...values, event sequences, and assertions, in the human-written test suites, (2) combine that inferred knowledge with the power of automated crawling, and (3) extend the test suite for uncovered/unchecked portions of the web application under test. Our approach is implemented in a tool called Testilizer. An evaluation of our approach indicates that Testilizer (1) outperforms a random test generator, and (2) on average, can generate test suites with improvements of up to 150% in fault detection rate and up to 30% in code coverage, compared to the original test suite. these interactions at runtime is manifested through the Document Object Model (DOM) and presented to the end-user in the browser. To avoid dealing with all these complex interactions separately, many developers treat the web application as a black-box and test it via its manifested DOM, using testing frameworks such as Selenium [6]. These DOMbased test cases are written manually, which is a tedious process with an incomplete result. On the other hand, many automated testing techniques [13, 19, 28, 31] are...
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...[C]Skyll dig sj?lv, inget h?n[G]der h?r Men det g?[Am]r ingenting, om dina h?nder ?r h?[F]r [C]Och skyll dig sj?lv, f?r folk vill g?rna l?ra k?n[G]na dig Men ne[Am]j!, f?r jag har inte se[F]tt n?n som dig, ?n Vi ?r f?r[C]lorare Vi tv[G]? Sen vi var sju[Am]tton ?[F]r Och dom s?ger: Bl[C]a, bla, bla, bla - du fattar ingen[G]ting Och du svarar: Ch[Am]a, cha, cha, cha - ni f?r mig vart ni vi[F]ll Och dom s?ger: Bl[C]a, bla, bla, bla - du fattar ingen[G]ting Och du svarar: Ch[Am]a, cha, cha, cha - dom f?r dig vart dom vi[F]ll Vi ?r f?r[C]lorare (skyll dig sj?lv) Vi tv[G]? (inget h?nder h?r) Sen vi var sju[Am]tton, sjutton ?[F]r [C] [G] [Am] [F] Vi ?r f?r[C]lorare Vi tv[G]? Sen vi var sju[Am]tton ?[F]r [C]Skyll dig sj?lv, inget h?n[G]der h?r Men det g?[Am]r ingenting, om dina h?nder ?r h?[F]r [C]Och skyll dig sj?lv, f?r folk vill g?rna l?ra k?n[G]na dig Men ne[Am]j!, f?r jag har inte se[F]tt n?n som dig, ?n Vi ?r f?r[C]lorare Vi tv[G]? Sen vi var sju[Am]tton ?[F]r ...
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...Tutorial: XML programming in Java Doug Tidwell Cyber Evangelist, developerWorks XML Team September 1999 About this tutorial Our first tutorial, “Introduction to XML,” discussed the basics of XML and demonstrated its potential to revolutionize the Web. This tutorial shows you how to use an XML parser and other tools to create, process, and manipulate XML documents. Best of all, every tool discussed here is freely available at IBM’s alphaWorks site (www.alphaworks.ibm.com) and other places on the Web. About the author Doug Tidwell is a Senior Programmer at IBM. He has well over a seventh of a century of programming experience and has been working with XML-like applications for several years. His job as a Cyber Evangelist is basically to look busy, and to help customers evaluate and implement XML technology. Using a specially designed pair of zircon-encrusted tweezers, he holds a Masters Degree in Computer Science from Vanderbilt University and a Bachelors Degree in English from the University of Georgia. 1 Section 1 – Introduction Tutorial – XML Programming in Java Section 1 – Introduction About this tutorial Our previous tutorial discussed the basics of XML and demonstrated its potential to revolutionize the Web. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss how to use an XML parser to: • • • Process an XML document Create an XML document Manipulate an XML document We’ll also talk about some useful, lesser-known features of XML parsers. Best of all, every tool discussed here is freely...
