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Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking

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Review of Literature “Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking: Assessing and Reducing Risk” is an article written by Karen Countryman-Roswurm that explores various factors and circumstances which put children and teenagers at risk to be victims of sex trafficking. Up to millions of minors fall into the hands of traffickers every year in the United States. Two issues exist in the discussion of the problem of sex trafficking of minors in the United States. The first issue is that not all professionals agree on the definition of sex trafficking, and not all professionals can agree if those who have been trafficked are criminals or victims. The second issue is that it can be difficult to obtain accurate data on the problem of sex trafficking because many …show more content…
Websites such as and are incredibly popular as a means for traffickers to advertise their victims, and law enforcement has become aware of that. While many traffickers have been caught because of their online posts, many others have found new ways to disguise their activity or new strategies for their criminal business in order to evade the police. This issue is called displacement. The article then explains the trafficker’s motivation of financial gain which makes it worth the risk of running an illegal business. A victim of trafficking can be sold multiple times for a high price every day, and the FBI estimates a trafficker’s yearly income is $9.5 billion. Further, traffickers do not feel threatened by the law. Oftentimes, sex trafficking is not identified even if a victim is identified. Many cases are simply treated as rape or prostitution. Also, a legal professional will not claim a situation to be trafficking if they do not feel they have enough evidence to win such a high offense case. These instances can only occur if a victim reports their case at all, which often does not happen. If a case does happen to be reported and treated as a sex trafficking case, penalties are typically minimal. Returning to the issue of displacement, this article explains how advertising something which is not actually illegal, secret codes, and non-internet means of advertising are all tactics traffickers have developed to avoid being caught. Also, perpetrator displacement explains the instance when one trafficker is arrested, but because of the high demand and opportunity for financial gain, a

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