Teenage Girl suspected for Role in Paedophile’s Killing.
Kristian Lindley | Wednesday, June 28, 2015 | THE LOCAL
Tuesday evening a teenage girl was brought into custody for suspectedly stabbing and killing a 41-year-old man, who earlier in the year was a suspected paedophile.
At a police press conference earlier this morning, the London police department announced that an 18-year-old girl is suspected of stabbing and killing a 41-year-old man, Jeff Lee, who earlier this year was suspected of being a paedophile. The man was found dead Tuesday morning, in a container in one of East Castle’s alleys with several stab wounds to his body. “We have not yet fully investigated the incident, but several eyewitnesses have claimed seeing the 18-year-old girl at the crime scene, and she is therefore our prime suspect.”
The London police department have apologized to the deceased mans family for taking so long to start the investigation, even though he already was reported missing Saturday evening. However, because of the riot that broke out on Oxford Street the London police said it would have been an impossible task to find Jeff Lee’s corpse, before Tuesday morning. Initially it was suspected that the man had been killed during the riot, but Springfield University Hospital could after their post-mortem examination announce that he died just few hours before the riot. They also announced that the cause of death was a stab wound to his throat. “This was a very violent and cold blooded killing, the perpetrator must have been in a very angered state to deliver such a wound “ - said Dr Martin to The Local.
The London police are investigating on a theory that there are more suspects who are involved in the killing as recently found evidence points towards more than one person. A female eyewitness has also informed the police that just before the riot she saw two or three girls sneak out from an alley on East Castle Street.
Gang committed crimes have been an increasing problem in London. Nine murders in less than three weeks can go on to become one of London’s most deadliest months in 2015. The eight victims were killed in Abingdon, Brentwood, Chelsea, Dover, Harrow, Ipswich, Tottenham, West Ham, and East Castle Street in London. Officer Taylor Watts, in charge of the London Police Department, said: “One murder is with out a shadow of a doubt one too many. We are definitely not complacent, and will continue to do all we can to prevent these tragedies”.
Also gang violence is starting to spread to girl gangs.