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...Snapdragons red dominant to white heteroz pink. Green leaves dom to purple. Pink purple x pink heteroz what would be pink purple? ¼ Tomatoes red dom to white dark green incompletely dom to light green fruit and leaf color loci not linked. Red tomato medium green leaves x white tomato and out of progeny 100 plants two white. Plant then crossed to dithered. What fraction of progeny have white fruit and leaves not dark green? 3/16 Ferrets sing. Rec allele g sing G snort. Incompletely dominant alleles for dark rown and blond are also found in the species. Two loci segregate independently of each other. Singing light brown ferrets mate with snorting dark brown with singing mothers (gg Brbr x Gg BrBr. Expected phenotypic ratio? 9/16 sidabr:3/16silibr:3/16sndabr:1/16 snlibr Lucy int in butterflies X vulgaris. Rip rec lethal to relative to the wild type allele. Esp phen ratio of cross btw X vulgaris gen +rip X +rip if the alleles segregate independently? 3:1 Spotted rabbit x with a solid colored rabbit produced all spotted offspring. F1 generation rabbits x among themselves, they produced 32 spotted and 10 solid. What were the gen of F1? SS x ss Horses black dependant upon dom gene B chesnut upon rec b. trotting gait due to dom gene T pacing gait to rec allele t. Homozygous black pacer x chesnut trotter what is appearance of F1? Black trotters Located on X chrom of a cat is a gene that codes for deafness. This gene rec. Fem cat heteroz for deafness x male not deaf....
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...guarantee that malicious code are not downloaded by users. Reflected: mostly on output sanitation, make sure that website doesn't reveal any user input. Besides, input validation is also important to reject malicious inputs. B) Input sanitation is used to validate user inputs, all user inputs must be checked before execution or stored in database. Output sanitation is used to detect and reject malicious code from being downloaded by users or user information being revealed. 5. PK system is too costly and complicated to use. It is much more efficient (in terms of time and space) to use it to exchange symmetric key secretly. 6. A) (C, {P}) !dom (C,{R}) so Jill can’t read the document. (C, {R}) !dom (C,{P}) so Jill can’t write the document. B) (T, {Q, P}) !dom (S,{R,P}) so Paul can’t read the document. (S, {R, P}) !dom (S,{Q,P}) so Paul can’t write the document. 7. Complete mediation. Access to the signal tower must be checked for authority. 第二个不确定 Least common mechanism. Base station is a common mechanism to connect to the mobile network, it must but trustworthy, otherwise others are affected. 8. Since it says that multiple sessions can open at the same time. Harry can any how send a possible nonce to Bob at first, then Bob will reply his nonce with the encrypted version of Harry’s nonce. Then Harry can open a new connection with Bob and use the nonce Bob returned to him as his nonce, then Bob...
Words: 453 - Pages: 2
...“mental health” or “learning disability”) and (NVQ4 or “NVQ 4” or “NVQ level 4” or “NVQ IV” or NVQ3 or “NVQ 3” or “NVQ level 3” or “NVQ III” or QCF4 or “QCF 4” or “QCF level 4” or “QCF IV” or QCF3 or “QCF 3” or “QCF level 3” or “QCF III” or “Registered manager award” or RMA) (“care manager” or “home manager” or “registered manager” or “branch manager” or “home care manager” or “service manager” or “domiciliary manager” or “dom manager”) and (domiciliary or “dom care” or “homecare” or “home care” or “care agency” or “community care”) and (NVQ4 or “NVQ 4” or “NVQ level 4” or “NVQ IV” or NVQ5 or “NVQ 5” or “NVQ level 5” or “NVQ V” or QCF4 or “QCF 4” or “QCF level 4” or “QCF IV” or QCF5 or “QCF 5” or “QCF level 5” or “QCF V” or “Registered manager award” or RMA) (“live in carer” or “live in manager” or “live-in manager” or “registered manager” or “care manager” or “community manager”) and NVQ “Kitchen Assistant” and (“health care” or “extra care” or “scheme care” or “assisted living” or “supported living”) (Developer or programmer or “software engineer”) and C# and “.NET” and MVC (“security advisor” or “security consultant”) and process ("unit manager" or "process manager" or manager or...
