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Sex Trafficking In The United States

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Sex trafficking as defined by the United States government is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purposes of a commercial sex act. A cameral sexual act is any act in which anything of value is given or received by any person. Sex trafficking is an issue that is mostly kept in the dark. It falls under the umbrella of human trafficking, which is the trade of humans, most commonly for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labor, or the extraction of organs and tissues, including surrogacy and ovary removal. Sex trafficking is an underground business where children and women are the products being sold.
Numerous documentaries show that sex trafficking is a growing exploitative business. Day after …show more content…
The Center will achieve greater integration and overall effectiveness in the U.S. Government's enforcement and other response efforts, and work with other governments to address the separate but related issues of alien smuggling, trafficking in persons, and criminal support of clandestine terrorist travel. Migrant smuggling, clandestine terrorist travel and trafficking in persons are transnational issues that threaten national security. The Center provides a mechanism to bring together federal agency representatives from the police, law enforcement, intelligence, and diplomatic areas to work together on a full time basis to achieve increased effectiveness, and to covert intelligence into effective law enforcement and other action. Often, human smuggling is conducted in order to obtain a financial or other material benefit for the smuggler, although the financial gain or material benefit are not necessarily elements of the crime. Smuggled persons may become victims of other crimes. In addition to being subjected to unsafe conditions on the smuggling journeys, smuggled aliens may be subjected to physical and sexual violence. Frequently, at the end of the journey, smuggled aliens are held hostage until their debt is paid off by family members or others. It is also possible that a person being smuggled may at any point become a trafficking

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