 Description This is a Collaborative Learning Community assignment - 1. Identify a product that will be the focus of your research. The product might be one of personal interest (e.g., computers/electronics, cell phones, cars, food services, home health care) or concern (e.g., blood diamonds, tobacco). 2. In a Word document, briefly describe the consumer appeal and environmental factors that you think might influence the market for this product. 3. Also, propose how this product could have implications for ethical, social responsibility, or global issues in the market. Refer to “Research Report Outline” for a list of possible ethical and social responsibility issues in marketing. With instructor approval, you may also choose an issue that is not on the list. Do some preliminary research (on the Internet and/or in the GCU Library) to ascertain if source information on the product (and/or industry) is available. Avoid choosing a product for which data is difficult to find. Find a minimum of three sources that you think will provide sufficient information for your analysis and make a list for instructor approval. Submit the assignment for instructor approval by the end of Topic 1. Instructor must approve product selection and sources and will advise the student by the third day of Topic 2. You are not required to submit this assignment...
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...Service Agency (FSA). FSA is an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). 3. Where and how would a Large Company borrow to finance inventory? To build a new factory? To buy another company. Companies can borrow from banks or sell stock and issue bonds to raise money. 4. Where and how would a city borrow to build a new baseball stadium? New schools? Replace a sewer system? Cities can issue municipal bonds where to raise money for such new projects. 5. Where an how would the Federal Government borrow to finance the Federal Debt of over $17 trillion? The Federal government issues debt by selling treasury securites suchas bonds notes, savings bonds. Compose a document and attach the file in Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or Rich Text (.rtf) format. If I can't open your attachment you will receive a zero. If you have any questions about how to format your work contact ANGEL...
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...Facts: Oklahoma State University provided Professor Eric Angevine with a computer linked to the university network, and through it to the Internet. Angevine used this computer to download over 3,000 pornographic images of young boys. After viewing the images and printing some of them, he deleted the files. Tipped off by Professor Angevine’s wife, police officers seized the computer and turned it over to a police computer expert who retrieved the pornographic files that the professor had deleted. The Oklahoma State University computer policy states that: The contents of all storage media owned or stored on University computing facilities are the property of the University. Employees cannot use University computers to access obscene material. The University reserves the right to view or scan any file or software stored on a computer or passing through the network, and will do so periodically to audit the use of University resources. The University cannot guarantee confidentiality of stored data. System administrators keep logs of file names, which may indicate why a particular data file is being erased, when it was erased, and what user identification has erased it. The trial court held that federal agents did not need a warrant to search Professor Angevine’s office computer because he had no expectation of privacy. The judge sentenced him to fifty-one months in prison for “knowing possession of child pornography.” The professor appealed. Issue: Did Professor...
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...reliable news resource. Your article may be on any type of microbe and may be a story about the positive effects or negative effects of a particular microbe. However, You may not discuss an organism that you have already discussed in your week 1 or week 2 discussion. You will read the article and submit a 200 to 300 word student original summary of the article in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx) only. You may discuss the findings of the article as well as your personal thoughts about the story. You must convey the information in your article by paraphrasing, as direct quotation in science is not acceptable. Your document should follow APA Format with regard to font, font size, margins and referencing. You should prepare a one page document with the title at the top and full reference in APA format, including the full URL of the news article, at the bottom of the page, following your short essay/summary. (Separate title page, abstract, & separate reference page are not required for this assignment.) Please attach your completed assignment word doc to the Microbe in the News Dropbox. This is due by 11:59 PM EST on Sunday. Grading Rubric: 10 points grammar/spelling, 10 points APA formating including appropriate reference with URL, 10 points assignment met...
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...MGMT520 Legal, Political, and Ethical Dimensions Professor Deardurff Assignment I By Rodney L. Joash | | 1. State the administrative agency which controls the regulation. Explain why this agency and your proposed regulation interests you (briefly). Will this proposed regulation affect you or the business in which you are working? If so, how? Submit a copy of the proposed regulation along with your responses to these five questions. The proposed regulation can be submitted as either a separate Word document (.doc) or Adobe file (.pdf). This means you will submit two attachments to the Week 2 Dropbox: (2) a Word doc with the questions and your answers and (2) a copy of the proposed regulation you used for this assignment. (10 points) DEPARTMENT OF HOMELANDSECURITY Office of the Secretary-Nondiscrimination in Matters Pertaining to Faith-Based Organizations-I am interested in the proposed regulation because I am involved in a religion or faith base organization. This will affect the organization to received funds with other non-profit organizations. 2. Describe the proposal/change. Consistent with the President’sinitiative, this proposed rule would amend DHS’ regulations to make clear that faith-based organizations are eligible to participate in any social or community service programs established, administered or funded by DHS (including any component of DHS) (collectively, ‘‘DHS service programs’’), and are eligible to seek and receive Federal financial...
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