Words: 2489 - Pages: 10
...SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM IT 238 COMPLETE CLASS IT 238 Week 1 CheckPoint # 2: Project 2–8 IT 238 Week 1 DQs IT 238 Week 2 Assignment: Case Project 3–1 IT 238 Week 3 CheckPoint: JavaScript™ Code for Error Handling- Appendix C IT 238 Week 3 DQs IT 238 Week 4 CheckPoint: JavaScript™ Objects- Appendix D IT 238 Week 4 Assignment: DOM IT 238 Week 5 Assignment: Case Project 5–3 IT 238 Week 5 DQs IT 238 Week 6 CheckPoint: Project 6–3 IT 238 Week 6 Assignment: Project 7–3 IT 238 Week 7 DQs IT 238 Week 7 CheckPoint: Final Project Design Document- Appendix B IT 238 Week 8 CheckPoint: Java™ Applet IT 238 Week 8 Assignment: Case Project 11–4 IT 238 Capstone Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of IT 238 COMPLETE CLASS in order to ace their studies. IT 238 COMPLETE CLASS To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/it-238-complete-class/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM IT 238 COMPLETE CLASS IT 238 Week 1 CheckPoint # 2: Project 2–8 IT 238 Week 1 DQs IT 238 Week 2 Assignment: Case Project 3–1 IT 238 Week 3 CheckPoint: JavaScript™ Code for Error Handling- Appendix C IT 238 Week 3 DQs IT 238 Week 4 CheckPoint: JavaScript™ Objects- Appendix D IT 238 Week 4 Assignment: DOM IT 238 Week 5 Assignment: Case Project 5–3 IT 238 Week 5 DQs IT 238 Week 6 CheckPoint: Project 6–3 IT 238 Week 6 Assignment: Project 7–3 IT 238 Week 7 DQs IT 238 Week 7 CheckPoint: Final Project Design Document- Appendix...
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...An Effective Keyword Extraction Method for Videos in Web Pages by Analyzing their Layout Structures Jongwon Lee Chungkang College 162 Chungkang-ro Majang-myun Ichon-si, Gyunggi-do 467-744, Korea Abstract- This paper proposes an effective keyword extraction method for the Web videos by analyzing the structure of the Web pages. The proposed scheme calculates the relative importance (or weights) of the text blocks to a video by analyzing the distances of the text blocks to the video. This distance, called the layout distance, indicates a degree of relevance of text block to video, and could be estimated by analyzing the layout structure of Web pages. Since the Web pages with several videos such as Web pages posting UCC videos have a special layout structure, this layout analysis helps to precisely estimate the relevance of text block to the video. This weight of text block is used to compute the final weights of keywords extracted from that text block by analyzing their HTML tags and other well-known techniques such as TF/IDF. Some experiments with 1,087 Web pages that have total 2,462 videos show that the precision of the proposed extraction scheme is 17% higher than ImageRover[1]. Giseok Choi, Juyeon Jang, and Jongho Nang Sogang University 1 Sinsu-dong Mapo-gu, Seoul 121-742, Korea weights are inverse proportional to the layout distances to the video, however, they are adjusted by reflecting the structural characteristics of Web pages with videos. After assigning the weights...
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...Lab13: *Evolution: change in allele frequencies in a population over time * The population does not occur if: A. The breeding population is large. The effect of a change in allele frequencies is reduced. B. Mating is random. Organisms show no mating preference for a particular genotype. C. There is no net mutation of the alleles. D. There is no migration or emigration of organisms. E. There is no natural selection. Every organism has an equal chance for passing on their genotypes. Dom allele (A)= p Rec allele (a)=q P+q=1 If no evolution there are expected: + freq of dom (AA)= p x p =P2 +freq of rec (aa)= q x q= q2 +freq of heterozygote (Aa or aA) = 2pq p2 + 2pq +q2 = 1 Ex1: If 98 out of 200 in a population express a recessive phenotype, what % of the population will be homozygous dominant? Q2 = 98/200 = 0.49 Q= 0.7 P+q=1 => p=0.3 => p2 = 0.09=9% Ex2: Brown hair (B) is dom to blond hair (b). If there are 168 with brown hair in a population of 200. What is the predicted freq of heterozygotes? P2 + 2pq = 168/200 P2 +2pq = 0.84 P2 +2pq + q2 =1 => q= 0.4 2pq =? 1-q= 1-o.4=0.6p => 2 x 0.4 x 0.6 = 0.48=> 48% Lab 12 GTE: + glucose: creates isotonic environment + Tris: pH buffer ( pH=8) ideal pH for DNA not RNA + EDTA: binds divalent cations inhibits Dnase: requires cations factor +SDS: denatures proteins ( irreversible) dissolves membranes +NAOH: degrades cell wall, denatures DNA ( reversibly) ...
