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Dog Health Conditions

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As a responsible pet owner, you should be familiar with the dog health conditions that always hit many dogs in a year. We all want out dogs to look happy, jumping up and down when they see us, and to play with us anytime, anywhere. This won't happen though when they get sick and we don't address it at once. Here are some dog healths conditions that you need to know:

Just like human, your dog can get skin allergies too that are caused by dust mites, pollens, food ingredients, fleas and molds. If your dog is itching excessively in every part of his body, then it is he or she has allergies. Since there are different types of allergies, it is much better if you go to the veterinarian in order to look at your dog. Also ask your vet for medications …show more content…
It bites the dog and deposits the larvae, where it matures and migrates near the heart to reproduce. The larvae can reach their heart and slowly kill them. Sadly, symptoms don't appear until after a year since it was bitten. The best way is to bring your dog to the vet to perform a heartworm test and be treated immediately if he or she s positive. The treatment could be he or she will drink a tablet or have a topical treatment that will make your dog heartworm-free in no time.

Ear infections are caused by yeast growing in their ears and can annoy your dogs very much. The symptoms here are always scratching in the ear area, whining, and a white substance coming out from the ear. This is one dog health problem that can bring a lot of damage to their ears and can even result to loss of hearing. Treat your dog immediately and ask the veterinarian for help on what to do on the treatment.

Conjunctivitis is a dog health problem where there is inflammation and infection in the eye caused by parasites and allergies and is very common on domestic dogs. There will be discharge coming from the eyes that is a bit greenish. This can cause the loss of sight for your dog if not addressed immediately, so check this up on your vet before it's too

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