Words: 471 - Pages: 2
...You’veou’vegiv Thoughliv rulesby seethe œ broughtto broughtto œ hasbeen hasbeen beenbrought beenbrought ## &# œ œ œ J fillthe fillthe theearth. theearth. earth.fill earth.F ‰ tobirth; tobirth; Chorus(See œ Forornow GD AE œ œ œ œ œ va- -tion tionand andking king- -dom domand andmight. EmmAm F♯ mB & ### Lm ˙™ place.W AmD BmmE œ Weepray: -cree. -seen. cree.The seen.The œ œ Thetress, TheKing œ œ™ SalDD EE j œ œ™ œ™ TheKing œ passSal GD AE œ willKing willfill ˙™ topass DG EA œ GA AC œ J havecome cometo ˙™ œ ru- -ler ler- -ship shipwill ru- -ler ler- -ship shipwill DG EA might.The œ DB EG Hisru Hisru j œ nowhave œ toyour yourknow ofdis dis- -Son; ˙™ deun- birth;His birth;His œ™ œ thethrone throneto intimes timesof œ j ‰ œ GD AE œ DE EAm byyour yourde thethings thingsun œ Lm œ giv- -en enthe liv- -ing ingin œ AmD BmmE œ œ GD AE j œ œ™ Heerules Weesee Son;H tress,W ## &# œ œ œ œ œ AndThe Weeal BmmF C♯ mD Lm youwill thiswill CG DA been,And short;W EmmB F♯ mC œ ## & # n˙ ™ King- -dom domhas King- -dom domhas ˙™ havebeen, isshort; al- -ways wayshave Dev- -il ilis AmG BmmA œ œ œ GE AF DmmAm EmmB ## &# œ GA AE KingD77G E77A -dom domis isin -va œ J inplace. GF A œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙™136 pray:“Let “Letit itcome, come,Let Letit itcome!” come!”snsmn snsmnw-E-ENo. No.136 1369/14 9/14© w ˘2014 2014W WatcatchhT TowowererBible Bibleand andT TractractS So oc cietyof ofPenns PennsylylvvaniaaniaC...
Words: 1339 - Pages: 6
...word count (sys, os, path) (python sqlite) print Google (phrase, domain, use reader to follow tech blogs) 2 ( Vim / Emacs / Notepad++ Source Insight ( ctag) Cool IDE) / / 3 Unix/Linux Shell windows man ls/chmod/chown/rm/find/ln/cat/mount/mkdir/tar/gzip … sed/awk/grep/tail/less/more … ps/top/lsof/netstat/kill/tcpdump/iptables/dd… /etc /var/log /proc linux vmware player Ubuntu 1 6 9/6/13 1:36 PM - -[ ] http://blog.renren.com/blog/73603/740437492 /Linux 4 Web Web HTML CSS HTML Firefox + Firebug Javascript HTML DOM Firefox + Firebug Apache PHP PHP PHP chrome Nginx HTML MySQL MySQL SQL http://www.stanford.edu/~ouster/cgi-bin/cs142-fall10/index.php ) javascript HTTP: The Definite Guide browsers) Cookie/Session jQuery 4 3-5 ExtJS + Ajax ( +JSON (proxy, gateway, Javascript box model chrome DOM http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596527402) HTML/CSS/JS) + WEB (LAMP) W3School 1 C C C C Unix/Linux fork/wait/waitpid signal/kill/raise/alarm/pause/sigprocmask gcc gdb makefile IPC Socket Windows SDK Windows WinMain/WinProcedure Windows SDK MSDN SDK GUI 2 Java Java Java JDK Java IDE Eclipse Tomcat JSP Servlet 3 Web HTML5 Web HTTP Server Web Web HTML5 canvas Web Web 4 SVN JUnit Git Java rewrite Nginx Cache Web SQL JS...
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...Educational Technology & Society 5 (4) 2002 ISSN 1436-4522 EM2: An Environment for Editing and Management of Educational Metadata Demetrios Sampson Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) Centre for Research and Technology – Hellas (CE.R.T.H.) 42, Arkadias Street, Athens, GR-15234 Greece Tel: +30-10-6839916/17 Fax: +30-10-6839917 sampson@iti.gr http://www.iti.gr Vicky Papaioannou Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) Centre for Research and Technology – Hellas (CE.R.T.H.) 42, Arkadias Street, Athens, GR-15234 Greece Tel: +30-10-6839916/17 Fax: +30-10-6839917 vickyp@iti.gr http://www.iti.gr Panayiota Karadimitriou Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) Centre for Research and Technology – Hellas (CE.R.T.H.) 42, Arkadias Street, Athens, GR-15234 Greece Tel: +30-10-6839916/17 Fax: +30-10-6839917 karadim@iti.gr http://www.iti.gr ABSTRACT Educational metadata are attracting increasing attention, since they can facilitate the description, indexing, searching and retrieving on-line learning objects and educational resources. This paper describes the difficulties raised in retrieving educational resources from the Web, and discusses the current state-of-the-art in educational metadata technologies and the advantages of their use. The most popular software tools for editing and/or managing XML metadata files are presented, and their limitations in the e-learning context are discussed. The paper outlines the design considerations...
Words: 7478 - Pages: 30
...Interested in learning more about security? SANS Institute InfoSec Reading Room This paper is from the SANS Institute Reading Room site. Reposting is not permitted without express written permission. Analyzing Man-in-the-Browser (MITB) Attacks The Matrix is real and living inside your browser. How do you ask? In the form of malware that is targeting your financial institutions. Though, the machines creating this malware do not have to target the institution, rather your Internet browser. By changing what you see in the browser, the attackers now have the ability to steal any information that you enter and display whatever they choose. This has become known as the Man-in-the-Browser (MITB) attack. AD Copyright SANS Institute Author Retains Full Rights Analyzing Man in the Browser Attacks | 1 Analyzing Man-in-the-Browser (MITB) Attacks GIAC (GCFA) Gold Certification Author: Chris Cain, cicain08@gmail.com Advisor: Dominicus Adriyanto Accepted: December 22nd 2014 Abstract The Matrix is real and living inside your browser. How do you ask? In the form of malware that is targeting your financial institutions. Though, the machines creating this malware don’t have to target the institution, rather your Internet browser. By changing what you see in the browser, the attackers now have the ability to steal any information that you enter and display whatever they choose. This has become known as the Man-in-the-Browser (MITB) attack. No one is safe from ...
Words: 5973 - Pages: 24
...Library of Congress Control Number: 2008940527 Printed and bound in the United States of America. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 QWT 4 3 2 1 0 9 Distributed in Canada by H.B. Fenn and Company Ltd. A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Microsoft Press books are available through booksellers and distributors worldwide. For further infor mation about international editions, contact your local Microsoft Corporation office or contact Microsoft Press International directly at fax (425) 936-7329. Visit our Web site at www.microsoft.com/mspress. Send comments to msinput@microsoft.com. Microsoft, Microsoft Press, ActiveX, Expression, IntelliSense, Internet Explorer, MS, MSDN, Natural, Silverlight, SQL Server, Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual InterDev, Visual Studio, Windows, Windows Media, Windows Server and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. The example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place, or event is intended or should be inferred. This book expresses the author’s views and opinions. The information contained in this book is provided without...
Words: 91822 - Pages: 368
...înlăturarea a bugurilor din HTML 4.0. XHTML 1.0 reformulare a lui HTML 4.01 în XML. XHTML 1.0 a devenit o Recomandare W3C pe 20. Ianuarie 2000. HTML 5 devine public la data de 22 ianuarie 2008, cand W3C a publicat un proiect de lucru pentru HTML 5. HTML 5 imbunatateste interoperabilitatea, şi reduce costurile de dezvoltare, prin norme precise privind modul în care să se ocupe de toate elementele HTML, si de a recupera/trarata/evita erori. Unele dintre noile caracteristici din HTML 5 sunt funcţii pentru încorporarea audio, video, grafica, stocarea datelor pe parte de client, precum şi documente interactive. HTML 5 conţine, de asemenea, elemente noi, cum ar , , , şi . Obs: HTML5 nu este încă o recomandare W3C HTML5 1. se bazeaza pe HTML, CSS, DOM, şi JavaScript 2. reduce nevoia de...
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